In the next few days, Jiang Cheng stayed in the camp almost all the time, occasionally chatting with Qin Yuexuan.

But Qin Yuexuan had never been very friendly to her, so Jiang Cheng naturally would not make himself bored.

So he kept video chatting with Jiang Qinyu, because their copy time was at the same time.

He had to remind Jiang Qinyu that if Jiang Qinyu and he were not in the same world, she needed to protect herself.

It can only be said that he and Jiang Qinyu were probably not in the same copy, after all, they had completed tasks in the same copy before.

""Hubby, you have to be careful too. My mission seems to be about to begin." Jiang Qinyu was concerned about Jiang Cheng on the video call.

"I will be fine."

He has a lot of ghost coins in his hand now. He is a high-level red-clothed man, and he has an unspeakable ghost weapon. He also got the Frost Blood Mirror. Now ordinary evil-level people can't beat him.

What can happen to him?

On the contrary, it was Jiang Qinyu. But he gave Jiang Qinyu a lot of ghost coins. As long as Jiang Qinyu used it properly, there shouldn't be too much danger.

"Qinyu, put your own safety first. The last person you should trust is the human being with you, understand?"

Before Jiang Qinyu started the dungeon, Jiang Cheng reminded her again and again. He didn't want Jiang Qinyu to get into trouble.


Jiang Qinyu nodded, but then Jiang Qinyu began to blur in his eyes. As the phone fell on the bed, he knew that Jiang Qinyu had started the copy.

And Jiang Cheng was motionless now, which meant that he and Jiang Qinyu were indeed not in the same copy.

"Tongzi, didn't you say that the Gray Fog World merged with the Earth? Why is the Gray Fog World merging with the Blue Water Planet now?"

【Host, how did this system know those things? It is likely that the four worlds are about to be completely integrated.】

"The Gray Fog World should also have a game that corresponds to the Horror Game, right?"

In theory, the Horror Game was created to merge the Blue Water Planet with the Horror World, in order to balance the two worlds.

So the Gray Fog World, which was created by the same creator as the Horror World, is likely to have a game that is equivalent to the Horror Game.

【There is a game called Mist in the Gray Mist World, and the creator of the horror game is Him.】

"Mist game?"

At the same time, in another place in the camp

"Uncle Wang, I think I'm about to start my first mission."

Qin Yuexuan found that the countdown seemed to have begun. She was about to participate in the first horror game copy and enter it.

Qin Yuexuan was not afraid at all. She had already made sufficient preparations after knowing that she had become a player.

"Pay attention to your safety and be sure to protect yourself."

Wang Shenkai looked at Qin Yuexuan seriously. He was already prepared. I'm afraid that in the future, everyone, as long as they are in the right range, will enter the horror world.

I guess his precious daughter will also become a player of the horror game.


"Jiang Cheng seems to have started his mission on the same day as you. Wang Shenkai remembered that Jiang Cheng seemed to have said that his mission time was the same as Qin Yuexuan's.

"We are not in the same dungeon. This is his fourth time and mine is my first time."

What we know now is that the dungeons of the horror game will become more difficult as the number of times increases.

The soldiers in their group thought that the first dungeon was very simple after participating in it for the first time.

"It seems so"

"Uncle Wang, I feel a little dizzy. It seems that the mission is about to begin. You have to take care of the matter regarding Liu Zhen.……"

However, before Qin Yuexuan could finish her words, in Wang Shenkai's eyes, Qin Yuexuan became ethereal and then disappeared completely.

"Is it so sudden?"

It's not like Wang Shenkai hasn't seen players enter a horror game before, he just thinks Qin Yuexuan's entry into the dungeon is a little too sudden.

【Welcome to the horror game. This game instance is Horror High School. Number of players: 20】

【Main quest: Survive in the horror middle school for 15 days】

【Side quests: Please explore the dungeon scene on your own】

【Completing the task will get you a task reward, which is based on the player's rating. The higher the rating, the richer the reward.

As Qin Yuexuan opened her eyes, she appeared in a very depressing world with a gray sky.

She was in a playground similar to a rubber track, just like a middle school in reality.

There were many people around her, some of them had fear in their eyes, while others looked at the surrounding environment calmly.

""Shock High School?"

Qin Yuexuan scanned the crowd and found someone who surprised her and was beyond her expectations.

"Jiang Cheng?"

She was actually in the same copy as Jiang Cheng? Qin Yuexuan's heart was a little complicated.

On the one hand, she hoped that she would be in the same copy as Jiang Cheng. After all, she seemed to still like Jiang Cheng a little, and it would be much safer to be in the same copy with Jiang Cheng.

On the other hand, she didn't want to be in the same copy as Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was a big scumbag who abandoned her cousin. What good would it be to be with Jiang Cheng?

