"elder brother~"

"Hey, how come you are still alive?"

Just when Lin Sixue was about to hug Jiang Cheng, she was surprised to find that Jiang Cheng seemed to be still alive, not dead, so he came to the horror world to accompany her.

She thought Jiang Cheng was dead and appeared in the horror world, but it turned out that Jiang Cheng was actually alive.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

Did Lin Sixue want him to die so much? He was a little sad.

But Jiang Cheng also quickly used his true vision to look at Lin Sixue's message.

【Name: Lin Sixue】

【Identity: Owner of the Kairi Community】

【Race: Ghost】

【Level: Red Ghost】

【Favorability: 50~100 (She is eager to merge with you)】

【Likes: Jiang Cheng】

【Weakness: Jiang Cheng】


Jiang Cheng used his true vision to look at Lin Sixue's information... Lin Sixue was actually the owner of the disembowelment community?

The key point was that her likes and weaknesses were all hers. Jiang Cheng's sadness suddenly disappeared, and he was a little touched.

But there was one thing that was different about Lin Sixue from other weirdos. The favorability of other weirdos towards him was a fixed value, while Lin Sixue's was 50~100.

It was a range.

Does that mean that Lin Sixue's favorability towards him was now in the range of 50~100?

"Brother...if you were alive, why did you come to the horror world?" Lin Sixue tilted her head with an expression of confusion.

"How about...I cut you with a knife?"

"After becoming a ghost, you will gain eternal life."Lin Sixue said obediently


"I am a player of the horror game. If a player dies, it is real death, and it will not become a ghost."

Jiang Cheng quickly rejected Lin Sixue's kindness. Through the horror game, he knew that when players died in the horror game, they died in the true sense.

It is impossible to become a ghost.

"Oh... so you are a player of the horror game, brother."

The horror game, she seemed to have a little impression of it. The will of the game seemed to have found her? Probably.

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng's handsome features, licked her lips, and then blew air into Jiang Cheng's ear.

That made Jiang Cheng's earlobe a little itchy, well, his heart was a little itchy too.

The scheming Lin Sixue actually seduced him.

"Brother... do you miss me?"

"Why did you break up with me? Was it because Xiaoxue didn't do well enough?"

"Light snow can……"

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng with some resentment

"Brother, do you know? You can only be mine."

Lin Sixue hugged Jiang Cheng even harder, which made Jiang Cheng a little breathless.

Damn it!

You know Lin Sixue is a yandere...

Originally, in his relationship with Lin Sixue, Jiang Cheng had always been the dominant one because he was rich and powerful in the real world.

But now... he and Lin Sixue seemed to have switched offense and defense...

Now Lin Sixue is a red-clothed ghost, and he is an ordinary person with [Tang Monk's physique]. Someone is really going to die!

""Brother, why did you break up with me? Tell me, why? Is there something I didn't do well enough?"

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng seriously. She was very serious. She was very curious about the real reason why Jiang Cheng broke up with her.

Was Jiang Cheng not satisfied with her? Was she not good enough? But she had always indulged Jiang Cheng.

"If there is anything I haven't done well, please tell me and I can change it, brother."Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng very sincerely.

She was serious.


He is now being strangled by Lin Sixue to the point of being unable to speak. Lin Sixue is hugging him really hard.

""Ahem... Sixue, you are good in every way... but you were too young at that time, and we were not suitable for each other."

Jiang Cheng coughed lightly.

"Brother, why didn't you just push me away like you did that night? Do you know how painful it was when I fell to the ground that night?"

"That night, you roughly pushed Xiaoxue away.……"Lin Sixue said pitifully.

After a while


Lin Sixue's charming voice floated in Jiang Cheng's ears. She was asking Jiang Cheng the question she had been thinking about.

The question she cared about very much, what was wrong with her? She liked Jiang Cheng so much.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have deliberately worked as a waiter in the coffee shop that Jiang Cheng often went to, and deliberately spilled coffee on Jiang Cheng's white shirt.

She liked Jiang Cheng so much.


Doesn't he want to now? He can't push Lin Sixue away now! Lin Sixue is really strong now.

After becoming weird, Lin Sixue's strength is so great that he can't break free at all.

""Si Xue, can you let me go first?" Jiang Cheng said softly. If Lin Si Xue continued to push, Jiang Cheng thought he really wouldn't survive tonight.

He had to coax Lin Si Xue first.

"Humph...Brother, are you waiting for me to let go and then turn around and leave? You can't deceive me."

