How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 120 Watch the fun

Before the old man Wang said anything, the old lady Wang raised her neck and shouted.

"Then let Xu Dalan go to the labor camp! You hurry up and report to the police, and let the police take this mourning star away! Our old Wang family can't afford such a woman!"

Mrs. Wang hated Xu Dalan deeply. If it wasn't for Xu Dalan, her old daughter would not have been mad, and she would not have broken her bones and lay on the kang and couldn't get up.

From Mrs. Wang's point of view, Xu Dalan was a broom star who was destined to be evil, who came to conquer their old Wang family.

Yun Chang looked at Madam Wang's eyes widened in shock because of her anger, and she suspected that if she hadn't been paralyzed on the kang and unable to move, she would have smashed Xu Dalan's head violently...

Xu Dalan was startled by Mrs. Wang's words, and quickly raised her head to look at Mrs. Wang and her man. Seeing that both of them lowered their heads and said nothing, she seemed to have acquiesced to Mrs. Wang's suggestion, and immediately turned pale.

Yun Chang secretly rolled her eyes, thinking that Mrs. Wang and Xu Dalan are really a perfect match. The mother-in-law only knows how to be arrogant, and the daughter-in-law is also a brainless woman. .

She didn't even think about it, even if Mrs. Wang wanted to send her to a labor camp, Mr. Wang couldn't agree.

First of all, whether the old Wang family can lose this face, it is for the four grandchildren of the old Wang family, and the old Wang has to protect Xu Dalan.

I don't know how long Xu Dalan's brain is. She is so stupid. She still wants to learn from the old lady Wang's behavior and go to her aunt's house to play her prestige. She deserves to be tricked!

While complaining about Xu Dalan, Yun Chang raised her hand and "touched" her face, feeling a little proud. A good-looking and smart girl like her is really hard to find!

As Yunshang expected, as soon as Old Man Wang came back to his senses, he refuted Mrs. Wang's words, "What are you talking about! You have sent people to labor camps, so our old Wang's face will look good? There is a labor reformer. Mother, will your four eldest grandchildren marry a "wife" in the future?"

Mrs. Wang's expression froze, and then she patted the kang and cried, "Aiya, what the hell have I done, why did I bring such a bad embryo into the house! She's trying so hard Damn our old king's family..."

"Okay! Stop howling first, and listen to your in-laws!"

In front of all the guests, Old Man Wang was still very embarrassed, so he hurriedly stopped Old Madam Wang from crying.

Yun Chang nestled in Gu Shinian's arms,

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Xu Dalan's quietly relaxed body, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Wouldn't Xu Dalan really think that if Old Man Wang kept her, it would be okay?

Really... idiot!

If the Wang family chooses to keep Xu Dalan, they will have to pay the widow Wang's "wife" with money and food, or take the "wife" of the widow Wang home to raise them. The two brothers of the Wang family share equally. How could the second child of the Wang family have no complaints in their hearts?

Just by looking at the annoyed look on Anna Maeju's face, you can tell that there will be trouble in the future of the old Wang family!

It's a pity that she didn't like the excitement.

Yun Chang pouted regretfully, and turned back to listen to Old Master Yun's request from the old Wang family:

"...Two ways, one is that you don't need to give Wang Guihua a pension for the aunt, your old Wang family will take Wang Guihua back to raise it, and when the two old people are gone, let the eldest, the second, and the four below give Wang Guihua to the end of life. .

The second is that your Lao Wang family compensated Wang Guihua for ten years of chewing, and our Lao Yun family raised the dress. Ten years later, there will also be sixteen in Chang'an, and at that time, Chang'an will give Wang Guihua the care of the elderly..."

Before the old man could finish his words, Mrs. Wang hurriedly said, "We'll keep it! We'll take it back and keep it! Old man, let's take the flower back, and let the flower be in front of us in the future..."

Mrs. Wang's last sentence was addressed to Old Man Wang. When she came out, she wiped the corners of her eyes and started crying.

Old Man Wang's face turned darker, "What are you doing! How can a married girl be brought back!"

Old Madam Wang stared blankly at Old Man Wang, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

What's the matter, old man?

Didn't she always hurt her the most, why did she suddenly speak loudly to her?

Old man Wang felt irritable. If there was an old girl who was mad at home, he would have to have four nephews to take care of him in the future. If this matter spreads out, which girl would dare to enter his house in the future?

Besides, it is the right thing for this generation to be filial and support her in-laws, but I have never seen an aunt who married out of her home take her home for the aged.

The family needs to support one more elder who is insane, just eats and does not work, and is not sure when he will make trouble. Whose girl would be happy?

Mr. Yun ignored the eyebrow-raising lawsuit between the old couple, and then said, "You can take it back and raise it. It's just that Chang Nan doesn't have to give Wang Guihua a pension, and it's not to cut off the mother-daughter relationship. In the future, Chang Nan will come to see it every now and then. , if Wang Guihua goes wrong in your house, Chang Nan can go to the police at any time to report your abuse!"

Yun Chang almost applauded Mr. Yun when he heard it.

With him like this, how could the old Wang family dare to take back the widow of Wang's wife?

When they brought home food and drink, they would not let the widow Wang's "wife" suffer. If there was a little problem, the virtuous daughter would go to the police and sue them.

How could this be picking up my daughter home, this is simply picking up my ancestors home!

Even raising ancestors is not so meticulous!

However, when did Mr. Yun become so eloquent?

Yun Chang looked over curiously, and saw that Mr. Yun secretly glanced at the village chief from time to time, and immediately reacted. It turned out that these words were taught by the old village chief in advance.

This is fun.

Old Man Wang probably didn't expect Old Man Yun to do this, so he subconsciously followed his words to look at Yun Chang, only to see the girl nod her head like pounding garlic, and said crisply, "I don't worry about my mother, anyway, the two villages are far apart. If you get close, I will try to come to see my mother once every three or five!"

Everyone in the Wang family: "..."

The old party secretary could also see it at this moment, the old Yun family had no intention of sending the widow Wang's "wife" back. It seemed that there were two ways to solve the problem, but the old Wang family had only one choice.

That's right, if the old Wang family really wants to bring back the daughter, then the blue brick house under her name will be another trouble.

The people of Lao Wang's family definitely want that house, but the people of Lao Yun's family also want to leave the house to Chang girl, and then the two families will have to fight.

If the old Wang family chooses to lose money and food, the big tiled house will naturally belong to the widow Wang's wife and Yunshang.

No matter how greedy the old Wang family is, there is no excuse to go to the house to occupy the house of the married woman.

What the old party secretary thought of, Old Man Wang also thought of it.

He was determined not to lose money or food, but Mr. Yun made a gesture that he would sue the police if he disagreed, so Mr. Wang really didn't have the courage to challenge the bottom line of the Lao Yun family, so he had to squeeze his nose and swallowed this useless breath. .

Even Mrs. Wang wanted to continue making trouble, but she was stunned by Old Man Wang's sharp eyes.

.60 Good Times Reborn

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