Conan quickly tightened his expression

"Sister Xiaolan came several times, but we always turned her down, telling her that she was taking a shower, she was still sleeping, she had just taken medicine and was lying down."

"She is very good at karate. We were all worried that if she knew, she would tear down a piece of the bed, or even the whole bed, and then send you to the hospital. But your condition is not that serious, so we never told her~"

Conan said with a cute long tail tone, leaning on the bed, staring at Kazama Tsuru and saying these words seriously, and blinking his big blingbling eyes.

Kazama Tsuru: These two people came prepared, and answered so smoothly, it seems that they had thought of the answer long ago.

Igarashi: Conan's performance is good, he should be able to fool Kazama...hiahiahia~

Conan: This reason is very sufficient, you should believe it, right? Igarashi Yang is His childhood friend knew his character very well. Even Igarashi Yang said that he had won, so he must be able to fool him!

Conan thought of the experience of being tricked by Kazama time and time again, and tears of excitement came to his heart.

Whether it was Kazama Tsuru who tricked him directly, or Kazama Tsuru who teamed up with him to trick others, he would be unlucky!!

Conan thought of Ai's weird behavior that lasted for more than an hour, and the flame of revenge rose in his heart.

Now, it's time for me, Edogawa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, to take revenge!!

Kazama Tsuru was stunned, and seemed to think of that scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

His expression relaxed, and he leaned against the bed, full of laziness after sleeping too much.

Kazama Tsuru was stunned for a while, opened his eyes and looked at the two people with a smile.

"Thank you for taking care of me these three days. I didn't expect that I would sleep for so long."

The two people beside the bed also relaxed, as if they were relieved and happy from the bottom of their hearts after confirming that Feng Jianhe was fine.

But in fact, the three people in the room knew that this was indeed joy, but it was the joy after acting successfully.

"It's not a big deal. We took turns guarding it, and it wasn't very hard."

"Yeah yeah"

"By the way, Fengjian, you just woke up, you must be hungry, right? I'll go get some fruit."

Fengjian He stopped Igarashi Yang from getting up.

"No need to bother, Igarashi, please do me a favor first."

Igarashi Yang listened to Fengjian He's words, paused in his action of getting up, and went back to the bed.

"What's wrong, Kazama?"

For some reason, although Kazama Tsuru's expression was the same as usual, Igarashi Yang could see a strong malice in this shallow smile.

"Maybe three days have passed, and the bandage on my arm is too tight. My hand is a little numb. Could you please remove the bandage for me? Logically speaking, after three days, it should have recovered well and no longer need to be bandaged."

Seeing the two people relax, Kazama Tsurugi couldn't help but want to make trouble.

The expressions of Igarashi and Conan were obviously frozen.

They really didn't think of such a delicate place!!

Indeed, according to common sense, it was just a long and thin cut on the arm. Although the wound split and even expanded a little due to poor protection in the middle.

But three days have passed, no matter what, it should have healed, at least it should have scabbed.

But... now is only the second day since Igarashi and Kazama Tsurugi arrived in Izu!! It has only been less than two days since Kazama Tsurugi was injured. How could he heal so quickly in such a short time? What's more, the wound broke open once in the middle.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Jianhe looked at the two people's strange expressions and asked in confusion.

Conan reacted quickly and answered before Igarashi Yang was about to speak.

"We had already changed it once before. When the doctor came in the middle of the procedure, he saw the bandage and helped change it. He also added some medicine on it that seemed to speed up the healing of the wound.……"

Conan seemed a little hesitant when he said this.

He was beginning to get into the mood of acting.

Igarashi Yang quickly understood what Conan meant and continued with the second half of the sentence.

"But we don’t know what the doctor added, so it’s not convenient to remove it now."

He also added

"So, Fengjian, are you really not going to the hospital?"

Fengjian He watched the two people quickly find excuses to smooth things over, and he didn't continue to embarrass them.

He hesitated for a second, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Well... well, let's go to the hospital."

These two guys mentioned going to the hospital so many times, probably there are other arrangements that are worth going to see.

Igarashi Yang immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stood up with a smile.

His tone returned to normal.

"That's good. Oh, come on. You don't like going to the hospital. You even cling to the bed when you sleep. It's really troublesome. I was really scared this time. You looked like a vegetable and I couldn't wake you up! By the way, you must remember to take your medicine on time after this. You can't……"

Blah blah...

It really seems to be true.

Conan also temporarily got out of the weird state of being busy thinking about acting and became a little bit normal.

"When I first saw Kazama, Kazama-nii-san, there was nothing abnormal about his mental state. I saw a hint of white from the cuffs of his sleeves and thought it was the clothes underneath. Later I found out it was a bandage... By the way, Igarashi-nii-san, what do you mean by Kazama-nii-san's loss of pain perception?"

"Just before……"

So Igarashi pulled Conan, and the two chatted in the room, walked around a few times, and quickly packed up various things.

During this time, Kazama Tsuru had been lying quietly on the bed, playing the image of a sleepy sickly person, watching the two people chatting and walking around with a smile.

Igarashi put away his things, walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer and took out his mobile phone.

He saw the falling hair out of the corner of his eye.

Not Conan? He didn't look through my phone?

No, according to his vigilance, it should be easy for him to find the little mechanism of this hair.

I was too careless.

Igarashi took a quick glance, stood up with his bag on his back and his mobile phone, and looked down at Kazama Tsuru who got off the bed with a smile.

"You should be careful. This time you finally went to the hospital by yourself. It seemed that every time before, an ambulance was called to take you there. Fengjian, can you find the way to the hospital?"

Fengjian He looked at the gloating guy next to him speechlessly.

"Let’s not talk about the fact that I have to go home from the hospital, so I definitely know the way. This is not Tokyo, so of course I don’t know the hospitals here.……"

Igarashi Yang listened to what Kazama Tsuru said and also found the problem with his own speech.

(Additional update for"Li Xi v", 3/18)

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