"Mr. Jiang...if you weren't here, I don't know what to do.……"

She is always afraid of the dark.

Jiang Cheng was a little skeptical. Would a pure female ghost really be afraid of the dark?

Can ghosts that are afraid of the dark really survive in the horror world? It was always gray outside.

Jiang Cheng suspected that Su Yingxue had done it on purpose, and she actually had her eyes on his kidneys.

And he still didn't know where Su Yingxue's daughter was. Since he entered the house, only Su Yingxue was"weird".

So he had every reason to suspect that Su Yingxue in front of him had done it on purpose. She must be greedy for his kidneys. Jiang Cheng was a little wary.

"Miss Su, where is your daughter? I didn't see your daughter when I came in."

The task Wang Mengqiu gave him was to take care of Su Yingxue's daughter, not Su Yingxue herself.

Of course, Jiang Cheng didn't mind taking care of Su Yingxue herself. If Su Yingxue asked him to take care of her, he shouldn't have any objection.

""Xiaoxiao, come out right now."

Su Yingxue shouted into the house, her fair face slightly red... her daughter actually made her lose face in front of a human.

She was sure that Jiang Cheng must have seen her naked, but now she could only pretend that she knew nothing, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.


The next moment, a petite little girl in Lolita dress ran out of the house. The little girl had a delicate face and looked a bit like Su Yingxue.

Unlike Su Yingxue, Su Yingxue had black and shiny hair, while the little girl had white hair.

Her Lolita dress was stained with some blood, and she wore a jet-black hairpin in her hair.

Su Yingxue had black eyes, while the little girl had dark red eyes.

She was quite cute.

Because she looked a bit like Su Yingxue, she should be Su Yingxue's daughter.

So it was really Su Yingxue's daughter who did it just now? Wasn't Su Yingxue intentional?

"Did you do something bad just now?"

Su Yingxue glared at Su Xiaoxiao next to her, then looked at Jiang Cheng and said with a smile:"Mr. Jiang, this is my daughter"

"Su Xiaoxiao"

"Xiaoxiao, say hello to uncle"

""Hello, uncle."

The little girl said in a baby voice, she opened her big red eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng


Although the little girl in front of him was cute, Jiang Cheng knew that she was a weird one.

So Jiang Cheng was a little cautious, not to mention that Su Xiaoxiao's Lolita was stained with blood, which was a little scary.

It was like a doll.

Jiang Cheng's happy bean effect was triggered.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm going to work now. Xiaoxiao will be in your care today." Su Yingxue looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile, and she bowed to him and said,"Thank you for your help today."

"Xiaoxiao is a little naughty, so you may need to pay more attention to her."

The angle at which Su Yingxue bowed, Jiang Cheng could see the deep ravines on her chest again.

She was really generous!


Su Yingxue then walked into the room. She wanted to change her clothes. Before going into the room, Su Yingxue glared at Su Xiaoxiao again.

It was all Su Xiaoxiao's fault. She must be embarrassed in front of Jiang Cheng now. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng didn't laugh at her.

After a while, Su Yingxue walked out of the bedroom. She was wearing a black suit on her upper body, which could not cover up Su Yingxue's pride at all. Her lower body was a hip skirt... Black stockings wrapped around her round thighs, revealing a little flesh color.

It can be said that she was very tempting, full of royal sister style.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm leaving first. Xiaoxiao, you must listen to your uncle Jiang at home, okay?"Before leaving, Su Yingxue carefully reminded Su Xiaoxiao again.

"Don't be naughty and don't cause trouble for your Uncle Jiang, okay?"

""Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao nodded her head vigorously,"Mom, I will be good."


After Su Yingxue left, only Jiang Cheng and Su Xiaoxiao were left in the living room... It was quite quiet.

One human, one little weirdo.

If you ignore the fact that he is in a horror world, the scene at this moment looks quite warm.

But he is in a horror world.


Su Xiaoxiao and Jiang Cheng stared at each other.

In an instant... the originally warm living room became gloomy. Dark red blood began to seep out of the white wall. The fruit on the coffee table had rotted... and there were several completely rotten fingers in the bowl.

"Uncle Jiang... can you play a game with Xiaoxiao?"

Su Xiaoxiao's Lolita dress, which was stained with a little blood, was now stained with blood.

The white Lolita turned bright red.

The corners of her mouth slightly raised, and her dark red eyes exuded greed...

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Cheng as if she was looking at her prey.

She said she would change her face immediately? Jiang Cheng was prepared, but he was still a little caught off guard.

【Name: Su Yingxue (Xiaoxiao)】

【Identity: Inner personality (Su Yingxue's daughter)】

【Race: Twin Soul】

【Level: Ghost Level】

【Favorability: -100 (You are her prey)】

【Likes: Su Yingxue (mother), if Su Yingxue likes you, be careful, she will kill you】

【Weakness: Xiaoxiao is Su Yingxue's inner personality, a twin soul born from Su Yingxue's body. Her weakness is Su Yingxue. If you threaten her with Su Yingxue's life, she will do anything for you.】


It turns out that Su Xiaoxiao is not Su Yingxue's daughter, but Su Yingxue's inner personality... another personality that split from Su Yingxue's body.

