HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 714: How do you choose strength and ethnicity?

In fact, everyone is very curious about the origin.

Even an ordinary person who has nothing to do with the magical world would want to know how he came from.

The answer to this kind of question, if it is simple sophistry, of course comes from the parents, but it is easy to fall into another question. How did the parents come from?

Tracing the origin is not as fast as tracing the essence of one's blood, because it is easy for the legendary wizard to push the blood back to its essence. After all, no one knows their ancestors after so long time has passed. What kind of existence is it?

And the nature of the entire world, to be honest, is not that difficult to understand.

Especially if there is a record.

"According to the content found by Sai Li on the Huaxia side, the chronology of the era mainly lies in the Qin Dynasty. Most of the records have been erased, and only a small part of the content has been left with the inheritance of the family."

Jon slowly said: "And all the content that has been handed down basically points to some directions, such as the existence of ethnic groups... But it seems that in Huaxia's classics, the concept of ethnic groups for humans only exists in China."

"It's normal. Whether it is Huaxia or here, it is actually the same. If there are also classics here, the concept of ethnic groups for Humans will definitely only be limited to this."

This is nothing more than the identity of most ethnic groups. If purity is to be really emphasized, there is no true pure ethnic group in this world.

In other words, as long as it is in human form, there is no pure ethnic group.

"According to the concept of evolution, or from the perspective of ethnic groups, in the era when magic is popular, a large number of non-human ethnic groups transform themselves into human forms. In the process of transformation, they broke through the isolation of the population. Able to mix blood with humans. After the decline of magic, there are also a large number of magical creatures with special abilities that transform themselves into human forms, and then exist in human society. Purely speaking, people here are more At least they are all transformed from animals. Our skin color, eyes, and some features are strong evidence, but it doesn't seem to be important now."

"Blood purification is a natural instinct of living creatures. It is especially strong in the process of reproduction," Grindelwald knocked the last engraving of magic into the crystal plate in front of him, and said calmly: " After so many years of pedigree purification, quite a number of people must have lost their pedigrees inherited from animals. Of course, people with magical abilities may preserve their animal pedigrees compared to more people, because This is a special part. Strengthening this special part helps to strengthen their abilities, because the part of animals that can evolve themselves from animal bodies into humans is relatively top-notch from any point of view. , So their blood has a very powerful force.

After all, for the entire world, the existence of magic does not care what form you are, nor does it care what bloodline you are, it only cares about your suitability. "

Magic elements are a kind of very fair thing, because the existence of this kind of thing does not have strong self-awareness by nature. They are more like a kind of microbe, which acquires a special characteristic while being pure material. This kind of creature is more high-dimensional, and it may not have much wisdom.

Although their instincts have crushed many low-dimensional creatures.

When chatting with Grindelwald, even if it does not involve some professional fields, it will make people feel very comfortable.

Because Grindelwald and the others at this level have a very high level of seeing things, they can find some points that ordinary people can't find to conduct targeted discussions.

And Grindelwald had discussed this with Jon before.

Just before, when Jon was practicing the magic of Animagus.

When they reach their position, they will have guesses and confirmations about these things. The question is whether they are willing to discuss or conduct research on these contents.

In fact, most people are reluctant to think about these aspects in this situation, because they are already very busy.

The reason why Grindelwald has this state of thinking is because he has been in the tower for decades, so he has a lot of time to think and explore.

Like Dumbledore, he doesn't have so much space and effort to do this.

"It makes sense. It is a very wise choice to strengthen the strongest part of yourself. As for blood lineage, humans don’t seem to care much about this. I remember that many people feel proud that they have a certain biological lineage. The biological lineage itself has Diversity, and at this time facing a strong lineage and an ordinary lineage, this choice is made by anyone."

One pedigree can better adapt to the existence of magical elements. UU read www.uukanshu.com while another pedigree is ordinary. Even a fool will use instinct to choose a strong pedigree, even though this pedigree is not Pure human race.

In the face of power, the ethnic group seems very boring.

"However, even if we figure out the source, we have no way to use it for the time being."

"Why can't it be used? It's just that you didn't think of a way."

Grindelwald patted the crystal plate. Above the crystal plate, a void light screen evolved by refraction. This light screen was not much different from the one used when Helga taught Jon back then, and In terms of technology alone, it has far surpassed current technology.

What appeared on the light screen was Grindelwald's thinking.

This is a transformation of memory magic, another use of the Pendant Basin.

Read the real-time memory of wizards or ordinary people through the engraving of the magic circle. As long as the mind is stable, a stable picture can be projected on it.

This kind of thinking was of course Grindelwald's idea. After all, when he was working on this, Jon still had part of his mind that was not used on it.

The picture that came out on the light screen was two creatures, one side of human race and the other side thunderbird.

"Assuming that the thunderbird is a magical animal, they come up to have a close fusion with thunder. This fusion is beyond the vast majority of living things. The magical elements are transformed through their bodies to make them compatible with electromagnetic waves. Great improvement has been produced, and at this time, a human race with their blood can naturally improve accordingly, and this change is very direct."

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