"Brother Cheng, is this your friend?"

Su Yingxue's eyes fell on Qin Yuexuan, who was cleaning outside the cafeteria. She was a pretty and heroic woman.

That must be Jiang Cheng's friend. Su Yingxue didn't even need to ask, after all, most of Jiang Cheng's friends were pretty girls.


Jiang Cheng now didn't know what his relationship with Qin Yuexuan was. Was she a former classmate? Or was she his sister-in-law?

After all, she was Yan Qingning's cousin, and a cousin should be a sister-in-law, right? But Qin Yuexuan was really too arrogant.

It was okay to be arrogant, but not too arrogant. In short, he was not good, so he had to teach Qin Yuexuan a little lesson.


Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, but Su Yingxue's intuition told her that the woman in front of her had an unusual relationship with Jiang Cheng.

She could see the resentment in her eyes.

"So she's Cheng's friend, so why did you ask her to clean outside the cafeteria?"

Su Yingxue didn't mean to be sarcastic, but for some reason, her tone was very sarcastic.

"That's not good."

Su Yingxue's words made Jiang Cheng a little speechless, and the resentment in Qin Yuexuan's eyes was even deeper.

Jiang Cheng was not strangely close to a woman, but was very close to her.

"Let's not talk about that for now, let's go eat."

Why does Su Yingxue look a little jealous? Jiang Cheng is a little hungry now.


After Jiang Cheng and Su Yingxue walked into the cafeteria, Qin Yuexuan was left outside with a blank look on her face.

Was she really wrong before? She shouldn't have said that.

After all, Jiang Cheng was really popular. She...

At noon, in the classroom.

Jiang Cheng originally planned to go to Su Yingxue's office to have a good rest, but he now had two side quests.

He was a dedicated teacher.

So after Jiang Cheng finished his meal, he chatted with Su Yingxue for a while, then he went to the classroom and sat in front of the podium.

"Hello, Teacher Jiang."

Jiang Cheng taught a lively class with reason and emotion. Now the strange students in Class 12 are very respectful of Jiang Cheng. They all walked into the classroom with a smile, but after seeing Jiang Cheng on the podium, they all sat up straight.

"Hello, Teacher Jiang."

Su Yaoyao winked at Jiang Cheng playfully.

After a while, Jiang Luozhi came in from outside. She exchanged glances with Jiang Cheng in front of the podium. Suddenly, Jiang Luozhi's face became a little rosy.

Jiang Luozhi quickly stepped on her little feet and walked to her seat. Now, whenever she saw Jiang Cheng, her mind was filled with scenes of Jiang Cheng giving her a private lesson.

Can a little zombie also blush? It's really amazing. But speaking of zombies, Jiang Luozhi is actually not stiff, but rather soft.

That's also amazing.

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's start the class."

In order to make full use of his time in Horror High School and get the ghost teacher profession to the special level as soon as possible, Jiang Cheng planned to teach them whenever he had time.

"Teacher Jiang……"

Xiao Quan raised his hand.

After one class, Jiang Cheng recognized almost all the weird students in the class.

Xiao Quan, one of the three troublemakers, the eldest son of the Fire Demon Clan, he thought was quite obedient.


Jiang Cheng's eyes fell on Xiao Quan.

"Teacher Jiang, it's lunch time now.……"

Xiao Quan said weakly. He didn't dare to speak too loudly. After all, Jiang Cheng was really too cruel.

He was strategically giving in.

"What happened to lunch break? You guys have become weird, and you still need a lunch break?!"

"I, a human, don’t even have a lunch break, how dare you two take one? I heard from Yingxue that your class twelve has the worst academic performance in all of Jinghun Middle School. One of your students is the young master of a fire demon, one is a fox lady, and one is a zombie lady. Is it justifiable that your academic performance is so poor?"

"Won't you embarrass your parents?"

Jiang Cheng's words made many strange students lower their heads. At this moment, they dared not breathe.

"Xiao Quan, tell me now, should you guys take a lunch break?

Jiang Cheng's words made Xiao Quan dare not say anything. He actually wanted to say, what's the use of having good grades?

"Should not……"

But Xiao Quan dared not say it out loud

"Teacher Jiang is right. We must study hard and not bring shame to our parents."

Su Yaoyao's eyes were full of peach blossoms. Jiang Cheng was really handsome. She liked him so much.

"The Tiantang City joint exam will be held in a week. If your average score cannot rise by 50……"


For the whole afternoon and even the evening, Jiang Cheng was teaching weird students. He taught eight classes.

Now there are only two classes left before he can be successfully promoted to a senior weird teacher.

Jiang Cheng looked at the weird students who were about to leave. He was selecting the candidates for home visits... Xiao Quan? He didn't consider the other students in the class... There was no challenge.

So his target was only Su Yaoyao and Jiang Luozhi... Su Yaoyao was a fox girl, and Jiang Luozhi was a little zombie.

Not to mention, he really wanted to be the candidate for home visits.

