"So the emergence of the horror game is to balance the power gap between the two worlds?"

Jiang Cheng seemed to understand something.

【Host, you are very smart. You guessed it right again. The horror game is indeed created to balance the power gap between the species in the two worlds.】

"Doesn't that mean they will all come back in the end?"

Jiang Cheng originally thought that the real world would be his resting place, but it turns out that the real world is going to merge with the horror world.

So all his ex-girlfriends will come to the real world.

"Tongzi, you said you have no relationship with Him. If you have no relationship with Him, how can you know it so clearly?"

【Host, how can I have any relationship with Him? Please try your best to complete the second stage of the task.】

【The third stage will be the final stage】


Jiang Cheng is now convinced that his son must have some relationship with him, but as to what the relationship is, that is unknown.

"Are you alive?"

A crisp voice interrupted Jiang Cheng's contemplation. As Jiang Cheng turned around, he found a woman with a bloody face and wearing camouflage clothes.

The woman was looking at Jiang Cheng vigilantly, and she was holding a gun in her hand.

"I am a living person, and you are Skylark?"

Jiang Cheng recalled that Qin Yuexuan told him that there was only one special forces member left in the ghost domain.


"You know my code name……"

Even though Jiang Cheng said Yun Que's code name, Yun Que still looked at Jiang Cheng with a vigilant look.

"I know, it was Director Wang who asked me to come in and solve the problem in the ghost realm.

Jiang Cheng never thought that he could actually run into the only remaining special forces member, Skylark, in Liu's mansion.

"Director Wang sent you here... Are you the only one here?"

Yun Que was still full of vigilance.

"This is my ID."

When Jiang Cheng took out the two IDs that Wang Shenkai gave him and was about to throw them at Yun Que,

Yun Que stopped Jiang Cheng.

"Put the documents on the table and step back.……"

Jiang Cheng probably understood why Yun Que was so alert. In the horror world, you often can't trust your eyes.


So Jiang Cheng did as Yun Que said.

After Yun Que began to check Jiang Cheng's ID, she immediately put down her gun.

She saluted Jiang Cheng

"Hello, sir!"

Jiang Cheng is actually a colonel, just one step away from the rank of general, and he is also a specially appointed consultant of the Spiritual Adjustment Bureau.

"Well, what did you find in Liu Town?"

Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

"Please follow me. It is not safe to stay here for long.

Jiang Cheng followed Yun Que out of Liu Mansion, then out of Liu Town, and finally arrived at a somewhat secret place.

"We have been in Liuzhen for seven days... They all died.……"

"Seven days?"

He remembered that Wang Shenkai told him that the ghost realm in Liu Town only appeared for two days.

It seems that the passage of time in the ghost realm is still different from that in the real world.

"It's daytime now, so there's nothing inside, but if it's night, they'll all appear."

There's a bit of fear on Yunlark's face.


Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Are you talking about those weird things?"

The weird things that Yun Que is talking about should be the weird things in the horror world.


After a short pause, Yun Que said seriously,"It will be very dangerous at night. We are safe now."

"What about the original residents of Liu Town?"

Jiang Cheng was a little confused. Nearly 30,000 people, that's not a small number. If all of them……

"They all became weird, and it seemed like their memories were wrong. I don't know how to explain it."

Yu Que didn't know how to explain such a phenomenon to Jiang Cheng.

"It can probably be understood that they are no longer the original residents of Liu Town, they seem to have been assimilated……"

"That's how I understand it."

Skylark said thoughtfully.

"I understand."

Jiang Cheng could understand what Yun Que meant.

So the nearly 30,000 Da Xia people in Liu Town have now all been assimilated into the weird and have lost their original memories as humans.

They have new memories.

"Have you collected any other useful information about Liu Zhen?"

After thinking for a moment, Yun Que looked a little solemn.

"There is a bride in Liu Town. They all say that the bride is waiting for someone to appear."

"If that person doesn't show up, they can only stay in Liu Town."

Skylark looked at Jiang Cheng seriously.

"Sir, is that useful information?"

Jiang Cheng was silent.

The bride in the wedding dress, could it be Liu Qingyan? It should be said that it is very likely that Liu Qingyan


Very useful information indeed

"Sir, they are very sensitive to living people. Once they smell something, they will attack the living people crazily."

"So we can only get so much information, but fortunately most of them are similar to ordinary people and not very aggressive.……"

They were not very aggressive, but there were so many of them that Yun Que recalled the time when several team members sacrificed themselves to protect her.

"I understand."

