Old Wang’s clothes softened, and the old party secretary and the village chief were in harmony. The two families finally decided that the old Wang family would pay the widow Wang 20 yuan every year, plus 100 catties of food rations, for ten years in a row. If there is not enough food, money can also be used for food.

After this matter was settled, all the faces of the Lao Wang family were blackened.

Especially Wang Lao Er and his wife, they looked at Xu Dalan like a wolf saw raw meat, so they almost rushed over and tore her apart.

Yun Chang held back a smile and lowered his head.

In fact, after careful calculation, the rations given to Xu Dalan by the old Wang family are really not that much. According to the ration per half a catty, the widow Wang had to eat 15 catties of grain every month. The Wang family only gives 100 catties of rations every year, which is far from enough.

It's just that now is the most difficult period. Almost every household is short of food. It is beyond Yunshang's expectations to be able to pick up so much food from Lao Wang's house.

She is not worried that the old Wang family will starve to death because of debts.

With the selfish and mean "sex" of old man Wang, he will definitely take care of his own belly first, and then he will put together a piece of food for the widow Wang's "wife". Moreover, the rations for the past ten years, the old Wang family estimated that it would take twenty years before they would be given out one after another, or if their hearts were a little darker, they would simply refuse to pay them in a few years.

But these are things in the future, and there will naturally be other solutions at that time.

Yun Chang smiled and walked out of the door of Lao Yun's house, holding the ruler and the sole of her shoes in her arms, feeling extremely comfortable.

Even the mud on the roadside after melting snow doesn't feel annoying anymore.

After entering the village, the village chief and Gu Shinian whispered a few words, and went straight back to the back village without entering the door to drink hot water to rest.

A few people entered the door, Yun Erchuan was making briquettes in the yard with a mold, and Yun Shuilian rolled up his sleeves and started to play.

Seeing the ruler in Yunshang's hand and the cotton bag in Gu Shinian's hand, Yun Shuilian quickly washed her hands and took it over.

"It's alright now, there's cotton, I can make a new padded jacket for Chang'er next day."

"Gu, I want a red padded jacket! Bright!"

Seeing that she was still thinking about the piece of red floral fabric from last time, Yun Shuilian couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, I'll make you a padded jacket with that red floral fabric!"

Yun Chang leaned on the door frame and glanced at the house,

Seeing that the old lady was cooking, she jumped in and hugged the old lady's waist, until the old lady was busy adding fire and pulled her away from her arms, and then she jumped to find Yun Shuilian again.

"Gu, it's almost time to eat, what will your second aunt give Shuanzi?"

Speaking of Li Hongmei, the smile on Yun Shuilian's face faded a little, "What else can I eat, either pickles at Wowotou, or boiled cabbage leaves at Wowotou... At most, I can make a bowl of wheat milk for Shuanzi after meals. Refined."

Yun Chang was lying on the edge of the kang, raised her arms, and held her head with both hands, "Gu, it's not good for Shuanzi to eat wowotou, you have to eat some fine grains to make up for it."

Yun Shuilian raised her head and glanced at the old lady beside the stove, then bent down and said against Yun Chang's ear:

"Shangnan, Shuanzi is raised by your second uncle, keep your grains and eat them slowly, don't always think about Shuanzi. Even if you think about Shuanzi, your second aunt won't accept your love. "You're still scolding you behind your back!

Yun Shuilian recalled that when she went back last night, Shuan Zi rubbed her red and swollen eyes from crying, avoided Li Hongmei, and followed Li Hongmei's words of scolding Yunshang.

Although Shuanzi is still unclear about many words, Yun Shuilian still knows what Li Hongmei has scolded.

Worried about angering the old couple, Yun Shuilian endured her anger and didn't dare to "disclose" the matter.

Hearing Yun Chang thinking about replenishing Shuanzi at this moment, Yun Shuilian felt even more uncomfortable.

Yun Chang didn't miss the annoyed look in Yun Shuilian's eyes, she blinked and asked suddenly, "Aunt, did the second aunt scold me?"

Yun Shuilian was stunned for a moment, then reached out and pinched Yun Chang's face, "You are a genius!"