"Jiang Luozhi, you stay for a while."

But in the end, Jiang Cheng still set his target on Jiang Luozhi. Su Yaoyao is quite obedient at present, while Jiang Luozhi is the worst student in Class 12.

The school of the horror world teaches the knowledge and practice of the horror world.

Because he is an intermediate ghost teacher, Jiang Cheng can teach everything, but Jiang Luozhi always gets zero points in every exam.

After Su Yaoyao found out that Jiang Cheng left Jiang Luozhi alone, her eyes turned.

Jiang Luozhi seemed to have become a ghost after going out with Jiang Cheng.

In the past, Jiang Luozhi did his own thing, didn't care at all, and was a little arrogant.

But now Jiang Luozhi is much more obedient, and when facing Jiang Cheng, she seems to be more...

So Jiang Luozhi didn't think Jiang Cheng was too handsome, so she attacked Jiang Cheng first?

"Su Yaoyao, what are you doing here?"

The other weird students in the class had already left, leaving only Jiang Luozhi, whom he had called, and Su Yaoyao, who was still in the classroom and didn't know what she was doing.

"Teacher Jiang, can't I stay here?"

Su Yaoyao's furry fox ears swayed slightly, and she winked at Jiang Cheng playfully.

"what ever"

"Jiang Luozhi, you are the worst student in the class, so I plan to visit your home. Are your parents at home?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Luozhi who was lowering his head.

"at home……"

Lower Luo Zhi's voice

"But I don't have a father, only a mother……"

It turns out that Jiang Luozhi comes from a single-parent family. No wonder she lacks love and doesn't obey discipline at all.

"Teacher Jiang, can't you come to our house for a home visit?"Su Yaoyao found out that Jiang Cheng was going to visit our house.

"What, you want me to educate you in front of your parents?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Su Yaoyao with interest.

It's really rare to come to someone's house and ask for a visit.


Jiang Luozhi on the side shuddered slightly. Jiang Cheng's education... If Jiang Cheng educates her in front of her mother, it would be too……

"How is Teacher Jiang going to teach me?"

Su Yaoyao gently shook her body, her mouth curled up, and her fox eyes were full of charm.

She stuck out her tongue.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being a fox girl, she is really good at it.……

"All right, I'll visit Jiang Luozhi first, and then you."

One more person won't have much impact on Jiang Cheng, and Su Yaoyao has"seduced" him so much, if he doesn't express his feelings, doesn't it mean that he is not capable?

Jiang Qinxin should not be able to come back for a while, not to mention that he was visiting her seriously.


A glimmer of"the evil plan succeeded" flashed in Su Yaoyao's eyes. After saying goodbye to Jiang Cheng, she jumped out of the classroom.

"Luo Zhi……"

Jiang Cheng called out to Jiang Luozhi, but there was no response from Jiang Luozhi. He called out again.


Jiang Luozhi came back to her senses. Her mind was full of the scene when Jiang Cheng lectured her in front of her mother after she returned home.

That scene was really something she was looking forward to and……

"Teacher Jiang……"

Luo Zhi's voice was very subtle

"Tomorrow afternoon, I will visit your home. Please tell your mother first."

It was already midnight, and Jiang Cheng was going to rest. It would be impolite to go to someone else's home.


"Teacher Jiang, are you really going to teach me in front of my mother?"After a while, Jiang Luozhi raised her little head and stared at Jiang Cheng with a bit of longing and expectation in her eyes.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

What happened? Could it be that his lively class has developed Luo Zhi?

"Well, let’s talk about it later."

It seemed a bit exciting to"educate" Jiang Luozhi in front of her mother!


Jiang Luozhi was a little disappointed. Jiang Cheng's answer was that he was not sure, but why was she disappointed?

She seemed really broken... Why would she want Jiang Cheng to abuse her?

"Jiang... Teacher Jiang, I'm going back first!" Jiang Luozhi came to her senses and realized what an embarrassing question she had asked. She stuttered and ran out of the classroom without looking back.

"Brother Cheng, you are really dedicated to your work.

Su Yingxue learned that Jiang Cheng had been teaching the strange students in Class 12 from the lunch break until the evening class. The key point was that she came to check on the situation several times and found that those strange students were listening carefully.

It must be said that Jiang Cheng seemed to have a talent for being a teacher. Su Yingxue even suspected that Jiang Cheng had been a teacher before.

"Yingxue...when were you outside?"

Didn't Su Yingxue know about the conversation between him, Jiang Luozhi and Su Yaoyao just now?

"I just arrived. The faculty and staff of our school have dormitories in the school. The humans with you have already been assigned dormitories."

Su Yingxue was of course waiting for Jiang Cheng to come with her.

"But do you want to live with me in the Kairi Community? We have another bedroom."

"The Kairi Community is not far from Jinghun Middle School, and there shouldn't be any danger in Tianri City.

Su Yingxue added.

"Go with you to the disembowelment community?"

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