No wonder he felt that Su Yingxue didn't look like a ghost at all.

It's a pity, he thought Su Yingxue was a young woman, divorced young women have a unique charm.

Wait a minute...

Su Yingxue's favorability towards him is -100?

Could it be because Su Yingxue likes her? Then he seems to be in danger!

"Uncle, do you want to play a game with Xiaoxiao?"

Su Xiaoxiao still spoke in a baby voice, but at this moment her delicate face was already stained with blood... Coupled with the gloomy living room, it suddenly became a little scary.


Can he refuse Xiaoxiao now? Definitely not! But if he really plays the so-called game with Su Xiaoxiao.

I'm afraid he will be finished, so he has to think about how to deal with it.

"Uncle, do you know where my little bear is?"

Su Xiaoxiao opened her bloody eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng curiously.

It seemed that she was really innocent. Do you think you are Annie? Where is your little bear?

Jiang Cheng complained in his heart.

""Do you have a little bear?"

Jiang Cheng asked.

Su Xiaoxiao now looked like a little girl, where did the little bear come from?

"You can act young in front of Su Yingxue, but don't act young in front of me.

Jiang Cheng's words stunned Su Xiaoxiao.

"You and Su Yingxue are twin souls, so you should be exactly the same, right? Why do you have to pretend to be a white-haired loli?"Jiang Cheng was speechless.

"Human...how do you know?" Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise.

Su Xiaoxiao was a little curious. A living person who appeared in the horror world, a living person with strong Yang energy.

And...Su Yingxue actually liked a living person. What's good about a living person? Is Yang energy strong?

Su Xiaoxiao's words made Jiang Cheng stunned for a moment...Could it be that he really cheated something?

He was just relying on guesswork.

���If Su Xiaoxiao is Su Yingxue's inner personality, her true appearance is definitely not what Su Yingxue looked like when she was a child... but is exactly the same as Su Yingxue now.

Because they are twin souls, twin souls should be exactly the same.

Of course, that is purely Jiang Cheng's guess.

"You are quite interesting."

In Jiang Cheng's eyes, the originally petite Su Xiaoxiao turned into Su Yingxue.

She really looked exactly like Su Yingxue.

The only difference was that Su Yingxue was actually quite sunny and upright, while the Su Xiaoxiao in front of him was gloomy and scary.

And Su Xiaoxiao still had red eyes and white hair.

So, one was a good personality and the other was an evil personality? Su Yingxue represented her good personality? Su Xiaoxiao was an evil personality.

But why did Su Xiaoxiao appear as Su Yingxue's daughter? Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

And Su Yingxue actually treated Su Xiaoxiao as her daughter.

"Su Yingxue likes you, but you... will only be my food."

Su Xiaoxiao showed a slightly"perverted" smile on her face.

Jiang Cheng is really fragrant, it really smells good, why would a living person smell so good!

The smile on Su Xiaoxiao's face became more and more perverted.

"Uncle Jiang, where is my little bear? If you can't find Xiaoxiao's little bear, you will become Xiaoxiao's little bear."

Su Xiaoxiao called Jiang Cheng"Uncle Jiang" in the image of Su Yingxue's queen.

That made Jiang Cheng a little...exciting, role-playing is really exciting...

Being called uncle by a queen in a clip voice is too exciting

"I don't know where your little bear is."

"How can I know where your little bear is?……"

Following Jiang Cheng's gaze, Su Xiaoxiao lowered her head. She was wearing a blood-stained Lolita dress. Lolita was a low-cut dress with a deep ravine on her chest.……


Su Xiaoxiao was stunned.

The human in front of her was really bold!

A human, a weak human, actually dared to tease her? Is there really a human being that bold?

"you……"The smile on Su Xiaoxiao's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.

At that moment, Jiang Cheng knew that Su Xiaoxiao really wanted to kill him.

"I just cast a curse on Su Yingxue. If you dare to touch me, I can't guarantee that the curse will not work.……"

He had to lie with his eyes open to save his life.


"Ha, just a human being... who are you trying to scare?" The next second, Su Xiaoxiao rushed towards Jiang Cheng with her teeth bared.

"Do you think I will believe you?"

However... at the critical moment, the door of their house was kicked open.

"Brother, I knew you couldn't bear to leave Sixue... so you came to find me, brother... I miss you so much."

A clear and pleasant voice that Jiang Cheng was very familiar with came from the door.

Then, Lin Sixue appeared in front of Jiang Cheng, and Su Xiaoxiao, who was about to attack Jiang Cheng, screamed.……


Then it completely disappeared.

The originally gloomy living room became a little warm again.

"Si Xue?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned, because the person who rushed in front of him was his ex-girlfriend, Lin Si Xue.

The only difference between her and Lin Si Xue in her lifetime was that she was whiter.

"Brother, Xiaoxue misses you so much."

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