Yun Chang pouted, "Gu, I'm angry!"

Yun Shuilian held back her laughter, "Then what should I do? How can Chang Nan be relieved?"

"Gu, I want to be greedy for Second Aunt!" Yun Chang sternly assigned Yun Shuilian a task, "The milk steamed white rice for me, and Gu went to deliver it to Shuanzi. Just in front of Second Aunt. Feed Shuanzi to finish eating. Be sure to feed it in front of Second Aunt! Tell Shuanzi, it was saved from my mouth."

Yun Shuilian was dumbfounded, what kind of "operation" is Yun Chang doing?

Knowing that Li Hongmei was scolding her behind her back, why did she send food to Li Hongmei's son?

Are you greedy for Li Hongmei, or are you giving Li Hongmei a favor?

Even if Shuanzi is Yun Shuilian's nephew, she can't help but feel sorry for Yun Chang at this moment.

The "sex" of Changnan... is really too soft.

Yun Chang thought about it for a while, lying in Yun Shuilian's ear and said, "Gu, I will give Shuanzi white rice, so that the second uncle can work harder for me! There are still two thousand catties of coal to be shipped in after two days. If the second uncle quits his job, who will I ask to make briquettes for me?

On the other side of Grandpa and "Milk", I was eating white rice, but Shuanzi was eating at home, and Grandpa and "Milk" couldn't wait to go home. "

What Yun Chang didn't have was that she wanted Yun Shuilian to deliver food to Shuanzi. First, she felt distressed for Shuanzi, and secondly, she deliberately wanted to respond to Li Hongmei.

Then Li Hongmei was scolding her behind her back, how could she make Li Hongmei feel at ease.

Instead of explaining that Yun Erchuan, the father, brought Shuanzi here, he instead asked Yun Shuilian to come forward to give Shuanzi something to eat. Isn't that just to add a block to Li Hongmei's heart.

Once Yun Shuilian took a defensive posture and fed Shuanzi with white rice in front of Li Hongmei, Li Hongmei's awkward "sex" didn't know how much she had to make up for it.

At that time, Li Hongmei will definitely misinterpret Yunshang's "good intentions", thinking that she is deliberately acting for the rest of the Lao Yun family to achieve the purpose of isolating her.

Well, although Yunshang really thinks so, but it can make Li Hongmei suffer from pain, and can't let go of fire, which is still very refreshing.

Yun Shuilian didn't know what the hell Yun Chang was trying to do, but her niece had just such a request, and Yun Shuilian would naturally satisfy it.

At this moment, the old lady had brought Yunshang's rice out of the pot. Yunshang found the lunch box, dug up half a box of rice secretly, and stuffed it with Yun Shuilian, asking her to send it back to Shuanzi.


In the old Yun's house, Li Hongmei had just put the wowotou on the table when Yun Shuilian entered the door with the lunch box in her hand. Seeing Li Hongmei stuffing wowotou into Shuanzi's hand, she immediately went up to the kang with a smile, put the lunchbox in front of Shuanzi, and opened it. cover.

The fragrance of the enticing rice overflowed instantly, and Li Hongmei stared straight at it.

Before she could speak, Yun Shuilian had already stretched out her hand to protect the lunch box, blocking her sight, and said to Shuan Zi with her head down:

"Shuanzi, look, this is the white rice that your sister Yunshang saved you from your mouth. It's much better than Wowotou! Come and try it... My sister also explained that these rice are all yours, don't worry. You can't eat it for anyone else!"

Li Hongmei: "..." Does this other person refer to me? What does she mean, is she afraid that I will grab food from my son?

Yun Shuilian continued without raising her head: "Shuanzi, look, elder sister is so kind to you, you must remember elder sister's kindness and repay her when you grow up!"

Li Hongmei: "..." This is to teach my son to be filial to that bastard?

"Shuanzi, if someone scolds my sister in the future, remember to call her back! Otherwise, I will be sorry for the food that my sister saved you from her mouth!"

Li Hongmei: "..." This is to instigate my son to beat me?

Omg! So angry!

.60 Good Times Reborn

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