"Kazama, how do you feel?"

Igarashi stared at Kazama Tsuru without blinking. Kazama Tsuru could clearly see the deep fatigue and worry in his eyes.

"Well... I just feel a little dizzy, but otherwise... nothing special"

"Is there really nothing else unusual?"

It was Conan. Conan also looked tired and worried, but his overall performance was much better than Igarashi Yang.

Fengjianhe listened to the two people's strange words and gradually came to his senses.

How could they... be like this? What happened to him?

Fengjianhe did not answer Conan's question immediately, but turned his head and looked around.

The overall layout of the room was still the same as before, but from some small details, it was obvious that it was completely different.

There was already a circle of watermarks left by boiling water next to the teapot. The curtains were drawn tightly, and it could only be seen from the gap that it should be almost evening now. The other bed next to it was very messy, as if the owner had no desire to clean it up. Fengjianhe turned his head and looked at Igarashi and Conan again. These two guys who were usually very noisy were now quietly looking at him by the bed. Fengjianhe gradually had the answer in his mind.

He pulled open the bedside table, took out the mobile phone inside, and turned on the screen.

The time displayed on it was-the third day

"Fengjian, you slept for more than two days.……"

At this point, Igarashi Yang, who usually talks a lot, was a little speechless.

Kazama Tsuru looked at the time blankly. For some reason, he actually felt very hungry, as if he had really experienced three days.

Slept for three days?

Kazama Tsuru gradually calmed down.

By the way...these two guys didn't even take me to the hospital?

"We didn't notice anything wrong at first, but we couldn't wake you up the next morning, so we thought of sending you to the hospital.

Conan began to explain.

"At that time, Lan, well, Xiaolan sister originally wanted to come over and ask you to go out and play, but we kept it a secret and didn't dare let her know. You seemed to be having a nightmare and couldn't be woken up, and you were clinging to the bed tightly."

Igarashi continued

"You can probably guess what happened next. Conan and I called the medical staff, but they didn't find anything unusual. It was as if you were just asleep."

Conan said the next sentence

"Then he simply injected some glucose or something, in order to prevent Xiaolan and Maori from finding out and making them anxious, and it was really useless, Igarashi asked the doctor to go back first. Igarashi continued

"I thought if you didn't wake up in two days, I would force you to go to the hospital, but fortunately, you woke up in the end."

Conan added the last sentence

"So, Brother Fengjian, are you really okay now? By the way, the doctor said at the time that this is probably caused by not taking medication on time for a long time, causing an imbalance of hormones in the body, and then the body's protective mechanism makes the body fall asleep and regulate the body."

Igarashi listened to Conan's words and nodded heavily.

"Fengjian, just in case, you should go to the hospital. You had a problem with your pain perception before. If your body has not recovered yet, you can get treatment earlier."

Kazama Tsuruga watched the two people narrating what happened, and always felt something was strange.

The detectives in this world seemed to really like to tell the truth of the incident in order to show the commonality of the two people's reasoning.

But... why is Igarashi, the black side, joining in the fun?

Kazama Tsuruga looked at Igarashi Yang with strange eyes, and he also blinked strangely.

Where Kazama Tsuruga couldn't see, Igarashi and Conan secretly put their hands together and tapped...

Morse code.

Conan: He, found out?

Igarashi: No, wait.

Morse code uses a long and short method, and each of the 26 letters is different, so as to write the real code in English.

In order to save time, neither of them narrated a complete paragraph, but simply expressed it in words.

Kazama Tsuruga was still thinking about messy things.

I won't complain about the scene these two guys just described. The content of their narration is also weird. Let's not talk about why the two had to hide it from Xiaolan and Uncle Maori, and even persuaded the doctor to leave in order to conceal it. Instead, the two took turns to take care of it for two days.

The strength of holding the bed by myself is really great To the point where so many people, including the doctor, couldn't figure it out? To the point where he had to lie in the middle of a hotel and get an injection?

Kazama Kazuru looked at the back of his hand, and there was no obvious mark on it. If it was an injection a day ago, depending on the level of the doctor, there might not be a mark left.

This cannot be confirmed for the time being. Are

Xiaolan and Uncle Maori really so stupid that Conan and Igarashi Yang have been staying in the room the whole time, and they are still in such an image, but they didn't notice anything wrong?

If it was Uncle Maori, then forget it. This mysterious"confused detective" might really be so confused that he didn't notice anything wrong with the two people.

So, what about Xiaolan? Xiaolan is so careful, but she didn't notice anything wrong for nearly three days?

The biggest flaw revealed by these two people is - their strange behavior before performing this play.

If it were just the above problems, it would not be enough for Kazama Kazuru to suspect that these two guys were going to trick him. At most, he would just ask a few more questions to clarify the situation.

But now, things are very clear.

Conan's words made the purpose of this play of these two people clear.

"The doctor said at the time that this was probably caused by not taking the medicine on time for a long time."

I see~

Feng Jianhe understood.

Then... he turned his attention to the two people beside the bed.

Now is the time to fight back.

"You said, I slept for nearly three days... and Xiaolan never came to see me?"

Fengjianzhe looked at the two of them with a suspicious look. Fengjianzhe did not show his complete trust immediately, because that would let these two not stupid guys know that he had discovered the truth.

Igarashi heard what Fengjianzhe said and secretly poked Conan's hand: win (win)

Conan kept his expression tight, but couldn't help but relax quietly.

When Fengjianzhe saw him like this, he was completely sure that this must be fake.

Conan did inherit his mother Yukiko's acting talent, but his talent is more in calmly deceiving suspects, passers-by, or playing a role after being given a role.

When he needs to be completely improvisational, and his mind is a little flustered, or when facing acquaintances, this guy is easy to show his tail.

Just like when facing Xiaolan, I don't know how many times he almost exposed his identity.

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