The get out of class bell rang as scheduled

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of the Trickster Teacher and being promoted to Intermediate Trickster Teacher.】

【Current professional task (Weird Teacher): Please complete ten classes of teaching. You can be promoted to Senior Weird Teacher after completing the task.

It only takes ten classes to be promoted from Intermediate Weird Teacher to Senior Weird Teacher.

Jiang Cheng turned his eyes to the weird students with their eyes open under the podium.

They have become very pleasing to Jiang Cheng.

However, when Jiang Cheng was about to continue teaching them, Su Yaoyao raised her hand.

""Student Su Yaoyao, what's the matter?"

Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Teacher Jiang, it's lunch time. Why don't we continue teaching in the afternoon?"

Su Yaoyao knew that if she didn't tell Jiang Cheng, he would probably continue teaching in the afternoon.

She noticed Jiang Cheng's unsatisfied expression.

"It's already noon."

Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at the clock behind him. He nodded.

""Okay, students, class is over."

After Jiang Cheng walked out of the classroom, the group of weird students finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally they left... It's so hard to listen to a class carefully!"

They didn't know how to listen to the class before. The teacher was teaching at the top and they were doing whatever they wanted at the bottom.

"Do I still have to listen carefully to the lessons for fifteen days?"

"Oh my god, why don't you just kill me!"

The weird students complained

"Is it bad to listen to the class? I think Mr. Jiang’s lectures are lively and interesting."Su Yaoyao can't wait to listen to Jiang Cheng's lectures every day. Jiang Cheng's voice is really nice, and he is so handsome.

"I think you are in heat."

Xiao Quan was a little speechless. Only a fangirl like Su Yaoyao would think that Jiang Cheng's lectures were lively and interesting.

He had no choice but to do so.

"Teacher Jiang's lectures are quite good……"

However, a clear voice sounded behind him, causing many strange students to turn their eyes away.

"Jiang Luozhi... You actually think that human is good at teaching. That doesn't suit your style!"

Xiao Quan looked at Jiang Luozhi in disbelief.

"It's pretty good……"

Jiang Cheng gave her a private lesson in the office, and she still remembers that lesson vividly.

And if she thinks back carefully... it seems to make her very happy. I don't know why... um... she seems a little strange.……

"Something is wrong……"

How come Jiang Luozhi just went out with Jiang Cheng, but now she has completely turned into Jiang Cheng's shape?

Something is very wrong.

If it was Su Yaoyao, the crazy girl, Xiao Quan would think it was very normal, but that was Jiang Luozhi!

"Anyway, there are only fifteen days left, so just listen carefully to Teacher Jiang's lectures."Su Yaoyao said seriously.

"It's fifteen days, but Teacher Jiang killed Liu Xue. If Fatty Liu finds out, will Teacher Jiang suffer the consequences?"

"Teacher Jiang was able to kill Liu Xue, who was at the high level of the evil spirit, but Liu Pang was at the initial level of the evil spirit, and I heard that he was about to reach the middle level of the evil spirit."

Xiao Quan didn't think that Jiang Cheng, a human, could handle Liu Pang, who was at the evil level.

They all knew that Liu Pang, the school director of Jinghun Middle School, was a very disgusting, bloody and weird creature that looked like a mountain of flesh.


Xiao Quan's words made Su Yaoyao frown.

"I will go back to my mother. I must not let anything happen to Teacher Jiang."Su Yaoyao didn't want anything to happen to the man she had finally chosen.

Her mother was also a demon.

Jiang Luozhi was thinking, should she help that man? She was……


"Brother Cheng, I heard someone say there were unspeakable noises in my office. Could it be Xiang Jiangluozhi?……"

Su Yingxue looked at Jiang Cheng suspiciously.

After she returned to the office, she found that there was a special smell in the office. As a woman, she was very familiar with that smell.

It was that smell.

"I just taught her well... Am I that kind of person?"

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

"She is quite obedient now. She must be one of the troublemakers in Class 12, right?"Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

A problem class should have a few troublemakers. As long as the troublemakers are dealt with, everything will be fine.

"Yes, there are three big troublemakers in Class 12, one is Jiang Luozhi, one is Xiao Quan, and the other is Su Yaoyao."

"One of them is the eldest daughter of the zombie tribe, one is the eldest daughter of the fox demon tribe, and the other is the young master of the fire demon. They all have some backgrounds behind them.……"

"It's not bad compared to our Jinghun Middle School."

Su Yingxue nodded.

But she was still a little suspicious. If Jiang Cheng was only teaching Jiang Luozhi, why would there be that kind of smell in the office?

"Yingxue, why are you looking at me like that? Am I that kind of person?

Jiang Cheng found that Su Yingxue was still looking at him with disbelief, but he was a gentleman.

"You haven't eaten yet? And you don't have a campus card. Let's go. I'll take you to the cafeteria for dinner."

Su Yingxue chuckled. That smile was pretty beautiful.


If you really want to attack Jiang Luozhi , I won't say anything. She is already hundreds of years old."……"

"Fatty Liu probably won't know what's going on in school for a while, and he's not in Tiantang City right now. I'll contact the principal for you now."

