The person who appeared in front of people was a mature woman with fair skin and wearing a black suit.

She looked quite ordinary, of course, ordinary compared to Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriends.

If I could give her a rating, it would probably be around 70 or 80 points, after all, his ex-girlfriends were at least 90 points or above.

The woman's face was full of coldness at the moment.

【Name: Lin Yuling】

【Position: Dean of Academic Affairs of Jinghun Middle School】

【Race: Ghost】

【Level: Red Ghost】

【Favorability: 0 (cold, ordinary, she doesn't like humans very much)】

【Hobbies: None】

【Weakness: None]

Lin Yuling is the only one that Jiang Cheng likes and has no weakness.

That means Jiang Cheng can't please her, but she is only at the level of a red-clothed person, so whether he can please her is not important.

"Who is fighting on campus? Come out!"

Lin Yuling's face was particularly bad. Someone had made a serious mistake in their middle school. As the Dean of Academic Affairs, she had to take care of it and kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

"I did it, what's wrong?"

Jiang Cheng admitted boldly. When he walked out of the crowd, many people gave him a thumbs up.

They thought he was a man who dared to admit that he did it.

You know, the weird woman in front of them had a cold face, revealing an extremely dangerous signal.

Most of them were official players who had completed a dungeon, and of course they knew what that meant.

"Good, you have the courage to admit your mistakes."

After discovering that it was a handsome human who did it, the anger on Lin Yuling's face disappeared a lot.

Of course, she still looked at Jiang Cheng with a serious face.

"Our school strictly prohibits fighting, don't you know?" Lin Yuling's tone was still cold.

"I don't know, Director Lin might as well introduce the school rules to us."Jiang Cheng looked calm.

If Lin Yuling wanted to fight, he didn't mind fighting with Lin Yuling. The Dean of Academic Affairs of a middle school was only in red clothes, which meant that the principal of Jinghun Middle School was most likely a demon level.

And now Jiang Cheng could finally recall why Jinghun Middle School was familiar to him. Wasn't Su Yingxue the head teacher of the third grade of Jinghun Middle School?

So Jinghun Middle School was in Tiantang City.

"How do you know my last name is Lin?"

Lin Yuling looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise. She remembered that she had never introduced herself to them.

"I heard Yingxue talk about you."

Jiang Cheng smiled.

Lin Yuling has no likes and weaknesses, but that doesn't mean that Lin Yuling really has no interests or hobbies at all.

She also has emotions.

" mean Su Yingxue, do you know her?"

Jiang Cheng's words surprised Lin Yuling even more. The handsome little human boy in front of her actually knew Su Yingxue.


It turned out that Su Yingxue had told him about her, but Su Yingxue told Jiang Cheng about the people in Jinghun Middle School. Doesn't that mean that Su Yingxue and Jiang Cheng have a good relationship?

"So you are Director Su's man, then I won't bother you today, but remember not to fight on campus in the future."

Lin Yuling thought Jiang Cheng was Su Yingxue's man. After all, Su Yingxue had always had a good reputation on campus. She had never had any scandals with any male teachers, and had never had any strange contact with any men.

If Su Yingxue had a good relationship with a man, it was likely that the man had an unusual relationship with Su Yingxue.

Originally, everyone else thought that Jiang Cheng was finished, but they found that Lin Yuling, with a cold face, began to talk and laugh with Jiang Cheng.

They were a little confused. What happened?

Could it be that Jiang Cheng was too handsome? Yes, they all agreed that Jiang Cheng was really too handsome.

Sure enough, being handsome is useful everywhere.


Qin Yuexuan also thought that something might happen to Jiang Cheng, and she was even a little worried.

As a result, Jiang Cheng and the weird woman started talking and laughing.

"You go down first."

Lin Yuling couldn't help but look at Jiang Cheng twice more. Apart from anything else, Jiang Cheng was really pleasing to the eye!

Su Yingxue's sunshine was really good. No wonder she refused so many male teachers who pursued Su Yingxue.

Those people were really inferior to Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, how did you get along with her?……"

Qin Yuexuan is a little confused now. She must ask the reason clearly, otherwise she will feel itchy.

"Why do you care about those things? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Qin Yuexuan had a cold face all the time, so Jiang Cheng naturally wouldn't show any good face to Qin Yuexuan. After all, Jiang Cheng was a grown man, and Qin Yuexuan had such a bad temper, so why should he care?

He wasn't a licker.

Qin Yuexuan:"……"

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Qin Yuexuan was so angry that her teeth itched, but she couldn't say anything.

"I am not here to tell you the school rules, but to assign you tasks. Three men will clean the hall, three will be security guards at the gate, and the rest will go to the cafeteria."

"Two women will clean the place, and the other five will go to the cafeteria."

"As for you, come with me first!"

Lin Yuling turned her eyes to Jiang Cheng. If Jiang Cheng had any relationship with Su Yingxue, then she would definitely talk to Su Yingxue about what Jiang Cheng was going to do.