Lin Sixue snorted. She didn't believe Jiang Cheng now. That day, Jiang Cheng also tricked her into letting go. As a result, after she let go, Jiang Cheng turned around and left.

Humph...Will she believe Jiang Cheng's words? She didn't believe


"Si Xue, I won't run away. I have to stay in the horror world for five days before I can leave. Jiang Cheng explained quickly.

He couldn't run away even if he wanted to.


After Lin Sixue let go of her hand, Jiang Cheng began to breathe heavily.

"Brother... why are you blushing so much? Aren't we inseparable? You are in me, and I am in you." Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng in a sarcastic tone.

That made Jiang Cheng even more speechless.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

He had reason to suspect that Lin Sixue did it on purpose. Wasn't his blushing because Lin Sixue was too strong and he couldn't breathe? Was he embarrassed? Lin Sixue was really trying to mess with his mentality, right?��

"Sixue, how did you become a female ghost in the horror world?"

He could only change the subject. He was a little curious. Lin Sixue's appearance in the horror world couldn't be caused by his bedding system, right?

"That day... I went to your house to look for you, but you ignored me again... I went home and cried until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself in this world and turned into a weird place... This world is full of weirdness"

"I don't know how to live without you in this world... I want to commit suicide, but I'm already a weirdo, so I can't commit suicide.……"

"I guess you will definitely go to the horror world after you die... Then... I went out to make money... Work, make money... After saving some money, I bought the Ripper Community"

"But... more than a hundred years have passed. Brother, do you know how I have lived alone for more than a hundred years?"Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng with resentment, and her mouth corners slightly raised.

The look in her eyes was a little bit eerie and terrifying, and Jiang Cheng couldn't help but shudder.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

"I know, I know...I'm here now, right?"

Why did he feel that Lin Sixue had bad intentions? She must be doing something bad.

When he was dating Lin Sixue before, she would always smile like that when she was about to do something.

It was a bit scary...

He was not an old cow that could not cultivate a hundred-year-old wasteland.

"But...Brother, you can't stay in the horror world with Xiaoxue forever.……"Lin Sixue complained���

"I should be not young now, right? Counting the 22 years I was in the world of the living, I am now 130."

"As the saying goes, a girl three years older than a man, brings gold bricks; a girl thirty years older than a man, brings a kingdom; what about a girl a hundred years older than a man?"

""Brother, you won't dislike me for being young now, right?" Lin Sixue snorted. She was the one who could give Jiang Cheng a horror community.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Lin Sixue's chest. Was it Lin Sixue's age that he disliked at the time? What he disliked was... cough, but he certainly couldn't tell Lin Sixue in person... He was really afraid that Lin Sixue would stab him in a rage.


How could Lin Sixue not understand that Jiang Cheng disliked her because she was too small, but what could she do?

After becoming a weirdo, she found that after a hundred years... her place was still the same size as before.

It seemed that it would never grow any bigger.

"I don't care, brother...you have to like it, otherwise……"

Lin Sixue glared at Jiang Cheng fiercely

"I like it... Now, I definitely don't dislike it, I don't dislike it"

"She is a little small, but she is pretty. Jiang Cheng coughed lightly. Lin Sixue is very pretty.

The system's beauty score is 96, which is high among his ex-girlfriends.

"Then feel it now... and see if it is bigger than before."

Lin Sixue thought that it should be slightly bigger than before, but she felt that it was definitely not right.

"That's not good.……"

How could Jiang Cheng not know what kind of person Lin Sixue was? If he touched Lin Sixue today, Lin Sixue would definitely kill him on the spot.

""Ahem... you didn't kill Su Xiaoxiao, did you?"

Jiang Cheng quickly changed the subject. If he continued to talk about those topics with Lin Sixue, Lin Sixue might ask him to do something.

With his current small body, could he bear it? Jiang Cheng was a little skeptical.

He was now afraid that Lin Sixue would kill Su Xiaoxiao, who was his mission target.

If Su Xiaoxiao was gone, how would he explain to Su Yingxue? How would he explain to Wang Mengqiu?


Lin Sixue pointed to the coffee table, on which there was a transparent glass bottle.

Jiang Cheng then discovered that there was a little Lolita girl in the glass bottle.

That was Su Xiaoxiao, who had turned into a Lolita girl. At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao was lying in the glass bottle, looking a little bewildered.

She seemed to have no idea what was going on, her eyes wide open, her face blank.

"Sister Su and I have a good relationship, how could I bear to kill her evil spirit? If I disturb Sister Su's evil spirit, Sister Su will also be in trouble. Sister Su is also a pitiful person.……"

"Brother... do you know?"

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