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Even after being exposed by Grindelwald in person, Jon did not show any sense of shame.

Anyway, they are all their own teachers, and there is no need to be shy.

"Speaking of which, teacher, have you ever been in contact with gods?"

"I haven't seen it, but I have heard that in the deep sea, I can occasionally feel the traces they leave behind, but there is still a huge difference between me and the gods. People don't want to pay attention to me."

"There are so many gods in the world, maybe not every one of them doesn't appear, right?"

"This era is not suitable for gods to appear again. They will be weakened after they come out. They can only exist in the small world. They created the small world. No matter if other gods enter or whatever, their personality is not You will be affected by the mainland, and once you come to the real world for real peace and stability, you will be subject to some restrictions anyway. For those wizards, being restricted is basically the same as being hurt. The times are different. After being hurt, They have no good way to recover as soon as possible, so the best way is not to show up."

"No wonder, but the ancestors have projected power into reality several times before. If the ancestors can do it, there is no reason why other gods can't do it."

"They can indeed do it, but it is very laborious. Senior Helga was able to project power into the real world by trick. She herself has a very good relationship with the consciousness in the deep sea, and that At that time, she was not a pure god. As a demigod, her power was only surpassed by a legendary wizard like me, but she was still far from the gods. She wanted to transfer power to the real world. Easy but definitely not difficult."

The two people chatted with each other. In fact, this matter can't be said to be very important, so it can be considered as a way to pass the time.

Whether the gods can interfere with the real world is almost a question that does not need to be considered. What they are doing now is to promote the power of the whole world to rise, and once the power of the world rises, the gods can naturally reappear here. In the world.

The reason why Grindelwald was so enthusiastic to help this matter was also because he wanted to be a god.

As long as the power of the world returns to its peak, he can become a **** in the normal way, without the need for as much effort as Helga.

Even if he can replicate Helga's success, where can he find a resurrected **** system?

It takes thousands of years to wait for an ancient Egyptian **** system to exist.

Moreover, the ancient Egyptian gods were only due to the wrong time of resurrection. If they could wait until the world power became stronger, no one would stop them from resurrecting.

Ah, not right.

Apart from world consciousness, no one else will stop them.

The reason why the world consciousness will target them is mainly because they have already failed, and the existences eliminated from this world should not come back.

"After all, the universe is so big? Just pick a different world to go to." Since the contact with Helga, Grindelwald has some understanding of things outside the world, let alone his situation. , It should have long been clear that this world is not a single existence-legendary wizards can interact with the deep blue sea, after all, they are also part of the guardian power of this world.

"It’s not so easy to go to other worlds. The world that was born does not want to see them. Naturally, other worlds do not want them to mix things. They look down on the weak world, and they enter the strong world. If you don’t go, gods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. They are not the kind of gods who can transcend the shackles of the world, and can only return to their own world."

Moreover, if it were not for the resurrection of the ancient Egyptian gods, Jon wanted to reach his current strength, and Helga wanted to become a god, he would not have to wait until when.

The efforts of the ancient Egyptian gods made them wedding dresses. In fact, it is no wonder that others have committed the taboo. Jon and Helga just happened to be in harmony with the will of the world, and they are in such a declining situation in the world. Next, there is no reason why other people can use it.

——Perhaps there is a deeper reason, but Jon doesn’t know it anymore.

The two of them just used these topics to talk for a while.

After all, not talking while working is really too much.

"By the way, what happened to the pedigree evolution study that I heard you and Celie studied before? Are there any new results?"

"There are no new results. It is just a simplification of the bloodline purification potion. Teacher, you can also use it, but it seems to be useless for the legendary wizard level.

The most important thing is that they don’t have the materials in their hands. Helga made a simplified formula personally, but there are some precious materials that have to be waited. After all, once potions and herbs are involved, the growth of plants will take time. The year is wrong. There is no way to improve the potency of the medicine.

"I don't need this thing. Bloodline purification itself is a side effect of improving my strength. To what extent my own bloodline has been improved, I know in my heart that my strength has been improved to the point where my bloodline is already very pure. Nowhere to go."

Grindelwald sighed and asked again.

"Didn't you two have a theory? Didn't you two talk about this when you met not long Teacher, you know?"

"You two borrowed the power of the deep blue sea to do the projection. I am also the person who left a mark in the deep sea. Of course I can feel it. Besides, don’t forget that the magic net is created by me, and there are some things. Of course I can feel it."

"Oh," Jon nodded: "In fact, neither of us said anything. We just discussed the origin of contemporary wizards. Teacher, what do you think the origin of wizards would be?"

"I think? The origin of the wizard is probably due to the existence of magical powers appearing in this world, which caused special powers to be injected into the body of creatures. In fact, it is similar to magical animals."

When a legendary wizard is obsessed with research, there are almost no problems that can bother him. What's more, there are times when a problem arises without a reason. If you don't think about it now, you will encounter this problem sooner or later.

To be clear about your own nature is the first step on the road to becoming a god.

"We said the same, except that Celie found some special content in Huaxia's classics."

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