"If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me."

Jiang Cheng didn't know why Qin Yuexuan was so angry. He and Yan Qingning could be said to have broken up peacefully.

"What is your attitude?!"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Qin Yueru was even more angry. Jiang Cheng was not curious at all about what his cousin was like?

Why was he such a jerk!

Jiang Cheng:"……"

What could his attitude be? Qin Yuexuan didn't tell him, and he couldn't get an answer when he asked again.

Women are really strange!

"What's wrong with me? If you don't tell me, is there any need for me to ask you?"Jiang Cheng was speechless.


Qin Yuexuan sneered

"I don't know why Director Wang asked you to come and help."

Because Jiang Cheng's matter involved confidential information, Qin Yuexuan, who was a lieutenant colonel, could not know about Jiang Cheng's matter.

Director Wang asked her to take Jiang Cheng for a walk in the camp, but she was unwilling to go with Jiang Cheng. There were people coming and going in the camp, most of them were soldiers, and only a few scientific researchers in white coats

"Captain Qin, something bad has happened. The hunter's life signature has disappeared."

Since there are nearly 30,000 ordinary people in Liu Town, the Daxia government attaches great importance to it, so it has sent a team of 120,000 special forces elites into the town.

The government bought an item for detecting life signatures from the Horror Mall, but Jiang Cheng didn't know what it was.

"The hunter's life signs disappeared?"

Qin Yuexuan's face changed slightly, and her expression became a little solemn.

Then Qin Yuexuan hurriedly followed the man and walked inside. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to follow Qin Yuexuan.

"Captain Qin, the ghost's life characteristics have also disappeared"

"Captain Qin, the lone wolf's life signs have disappeared"

"Qin Team……"

As Qin Yuexuan walked into the tent, she heard a series of voices, and her face became worse and worse.

Jiang Cheng didn't know the situation, but it seemed that within a minute, a total of eight or nine special operations team members lost their vital signs.

"Now there are only three people left in the ghost area of Liu Town, Yun Que, Tian Lang, and Bei Dou, and their life characteristics are still very stable."

The man said seriously, with a heavy tone in his voice

"Always pay attention to their vital signs."

Qin Yuexuan looked solemn.

"It's extremely dangerous inside Liuzhen……"

But for the sake of the nearly 30,000 Daxia people, they had to take risks. Each special warfare member was an elite who could fight ten enemies at once. They also bought a lot of items from the horror mall for self-defense.

But only three of the twelve special warfare members were left, and they lost their vital signs at the same time.

"Captain Qin... Beidou's vital signs have also disappeared."

While Qin Yuexuan was thinking about countermeasures, a person beside her said in a low voice,

"Tianlang's vital signs disappeared."

In just a few minutes, only one of the special forces members originally selected from various special forces teams was left.

""Where's Yunque?"

Qin Yuexuan's face showed worry. Even the elites couldn't solve it, and they were elites who had bought a lot of self-defense items from the horror mall with the current official integrated resources.

"Yun Que's vital signs are still stable, she should still be alive."

Yun Que is her team member, Qin Yuexuan felt a little depressed.

"What happened?"

Wang Shenkai's voice came from behind. He had just discussed the conclusions they had reached with some experts.

"Director Wang, of the twelve team members, only Yun Que is still alive... the others have all died."

Qin Yuexuan lowered her head.

The day before yesterday, they were all in front of her, one or two of them were smiling, but now there is only one left.

But Yun Que is probably in danger.

"Only one person left?"

Wang Shenkai's expression also became a little dull.

"It's really dangerous in there, Mr. Jiang, you have to go in immediately"

"But your first priority is to ensure your own safety, and secondly to find out the news."

Wang Shenkai held his breath and concentrated.

"Just now, an expert told me that the scope of the ghost domain has begun to expand at an accelerated rate, from one meter a day to three meters a day.……"

Jiang Cheng nodded

""Okay, I'll go in right away."

Those people knew that there were many dangers inside, but they still risked their lives to protect the people.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

When Jiang Cheng walked out, Qin Yuexuan raised her head, with some worry in her eyes.

"Jiang Cheng!"

Qin Yuexuan called out to Jiang Cheng


Jiang Cheng turned around and looked at Qin Yuexuan's delicate face. She was much more mature than he remembered.

"Jiang Cheng, please be safe.……"

When Jiang Cheng was about to take the risk, Qin Yuexuan couldn't help but feel a little worried.

She seemed to still have Jiang Cheng in her heart.


Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. Women are really fickle!

As Jiang Cheng walked out of the tent, Wang Shenkai sighed and said with emotion:"Xiao Jiang may be a little romantic, but when it comes to the critical moment,"

"He is quite reliable."

Wang Shenkai knew that Jiang Cheng had dated 200 girlfriends in the past ten years, but Jiang Cheng did not date them at the same time.