As Jiang Cheng and Yun Que talked, the sky gradually darkened, and a scarlet full moon slowly rose.

"don't want……"

When Jiang Cheng was about to look directly at the scarlet full moon, Yun Que hurriedly stopped Jiang Cheng.


Sir , please don't look directly at the red moon."

"The red moon will corrode our minds and completely assimilate us into it."

Two special forces members stared at the red moon for too long, and they were completely assimilated into the strange

"Is that so?"

The main thing is that the blood-red moon in the sky is really a bit strange.

"So now they have all appeared, right? Liuzhen is full of weird things."


Skylark nodded.


Jiang Cheng then brought out a cloak and handed it to Yun Que.

A camouflage cloak.

Jiang Cheng took the ghost weapon from Sally, but he found that it was sold in the horror mall.

And it was relatively cheap. A ghost-level camouflage cloak only cost more than 30,000 ghost coins.

"Put it on. This is a camouflage cloak. It can disguise us as weird. Only the weird of red dress level or above can find our true identity."

If the weird in Liu Town are all transformed from the original people of Liu Town, then they should be wandering souls and evil ghosts at most.

Only the bride in wedding dress may be powerful, but the bride in wedding dress is a bit like his ex-girlfriend.

Liu Qingyan

""Disguise cloak?"

But when Jiang Cheng put on the cloak, Yun Que found that Jiang Cheng in front of him really turned into a weird person.

A weird person in a suit, about two or three meters tall, thin and long, with no face.

"Okay, sir."

After Yun Que put on the camouflage cloak, she also became weird in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

A weird one with only half of her head, but Jiang Cheng was able to find Yun Que's petite figure looming under the camouflage.

After all, he is now at the red-clothed level, and the ghost-level camouflage cloak has no camouflage effect on him.

After they finished the camouflage, Jiang Cheng turned his eyes to Liu Zhen. The originally lifeless Liu Zhen was now full of people.

Of course, all of them were weird.

"Let's go."

Yun Que was silent. If they had camouflage cloaks, wouldn't they all be killed?

"Sir, are you a player of the horror game?"

Yun Que was a little curious

"Yes, I have completed three dungeons, and the next one will be in six days."

"With the current trend, you will join the horror game and become a player sooner or later, so be prepared."

When they walked into Liu Town, Jiang Cheng found that the people in Liu Town had become weird.

They were all wearing long robes, but their skin was pale, and there were even some spots and sores on their faces.

The weird people in Liu Town were all wearing the ancient long gowns in the style of Daxia.

Therefore, his and Yun Que's disguises seemed a bit out of place in Liu Town, but fortunately the camouflage cloak worked.

They regarded them both as weird.

"Old Li, your son climbed over the wall to our house in the middle of the night to eavesdrop, didn't you do anything about it?"

"How can I control him? That rebellious son is not obedient at all. I can't hit him, because if I hit him, the tigress in our family will……"

At this moment, they seemed to be communicating normally, and most of them were just chatting about daily life.

"Do you think that person looks a bit strange? What kind of clothes is that?"

If Yun Que's disguise is a normal dress, then Jiang Cheng's disguise is a suit.

So Jiang Cheng's dress attracted a lot of attention.

"I don't know, how come he is so tall? He must be at least eight feet tall, right? Really tall!"

"���Officer, they all seem to have noticed us."

Yun Que whispered beside Jiang Cheng. She was always on guard. She was particularly reserved.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Jiang Cheng found that the people in Liuzhen who had become strange seemed to have been completely assimilated.

They didn't find any problems now, and they seemed to think that they were living in a special period.

Was it affected by the red moon?

"Skylark, several of your team members also looked directly at the red moon, and they became weird?"

"Well...they have become them now and have integrated into Liu Town."Skylark nodded.

""Sir, don't look directly at the red moon."

She just noticed that Jiang Cheng seemed to look up at the red moon again, and she couldn't help but remind him again.

She had looked directly at the red moon before, but she found that the red moon seemed to completely affect her mind. At first, she felt dizzy, and then it seemed as if countless people were talking in her ears.

Then, it seemed that something was going on in her mind...

Fortunately, her condition was discovered by several other teammates at the time, and her teammates rescued her in time.

But the other two team members were not so lucky. They were completely assimilated into the weird


The source of the ghost realm should not be his ex-girlfriend. He did not think that his ex-girlfriend would be a person who killed innocent people.

Maybe the root of everything was really the red moon.

However, at the right time, a faint voice came from the side.

"Jiang Cheng, are you willing to come back?"

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