Chapter 163

Until this time, Xiangtian finally felt a bit of a bad thing.

“Zuan Daoist, I’m going to kill you!” Xiangtian roared, and rushed up to fight Chen Xuan, but he was horrified to find that his body had been imprisoned and couldn’t move at all.

What he didn’t know was that not only here, but even in the city, every member of the giant elephant tribe could no longer move, and a golden armored warrior appeared beside them.

Chen Xuan just glanced at Xiangtian contemptuously, without saying a word–his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, without any disguise.

“The city is full of golden armor!”

As the last sentence of this murderous poem was read, everyone in the Colosseum Department—whether standing in front of Chen Xuan or in the city, felt their heart beating hard if they didn’t know what had happened. one time.

These giant elephant tribes, who do evil things and don’t know how many bad things have been done in Yurou Township on weekdays, desperately want to dodge, but unfortunately they can’t have a body at all…

Xiangtian saw the big sword in the hands of the golden armored warrior in front of his tribe, and cut off their heads, leaving only a corpse with blood spurting on the neck, standing in the distance.

In the entire colossal department, all the adult members were killed except for some old and weak women and children.

Oh yes, there is also the patriarch Xiangtian who is still alive-but he looks almost dead at this time.

The patriarch of the giant elephant tribe who had been invincible was already bloody at this time, and his eyes were red.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to slash the Zuan Daoist in front of him to avenge his tribe.

“Zuoan Daoist, Zuan Daoist!” The only place where Xiangtian can move now is his mouth, “I want to kill you, and I want to smash your corpse, cramping and skinning! I want you to never reincarnate! ”

Chen Xuan waved his hand and withdrew the golden armored warrior who was condensed in mid-air, waiting for the order: “Oh? You want to kill me? Xiangtian, are you capable of this?”

“I don’t care, I’m going to kill you, I want to destroy you, I want you to regret what happened today! Not just you, I want to kill Nuwa, I want to kill her!”

“Papa” sounded two crisp sounds, and Chen Xuan moved back into the distance, “I am full of wickedness and death is imminent, so I even dared to speak wildly, it’s time to fight!”

Looking at Xiangtian again, her cheeks were swollen and tall, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and her teeth were broken.

“Hmph, I know you are very dissatisfied, if so, let me put you on a fair trial!”

Chen Xuan no longer paid attention to Xiangtian, just raised his head and looked at the cloudless sky, muttering words in his mouth.

Suddenly, Hong Yun realized something was wrong. He felt an extremely terrifying aura, converging on Own’s head.

The sky was still clear and cloudless just now. At this time, the Golden Crow, who was still wandering slowly, didn’t know where to go.

These heavy dark clouds that did not know why suddenly appeared, and they blocked the sky tightly, and the constant churning made Hongyun feel a touch of breathless depression.

Horror, it’s horrible!

These clouds kept tossing and surging, and finally formed the shape of an eye.

Suddenly, this eye opened, and Xiang Tian only felt that a terrifying existence was watching him. With only his eyes, his own blood had almost stopped flowing.

If it weren’t for his desperate resistance, I’m afraid it would have been heartbreaking at this time, right?At this moment, the silence in the entire prehistoric wilderness was extremely quiet, and almost all the predominant creatures felt a great murderous intent from the sky.

These creatures shivered and didn’t know what happened-in their opinion, maybe the end of the wild is coming.

I don’t know how many creatures are lying on the ground, praying loudly to the sky, praying for someone to save them.

In the Tianwaitian Zixiao Palace 33 days away, there are countless cultivators gathered here at this time.

An elderly Daoist stood at the forefront, his five fingers constantly pinching out.

This old Taoist body is wearing a mysterious Taoist robe. There is no extra cultivator on the Taoist robe, but no one shows a contemptuous look.

Because this old Dao is the master of Zixiao Palace, Dao Ancestor Hongjun who has just been canonized.

“Teacher, what have you figured out?” Nuwa was standing in the first row behind Hongjun. She saw Hongjun stop her movements, so she asked cautiously, “Could it be what happened in the predicament? No big deal?”

Hongjun was silent for a while, and shook his head slightly: “I don’t know why, even the poor road can’t figure out what happened. It’s so strange!”

Nuwa and the man beside him looked at each other, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Daozu Hongjun has been canonized, even he can’t figure out things, unless it involves…

At this time, Hongjun was still muttering to himself: “Who is this man, why can’t I see him at all? I can’t see his past, let alone his future.”

“It’s like suddenly appearing in the wilderness. There is no past and no future. The whole person does not belong to this wilderness.”

“Maybe only the power that jumps out of Five Elements and is not in The Three Realms can do this, right?”

When Nuwa heard Hongjun’s words, her heart beat vigorously, because she thought of a person who appeared in front of own in this way.

And he couldn’t tell where he came from…

Could it be that what the ancestor said is him?

“No, no!” Hongjun was taken aback and thought of another possibility, “Could it be that he did such a thing?”

The more Hongjun thinks about it, the more possible it is, and only those two beings can do this…

Chen Xuan was already hovering in the air at this time, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes, and his whole person was like a robot, cold and merciless.

Heavenly Dao is ruthless, the great way to the public, Chen Xuan is now playing the role of Heavenly Dao, naturally there is no emotional color.

“You are guilty!”

A emotionless voice came out of Chen Xuan’s mouth: “Xiang Tian, ​​the patriarch of the giant elephant tribe, was born 1.26 million years old!”

“A total of 732,290 crimes of massacre, QJ, and robbery were committed!”

“However, because he helped his family and loved his brothers and sisters, there were a total of 83 cases.”

“On sin, be punishable!”

As Chen Xuan’s “Dang Zhu” sounded, a translucent light screen suddenly appeared in front of Xiang Tian, ​​constantly flashing the countless crimes he had committed in his life.

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