HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 673: to chat with

Grindelwald and Dumbledore obviously had no surprises about Jon's arrival. After all, they were both legendary wizards. They wanted to know the news the first time Jon landed in the castle.

"It's been a long time, two... teachers, how are things done?"

Jon first turned his inquiring gaze to Grindelwald, who nodded, indicating that it was over.

"Now that it's finished, there should be nothing important to do next, teacher, if you have time, why not come and help me."

"Do you want me to help you build that laboratory?"

Jon nodded.

After all, Grindelwald is a very good wizard, aside from his fighting ability, he actually has a very strong talent in research.

If he were there, the process of coming to the experiment would be much faster. Before Dumbledore and him left, less than two years of work would be enough to do a lot of things.

"Anyway, you will leave in the next period of time. Why don't you leave me a little bit more good."

"We just want to go out and travel, not to leave the world directly. What happened to you, we might come back at any time, what do you think it is?"

Grindelwald flicked on Jon's forehead ill-tempered, but obviously Jon could see that he was not angry.

After all, if this situation were to be angry, it would not be Grindelwald.

Not to mention that the two of them have known each other for so long, and there is still a friendship between teachers and students.

"Well, it's about business to call you, stop making trouble."

Dumbledore stopped the joking between the teacher and the apprentice, and led the topic to the laboratory that Jon said.

"Okay, Master Principal, I think you already know the specific content of the laboratory I am going to establish. Hasn't Mr. Weasley already told you about it?"

"Arthur did tell me about this. I called you over this time just to ask you something."

Dumbledore had already suggested that Arthur join Jon's laboratory, and this time he called Jon over. Naturally, he was not against Jon doing these things.

"At this time, it is indeed a bit troublesome to do these things. I received a report some time ago that Voldemort only disappeared for a short period of time after his resurrection, and he began his revenge action. He has killed many and betrayed him back then. People."

"I know this." Jon sat on the chair opposite Dumbledore, propped his chin with one hand: "Because not long ago, my family had just taken in a wizard who was killed by him, how do you say Well, I heard the tragic situation from that little elf's mouth, and he has indeed become more cruel now than before."

"He can't be described as cruel now. I think he may have gone crazy. Now he is like a beast that has just been released from the cage, confirming his sense of existence in the endless killing."

This is a very sad thing, but there is no way.

Voldemort is such a person. He will use this method to prove his existence and show his strength. Although sad, his strength reaches such a point, and the damage caused cannot be explained by the sad word.

Regarding this matter, Jon did not intend to continue to pay attention, because theoretically speaking, the more damage Voldemort caused to the surrounding world, the more beneficial to their plan, and this matter had nothing to do with him. relationship.

"As long as the person he killed is still within our acceptable range, let him go. Those dark wizards should have died long ago. They have lived for these years and died in the hands of their former masters, which is considered retribution."

Anyway, those dark wizards used to be regarded as evildoers, and they died just like this, and it was considered cheap for them.

"In this case, I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic will receive news soon."

"When the Ministry of Magic receives the news, they won't admit it. They just think it's an ordinary vendetta. Even if Voldemort appears in front of them, they will even find a reason for themselves and pretend to be invisible."

Jon was too lazy to complain about the officials of the Ministry of Magic, but in this case, it would be good for their plan. Anyway, the Ministry of Magic also needs a blood exchange.

Since it has to be changed sooner or later, it's better to do it thoroughly, and according to Jon's vision, the Ministry of Magic's existence should be banned after some time.

After all, a country does not need two identical functional departments, but the name should not change very much. It is just relegated from the leader of the magic society to a full-time department.

These things Jon didn't want to bother. After all the dust settled, the politicians in the magical world would naturally solve these things.

When he wanted to start a company, his father said to him that you don’t have to learn how to operate finance at all~www.NovelMTL.com~ you only need to hire people who study finance. So Jon thinks this remark is very philosophical.

"Just how do you solve it?"

Dumbledore obviously didn't know much about Jon's plan, because Jon never told him about it in detail.

"I will talk about this when I think about it. When the time is right, my grandmother will visit some of her old friends."

"Does Carolina agree to help? That's great. If she can help, I don't need to arrange something for you, and you don't have to work hard to meet those people."

"This is natural, so during the next period of time, Mrs. Grindelwald will help my laboratory, and your old man can train Harry Potter with peace of mind."

After simply reaching this consensus with Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Jon does not need to stay here for too long.

Give the mobile castle you brought with you to Grindelwald, and tell Grindelwald how to use it, and then Jon will have nothing to do.

But after he came out of the principal's room, he met Lockhart waiting here in the hallway on the eighth floor.

"Yo roar, Teacher Lockhart, long time no see, waiting for me here specially, is there anything?"

"There is indeed something. During the time I went out with Master Grindelwald, I had a lot of things to ask, and Master Grindelwald said you might know, so let me ask you."

"Ask me? How could I know a lot about him, what's the matter?"

"Well, this is a bit strange to say, but," Lockhart said contortedly. "Have you heard of the name Nagini?"


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