This is a relatively mature path. First, the magic net catalyzes ordinary people to become fake wizards. Although the wizards of this period can use magic, they use the power accumulated by the magic net, and as they use magic more The more they come, the more and more magic power accumulates in their bodies, and a series of changes will be made to their bodies.

Jon had previously determined that for magic, the existence of wizards is a kind of container that allows them to descend from high latitudes to low latitudes. It is no different from other magical creatures. When the wizard is in the matrix, They will be affected by magic power. Once the affinity reaches a certain limit, they will automatically become wizards and attract magic power into their bodies.

This concept was not proposed by Jon, but from the Black Wizard of America.

Those dark wizards tried to use newborn babies to create wizards and use magic to wash the baby's body. Although the death rate in the whole process was extremely high and it was also very cruel, they had to say that their approach was right.

It’s just that they are more impatient than Jon, that’s why they caused such a high mortality rate.

After Jon created the magic net, he can use the magic net to absorb the magic energy floating in the air as a reserve, and then slowly instill it into the wizard body it is connected to. In this way, the problem of affinity can be solved. It is offset. Even if there is not such a high affinity, the magic power can be displayed by the wizards, but it is only with the help of the magic net.

After all, when it comes to affinity, the magic net itself is an extremely magical creation.

Its framework was put forward by Jon according to the integration of many concepts in his mind, and the most important thing is that its collection is at the center, something made by Jon imitating the consciousness of the world.

This is the key point. There is nothing more suitable for the storage of magic power than the deep ocean composed of all the consciousnesses in the world. From some perspectives, the magic net is just a reverse of this process, and first condenses an ignorant one. Consciousness, and then connect the wizard through the network, and finally reach the result of this connection in the reverse direction.

Although the process is a bit cumbersome, the result is good.

After the laboratory is completely completed, he can transfer the magic net to the laboratory.

The consciousness of the magic net can be stored through their modified storage, so that a completely advanced artificial intelligence appears, and this artificial intelligence has no possibility of rebellion, because Jon is the creator and is also more capable than him. Existence is like world consciousness. When a consciousness simply appears, it may be criticized by people, but when this consciousness is already indispensable to the whole world, then no one can point to his existence.

Even if one day Jon has to walk on Helga’s road, become a **** or leave the world, before leaving, he can still hand over the last valve that controls the magic net into the hands of the world consciousness. It is precisely because of this, the world Will never interfered with Jon's creation of the magic net.

This is a relatively reasonable transaction, but there are still some things that have been pre-determined before the transaction.

After handling his family's affairs, Jon will return to Hogwarts to meet Dumbledore.

It hasn’t been long for him to return home, but for Kaledy, Jon’s departure is a very normal thing. Basically, every time Jon comes back, he can’t stay for too long. It’s just a matter of using his family. Temporary place to stay.

But it will be fine after a while.

Kaledy clearly knows how Hogwarts students continue to live after graduation, so he is not worried that Jon will never come back, as long as he waits until Jon graduates from Hogwarts-maybe he can't wait for graduation. , After a while, Jon will completely come back and settle down.

What Caledy thought, Jon didn’t care. He brought the training ground cabin with him when he came back this time. I have to say that Delaire’s magic is really mysterious. The mobile castle he created is very convenient to carry. , And there should be some space principles involved. Although the outside seems to be reduced, the space inside has not changed.

This time I took the cabin back because I wanted to give it to Grindelwald.

His current identity is no longer needed. He lives outside. He can use space magic to return to the Biro Manor anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t waste much time, and even if he wants to live in the dormitory, it’s not a big problem. Dumbledore arranged for him two students in Hogwarts, one has graduated and the other has not yet graduated.

If he doesn't want to stay in the school, he can leave at any time. It doesn't matter if he wants to live in the school.

Simply put, Dumbledore has opened a back door large enough for to let him enter and exit the school recklessly. For him, coming and going are not particularly troublesome, but there is With Dumbledore's help, this matter became easier.

But I think that after Dumbledore’s suspended animation, Grindelwald must travel around with Dumbledore. At that time, a place to take with him becomes very important.

Think of it as a gift from Jon to both of them.

Hogwarts Castle has no blocking power for Jon, especially after the castle’s wits gradually become sober, the control of those forbidden powers has also been correspondingly improved. If the former Jon only has immunity With the right, then Jon can now get in and out like no one's land.

"Oh? Why did you come back suddenly?"

As soon as Jon walked out of the crack in the space, he saw Pippi graffiti on the wall.

It looks like a graffiti, but it is actually drawing a kind of magic circle. According to Pippi, this kind of magic circle can strengthen the castle's wise and sober time. In short, it is good.

"I'm back to meet Dumbledore. Is the principal in the office now?"

"I'm here."

Pippi nodded.

"Grindelwald is also there. If you have an appointment with him in advance, then they should be waiting for you. Go up first. The stone statue in the principal's office is not open today."

The so-called unopened stone statue means that it is not closed, which naturally means that Jon will pass directly after he comes.

Although Jon could also directly use space magic to land in the principal's room at Hogwarts, it would be somewhat disrespectful to Dumbledore.

So he walked to the principal's office and knocked on the door of the principal's office.


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