"Originally, the principal and Liu Pang didn't get along."

Su Yingxue said seriously

"Brother Cheng, I believe you can deal with Liu Pang, but Liu Pang and his group together have one who is about to reach the middle level of the evil level, one who has just been promoted to the initial level of the evil level, and one who is in red clothes and high level."

"It would be better if more people could help you, but... I protected you."

She was just a little red-clothed beginner and could not give Jiang Cheng much help.

"There's really no need to bother, I can handle it."

Liu Shuangyue is a demon-level, he has an unspeakable trick, which is also equivalent to the strength of the demon-level.

So he can completely handle it himself.

"By the way, what's your principal's name?"

Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered something. Could the principal of Jinghun Middle School be his ex-girlfriend?

"Our principal's name seems to be Jiang Qinxin, right? She's pretty and a really nice person."

"I will definitely introduce you to him if I have the chance."

Su Yingxue said with a smile

"Jiang Qinxin?"

It turns out that the principal of Jinghun Middle School is really his ex-girlfriend, and it is Jiang Qinxin, one of the three sisters of the Jiang family.

"What's wrong?"

Su Yingxue noticed that Jiang Cheng's expression seemed to have changed a little, and she was a little confused.


He couldn't just tell Su Yingxue that Jiang Qinxin was his ex-girlfriend, right?

"Where is she now?"

From what Su Yingxue said, Jiang Qinxin doesn't seem to be in Jinghun Middle School now.

"I went to another school for exchange. I think I've been away for more than a month."

Su Yingxue said thoughtfully.

"I will try to contact the principal."

The principal is a mid-level evil spirit and is fully capable of dealing with Liu Pang.


It just so happens that he really wants to meet Jiang Qinxin, and Jiang Qinxin is a Sha-level.

He has the ability to raise Jiang Qinxin's favorability to 95. If he signs a netherworld marriage contract with Jiang Qinxin, wouldn't he be able to directly obtain the combat power of the middle level of the Sha-level?

"You performed quite well in class just now."

When Jiang Cheng was teaching, Su Yingxue was watching him from outside the window.

"Not bad, I am now an intermediate ghost teacher.

Jiang Cheng thought he was pretty good, as he had never been a teacher before.


"Aren't you just a beginner teacher? Now you are an intermediate teacher.……"

If a junior ghost teacher wants to be promoted to an intermediate ghost teacher, he must teach for at least a few years.

"Brother Cheng, you are really talented!"

After discovering that Jiang Cheng was really an intermediate ghost teacher, Su Yingxue's beautiful eyes were filled with amazement.

After just one class, he went directly from elementary to intermediate level. It is estimated that it will not take long for Jiang Cheng to be promoted directly from intermediate to advanced level.

Becoming the same as her

"So, I can keep teaching them, right?"

Ten classes, it only takes one or two days.


"The Tiantang City Joint Examination will be held in a few days. Brother Cheng, if you can improve the results of Class 12 to a higher level, I will……"

Su Yingxue bit her red lips

"I'll give you a reward."

Su Yingxue knew that Jiang Cheng was a little... When he was massaging her, his hands were not idle at all.

Su Yingxue knew Jiang Cheng's little thoughts.

【Su Yingxue has given you a side quest: Improve your grades】

【Improve grades: Please raise the average score of Class 12 by 50 within five days. Completing side quests can improve the score. Do you want to accept the task?】

"I'll give it a try. How about eating first? I'm a little hungry.……"

When Su Yingxue went to the cafeteria with Jiang Cheng, she remembered something and turned around to look at Jiang Cheng.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Cheng, there is something I need you to do, a home visit, do you understand?"

"Every class in the school needs to complete a homework assignment.���The mission was originally supposed to be my job, but now……"

Su Yingxue knew that Jiang Cheng had to complete a side mission, so she used her authority to send Jiang Cheng two tasks.

【Su Yingxue has given you a side quest: Complete the home visit】

【Complete home visit: Please complete a home visit. There is no limit on the home visit object. Completing the side quest can improve the score. Please ask the player whether to accept the task】


Jiang Cheng would of course complete all the side quests he could. Only those with an SSS rating could receive generous rewards.

He wanted to achieve SSS in all dungeons.

" have to keep a good record of the home visit. You can pick any student you want."

Su Yingxue smiled.

"It shouldn't be difficult."

Of the two tasks, the first one is a little difficult, and the second one is relatively simple.

But she thinks Jiang Cheng should be able to complete both.


While chatting with Su Yingxue, they had already walked to the cafeteria. Along the way, many strange students looked at Jiang Cheng and Su Yingxue.

"Hey, Yuexuan, you are cleaning the cafeteria?"

At the entrance of the cafeteria, Jiang Cheng ran into an acquaintance, Qin Yuexuan. Qin Yuexuan found Jiang Cheng talking and laughing with a very beautiful female weirdo.

She was a little confused.

How could Jiang Cheng talk and laugh with the weirdos in the horror world? He...

(A few small details were deleted in the previous chapter. Alas, there is no original version. Please give me some gifts! I will see if there is any way to post it)

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