In short, Qin Yuexuan's heart was quite contradictory now.


Jiang Cheng also found the familiar figure in the crowd. He never thought that he was not in the same copy with Jiang Qinyu, but in the same copy with Qin Yuexuan.

"Is this the horror world? It is completely different from the gray fog world."A childish voice appeared beside Jiang Cheng's ear. Liu Shuangyue knew about the situation outside. Qin

Yuexuan stayed where she was. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng could only walk towards Qin Yuexuan.

"Yuexuan, why are you in the same copy as me?"

He is already in the fourth copy, and Qin Yuexuan is only in the first copy, right?

How could they bump into each other ?

"Is it not possible? What copy I am in is none of your business?"

Qin Yuexuan's tone was still very aggressive.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

"Is it necessary to be so rude? It's been so many years, and I'm with her, not with you."

He thought Qin Yuexuan really needed to be punished, with such a bad temper.

"Can't I just get angry when I see you?"

Qin Yuexuan was very unhappy. She didn't like Jiang Cheng's careless attitude.

"Girl, did you have a fight with your boyfriend? Why don't you follow me? I'm an old player.……"

When Qin Yuexuan and Jiang Cheng were looking cold, a sudden voice came from the side.

A somewhat wretched yellow-haired man came over, and the smile on his face was also a bit wretched.

Among the twenty people, only Qin Yuexuan was the best looking, and Jiang Cheng was just a pretty boy in his eyes.

He gained a lot in the first dungeon, so now he is full of confidence.

""Get lost!"

Qin Yuexuan's face turned even uglier when she saw that it was a yellow-haired gangster coming over.

"She's quite aggressive, I like her."

The smile on the yellow-haired man's face became more and more obscene, and his eyes were looking at Qin Yuexuan very aggressively.

He had discovered that in the dungeon, no matter what he did, nothing would happen. Anyway, the law outside couldn't control the horror world. In the last dungeon, he had tasted the taste of a young girl, and it was really wonderful.

Her boyfriend was also useless, and he could only watch him...……

"What do you like about a ball?"

Jiang Cheng kicked the yellow-haired guy in the chest. Jiang Cheng didn't use much force, but he kicked the yellow-haired guy far away, and stepped on his chest completely.

He couldn't deal with Qin Yuexuan now, and he couldn't deal with a yellow-haired guy? Jiang Cheng was also very unhappy.

Originally, everyone's eyes were looking at the scene, but now Jiang Cheng and his conflict attracted everyone's attention.

Originally, they were just watching the fun.

As a result, Jiang Cheng's kick seemed to directly kick the yellow-haired guy... and he died on the spot.

""Fuck, that's awesome."

Yellow-haired people are naturally unpopular.

Most people have gone through a dungeon once, and they are used to it.

"You kicked him to death?"

Qin Yuexuan was stunned.

"Alas, I only used 10% of my strength. Who knew he was so vulnerable to kicks?"

Jiang Cheng originally intended to teach Huang Mao a lesson, but he didn't expect that he would die on the spot with a single kick.


The world has completely changed now, so Qin Yuexuan would not say that Jiang Cheng had committed a crime.

But she had a full understanding of Jiang Cheng's strength. He kicked a person dozens of meters away.

That was completely beyond the scope of a normal person.

Facing Jiang Cheng's words, Qin Yuexuan just rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng. What could she say?

""Shock High School, should it be a high school? A high school in a horror world."

Qin Yuexuan was thoughtful. The place they were in now was the playground of a high school.

To be honest, Jiang Cheng was a little familiar with the name of Shock High School, but fortunately his fourth dungeon was finally Shock High School.

A school, finally he could complete the professional tasks again, and his trick teacher profession was settled.

Only by completing the trick teacher profession to the special level can he unlock a new trick profession. I hope his fourth trick profession is a combat profession.

Otherwise, he always uses brute force in fights now, which is really too ungraceful.

"Yuexuan, on the premise of completing the main quest, complete the side quests. Side quests can generally be issued by high-level weirds in the dungeon. You can understand that they are all NPCs.……"

"Generally speaking, if you don't provoke them, there will be no danger."

"After all, it was the previous copy, and their offensiveness was not high.

Out of kindness, Jiang Cheng briefly introduced Qin Yuexuan.

"I can take you."

Qin Yuexuan said proudly,"Who wants you to take me? I can do it myself."

Who is she? She is Qin Yuexuan, the captain of the Phoenix team and a descendant of a general. Does she need Jiang Cheng to take her?

"Everyone, be quiet. Are you new players? No noise is allowed on campus.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the side.

"Hey, why is that person on the ground dead? Fighting is prohibited on campus, who did it? Come out!"

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