Moreover, after breaking up, he could not forget almost all of his girlfriends, which shows that Jiang Cheng's charm is really extraordinary.

"Xiao Qin, do you like him?"

As a person who has been through this, Wang Shenkai saw at a glance that Qin Yuexuan liked Jiang Cheng. Qin Yuexuan's behavior was a bit obvious.

"Uncle Wang, what are you talking about? How could I possibly like that stinky scumbag?"

Qin Yuexuan snorted.

Is Jiang Cheng worthy? Jiang Cheng is not worthy at all! He is just a completely irresponsible scumbag.

But then the hearts of the two of them sank again, and the tent became a little depressing.

"I hope Xiao Jiang can solve the problem successfully. If even he can't solve the problem, I'm afraid……"

The consequences could be disastrous

"Xiao Qin, let's go, we'll go with him."

Jiang Cheng alone can't get into the ghost area at all. At present, the Daxia military has completely blocked the Liuzhen area.

"Mr. Jiang, remember what I said, the first priority is to ensure your own safety, and then solve Liu Zhen’s problem."

Wang Shenkai's face was very serious.

"I know."

Jiang Cheng was mainly curious about what the ghost realm that appeared in the real world was like, and whether it had anything to do with the horror world.

And because it happened in Liuzhen, would it have anything to do with his ex-girlfriend?

"Jiang Cheng, there is only one special forces member left inside. If you run into her, you can help each other."

Qin Yuexuan is not a person who doesn't understand things. At this point, she no longer says anything to Jiang Cheng.

She hopes that Jiang Cheng will not be in any danger.


With Wang Shenkai's consent, those people were willing to let him go, otherwise Jiang Cheng would not be able to break into the blockade.

Jiang Cheng's back was a little lonely, and he seemed to be determined, which made Qin Yuexuan a little fascinated.

"Xiao Qin?"

"He has already gone in."

When Jiang Cheng entered a certain range, he disappeared, but Qin Yuexuan was still looking in that direction.

It was not until Wang Shenkai called her several times that she came back to her senses.

"Xiao Qin, I'll leave the blockade area of Liu Town to you. If there is any emergency, please contact me immediately."

He had to go to the other two newly appeared ghost areas to take a look.


Jiang Cheng walked for a distance, and suddenly he found that the sunny and clear sky had turned gray, and now there was a little orange in the sky.

It was a bit strange...

When Jiang Cheng turned around, he found that the camp behind him had completely disappeared.

He had entered the ghost town of Liu Town.

But the Jiangnan-style Liu Town building in front of him had undergone a huge change.

The originally white walls were full of mold and black spots, and the air was filled with a musty and rotten smell.

Walking into Liu Town, the musty and rotten smell was even stronger, but so far, Jiang Cheng had not found any Who is this person?

So... nearly 30,000 people in Liuzhen are all dead? Liuzhen is empty.

For example, there should have been a steamed buns shop next to him, but that steamed buns shop is now deserted.

The tables and chairs inside, as well as the originally white walls, are now covered with mold and blood.

Jiang Cheng had been to Liuzhen a few years ago. Liuzhen is a tourist town with a Jiangnan style. It was very lively when he came here.

Jiang Cheng walked in Liuzhen for about an hour, but he found that the huge Liuzhen is now really empty.

Only those buildings filled with the smell of decay and decay are left, and there is a dead silence.……

"How about going to her house?"

Where Liu Qingyan lived in Liu Town, Jiang Cheng still had some impression.

He remembered that it was a big house.

Jiang Cheng followed his memory to Liu Qingyan's house. Along the way, Jiang Cheng still did not encounter any living creatures.

Jiang Cheng did not even encounter any weird things.

"Liu Mansion."

Liu Qingyan lived in a big house. If it was in ancient times, it would definitely be a wealthy family.

Of course, it is also a wealthy family now. After all, Jiang Cheng remembered that the place where Liu Qingyan lived was a big house of at least one or two thousand square meters.

Of course, at that time, it was not only Liu Qingyan's family who lived there, but all of them lived in that big house.

The appearance of Liu Mansion has not changed from what Jiang Cheng remembered, but the door of Liu Mansion is still rotten, and the walls are still covered with mold and blood.

"What's going on?"

Walking into the Liu Mansion, it was still empty... Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

Could it be that all the nearly 30,000 people in Liu Town were really... But if they were all dead, there should be bodies.

But there was really nothing inside Liu Town.

Everything looked very strange. The current Liu Town was actually a little bit unlike the real world.

Instead, it looked a bit like a horror world.

"Tongzi, do you know what's going on?"

"Is the horror world merging with the real world?"

【Host, you should be at the junction of two worlds now, but you guessed it right, the horror world is indeed merging with the real world】


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