She also had a good relationship with Su Yingxue.

"Can't I be a teacher? I'm a Chinese teacher."

One of the boys, who looked a little gentle and wore glasses, raised his hand cautiously.


Lin Yuling turned her eyes to the gentle boy.

"Yes, in the real world, I am a high school Chinese teacher and I graduated from a normal university."

The gentleman said seriously.

"I'm sorry, our middle school needs a spooky teacher who teaches knowledge about the horror world. Are you a spooky teacher?"

Lin Yuling's words disappointed the gentle boy.

"However, if you are a teacher, you can work in the Academic Affairs Office and you can stay here."

"Everyone else, do as I say, and go to work."

Lin Yuling's expression was a little serious.

Qin Yuexuan was assigned a job with the rest of the group, and her job was to clean.

Simple and unpretentious.

She had originally planned to volunteer to work as a security guard, but seeing that the security guards were all older boys, she was too lazy to go.

Anyway, it was her first dungeon, and she just wanted to take a good look at the situation in the dungeon.

But Jiang Cheng actually didn't take her with him. He was such a stinky straight man. Didn't he know that if he just got a little tougher, she would agree?

Didn't Jiang Cheng know that women like tougher guys?

As everyone went to their respective workplaces, only Jiang Cheng, Lin Yuling and the gentle boy were left.

"Director Su is in the office now, why don't you go find her yourself? She will arrange your work for you."

Lin Yuling turned around and looked at Jiang Cheng


As for her, she led the gentle boy to the building behind.

There are eight buildings in total in Jinghun Middle School. The one at the school gate is the office building, and the concave-shaped building behind the playground is the teaching building for three grades.

The other two buildings should be dormitory buildings, and the four-story dome building should be the cafeteria.

He seemed to have not seen Su Yingxue for a while? I don't know if Su Yingxue will...

Su Xiaoxiao, that girl, too.

But Jiang Cheng didn't know which building the senior year was, and he didn't know where Su Yingxue's office was.

Lin Yuling didn't even take him there first.

"Classmate, do you know where the head teacher of the senior year is?"

So Jiang Cheng could only ask the students of Jinghun Middle School for help. He randomly found a strange person who was walking towards the playground.

It should be time for class to end.


A petite figure turned around. It was a cute little girl with furry fox ears.

"What a handsome big brother."

The girl's eyes were red with hearts, and she stared straight at Jiang Cheng.

【Name: Su Yaoyao】

【Identity: Student of Class 32 of Jinghun High School (daughter of the leader of the fox tribe in Tiantang City)】

【Race: Fox Girl】

【Level: Devil Level】

【Favorability: 30 (a rare handsome human, she likes him very much)】

【Hobbies: music, running, food, pranks】

【Weakness: The furry tail is her biggest weakness.]

Furry tail? Jiang Cheng only noticed Su Yaoyao's furry ears, but he really didn't notice her furry tail.

Su Yaoyao is wearing JK now, if she has a furry tail it should be quite obvious.

So the fox tail is not exposed now?

"Hello, could you please take me to see Director Su of the senior class? Her office……"

Jiang Cheng looked at Su Yaoyao staring at him blankly, and he coughed lightly.


Su Yaoyao's face was slightly red. She was actually staring at a boy's face. The handsome man in front of her must have noticed.

"I'll take you there."

Jiang Cheng followed behind Su Yaoyao, but he really didn't notice Su Yaoyao's fox tail.

If Su Yaoyao had a fox tail, Jiang Cheng always felt that she looked a little familiar.

Furry ears, a JK outfit, and her furry ears were golden yellow, and her hair was a bit cool short hair.

It seemed a bit like the skin of a character in a game in his previous life? It really looked a bit like

"What do you want to talk to Director Su about?"

Su Yaoyao was a little curious. A handsome human man actually talked to their grade director.

It is said that many people pursued Director Su, but Director Su always disdained them.

Could it be that the human boy in front of him was Director Su's suitor? Su Yaoyao started to gossip.

"Hello, my name is Su Yaoyao.

Jiang Cheng certainly knew Su Yaoyao's name.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Cheng, I'm looking for Su Yingxue because I'm a player. Jiang Cheng smiled

"So you are a player of that... game? A group of players have already come over."

Su Yaoyao looked curious

"That group of humans... they were pretty rubbish. Only five or six of the twenty people were left."

Jiang Cheng:"……"

While he was chatting with Su Yaoyao, they had already arrived at the office door.

"Director Su's office, she's in there now, go ahead!"

As Jiang Cheng knocked on the door, a crisp voice came from inside.

"Please come in."

The person sitting inside was Su Yingxue, whom Jiang Cheng met in the first dungeon.

"Yingxue, long time no see."

Su Yingxue's face was filled with joy. She actually ran into Jiang Cheng in the Horror Middle School.

"Jiang Cheng?

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