Chapter 162

“Ding, the host has obtained the full trust of Nuwa and completed the hidden mission. The host will be rewarded with Heavenly Dao level magical powers: rewards and punishments on behalf of the heavens!”

Rewards and punishments on behalf of the heavens, or Heavenly Dao level magical powers?

This is really developed, and if you can reward and punish the heavens, wouldn’t it mean that you have a part of Heavenly Dao’s powers.

In other words, although daddy can’t be regarded as a complete Heavenly Dao right now, it’s not too bad either…

How much is the difference? It’s just a hundred and eighty Sage.

After all, it is Heavenly Dao’s authority to reward and punish on behalf of the heavens. If you can own this authority, it does not mean that you are Heavenly Dao.

With Chen Xuan’s current Taoism and his understanding of Tao, it is estimated that he can reward and punish cultivators below the quasi-sage middle stage at most.

But this is already very scary…

Looking at the long sword that appeared in his hand, the sword seemed to be no different from a rough look, except that the sword was nailed with seven copper nails in the arrangement of the seven Northern Dipper stars.

These seven copper nails seem to be the finishing touches, suddenly making this ordinary long sword different from others.

Chen Xuan silently gave the giant elephant department a compliment: If it weren’t for these frogs at the bottom of the well, he wouldn’t be able to get such powerful magical powers.

At this time, the faint-hearted person who had been sucked up by the flattery yelled loudly: “Children, take these two fanatics for me, cut off their heads, and hang them on the city gate!”

“Yes, please follow the orders of the patriarch!”

Before the words fell, a few figures had appeared in the air, rushing towards Chen Xuan and Hong Yun.

“Senior, let me do these idiots for you!” Hong Yun has already decided to climb the thick legs of Chen Xuan, and volunteered, “Senior, please agree.”

Chen Xuan shook his head: “Don’t participate in this matter. This is an internal matter of our monster clan. If you mix in, it will be bad for you.”

In any case, it is also a matter within the Demon Race to destroy the Giant Elephant Tribe by yourself. This red cloud is not a Demon Race member.

Hongyun shuddered, knowing that own words were a bit arrogant: “Hongyun is reckless, don’t blame senior.”

In addition to this reason, Chen Xuan refused to let him take action. He wanted to use the most compelling way to destroy the giant elephant department.

As for what method is the most compelling, Chen Xuan already had a solution in his mind, looking at the Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

At this time, more than a dozen big men in the giant elephant department have rushed in front of Chen Xuan. These big guys seem to have powerful Magic power and advanced skills. At least they already have Celestial Immortals Realm. This giant elephant department is indeed strong. No wonder it can become the largest tribe in this far north.

Unfortunately, they met Chen Xuan.

“Sword Qi is 30,000 miles across,”

A black arc-shaped Sword Ray like a waning moon suddenly appeared in the eyes of the group of monsters. The dozen or so giant elephant tribes who had rushed to rush to flatter only felt that the Sword Ray was extremely dazzling, and their eyes were almost blinded. , Closed his eyes involuntarily.

“One Sword Ray cold nineteen continents.”

The arc-shaped Sword Ray slowly swept across these giant elephant tribes, like moonlight shining on the ground, wherever Sword Ray went, these tribes only felt a coolness in their necks, and then their heads flew high.After a long time, these people’s bodies fell to the ground, and blood spurted out as if they didn’t need money.

It seems that own idea has succeeded, YES!

Chen Xuan squeezed his fist excitedly–he had always wanted to make a trick that looked powerful and looked very cool.

It’s just that he didn’t have much inspiration. It wasn’t until today that Chen Xuan got the Seven Star Sword that he suddenly thought of this method.

The sword is the gentleman in the weapon, there is no more elegant, more compelling way than this.

Looking back at Hongyun, he found that this baby had already opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen something incredible.

Cut, there is no concentration at all, how can you still be mixed in the predicament in the future?

But it can also be seen from this that the own set is indeed amazing enough!

This Sword Ray turned more than a dozen giant elephant tribesmen into headless corpses.

When Xiang Tian saw that Owner’s confidants were cut by Chen Xuan, he was furious: “Shameless Zuan Daoist, dare to be so rampant, slaughter my giant elephant tribe! Don’t think that Nuwa will support you, you can do so. Unscrupulous!”

Chen Xuan gently blew off the blood bead on the Seven-Star Sword: “Like the patriarch of the sky, how do you say this? Even without Nuwa supporting me, I will destroy your giant elephant department, it is as easy as turning into a palm!”

“Come on, give it to me!” Xiangtian was trembling with anger, and roared loudly, “Catch this madman, Daddy will have a lot of rewards.”

Xiangtian can’t remember the last time someone pretended to be in front of him. He only knows one thing now, that is, he wants to catch the Zuan Daoist in front of him, and then smash his body into pieces!

And more than that, even Nuwa, who stole the position of the leader of the monster race, can’t let it go!

When the time comes, she will be told to know that I am as powerful as the sky!

As soon as I heard Xiangtian said that there was a reward, these giant elephant tribesmen were as if they were beaten with blood, at least thousands of tribesmen rushed forward screaming.

Thousands of people are holding all kinds of weapons, most of them are some heavy weapons such as maces. Obviously, such a heavy weapon can be suitable for these strong men.

Chen Xuan smiled, and said to Hong Yun: “Go back, lest you splash your blood!”

“Yes, senior.”

Chen Xuan looked at these rushing demons, and the Seven Star Sword in his hand pulled a sword flower:

“Stay until autumn comes September 8th!”

The autumn sun is the master of gold, which is beneficial to the soldiers. After Chen Xuan uttered this sentence, these monsters immediately felt a murderous aura permeating the heavens and the earth, making them a little surprised and stopped, looking left and right, as if looking for something. The source of this murderous aura.

“After my flowers bloom, a hundred flowers will kill!”

Chen Xuan’s aura became more vigorous, and a layer of white flame seemed to ignite all over his body, while the group of demons felt waves of weakness attack Own’s body, and his legs softened and he almost fell to his knees. Not only these monsters rushing up, but even the monsters behind Xiangtian feel the same way.

Only the Xiangtian surrounded by the center didn’t feel anything. In his opinion, Chen Xuan was just pretending.

“What are you doing?” He looked at the people of own who were slanted and slanted, as if drunk, like the sky was furious, “Go on, hurry up on me! Kill this Zuan Daoist!”

“The incense array soars through the wilderness!”

After reading this poem, Xiangtian was horrified to discover that in the air around Own, there appeared a golden armored warrior who looked like a god, holding an Azure Dragon moon knife, majestic and majestic.

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