Chapter 306

“Although I am not sure what this thing is, I can feel that this thing is not malicious to me.”

“And I can feel that this guy should be showing me the way, but I didn’t follow his route.”

After hearing what the Qilin Rui Beast said in front of him, Zhang Qing couldn’t wait to slap this guy to death. To be honest, this was really irritating.

This Qilin Rui Beast had already discovered the clue, why didn’t he tell him earlier, so that he had encountered such a thrilling scene just now.

Qilin Rui Beast, I found out that your fellow is indeed a student broke. With this kind of voice, why don’t you remind me quickly, it made me look there for a long time!

“Oh, for things like Master, I should at least look at the other party Yang with a skeptical attitude, plus if the other party calls you, would you go there as soon as possible?”

Zhang Qing couldn’t refute only the rare bird’s profit for a while, but this Qilin Rui Beast didn’t know who learned it from to be so slippery.

“Okay, okay, this time it’s not bad, I blame you, but I found that there are some small crystals here, such as this one on your body.”

Zhang Qing also took a spar from Qilin Ruimon’s back at this moment, and this Qilin Ruimon was slightly taken aback when he saw the spar.

“What the hell is this stuff, and when did it come to my back? Why don’t I know?”

Zhang Qing also nodded after hearing Qilin Ruimon’s words, because he could also tell that this guy definitely didn’t find this spar!

“To be honest, I don’t know what this thing is, but this thing seems to be very interested in me, although I don’t know why this thing won’t attack you!”

“But you have to know that after I got close to these things just now, these things were all condensed together, forming a sandstorm-like shape like I was pressing over.”

When Zhang Qing said this, he also frowned. If he hadn’t ran fast just now, he might have been swallowed by these crystals.

And it’s not just being swallowed up by these spirits, the main reason is that I still don’t know what these elites will do to me.

At this moment, Zhang Qing also felt that one head and two were big, and his companion mobilized some energy a little, and wanted to observe what these crystals were!

But it was also discovered that this crystal, just like the other crystals, began to slowly drift towards the sky, and began to rush towards him.

That appearance is really unacceptable.

At the beginning, this spar was only one that could accompany the spar gradually drifting to the sky, and the surrounding spars were also brought over again.

And after these spars were condensed together, they began to smash towards Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast just like the previous one.

When the two of them saw this scene, they quickly left their current position and began to run behind them.

After running for a while, I found that the crystal had long since disappeared, and I was relieved.

“I said, Master, can you not do it like this if you have nothing to do, if you want to do it, can you put me aside first?”

At this moment, Zhang Qing also heard that the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him was adjusting himself, and then he also stretched out his hand, and a horror came to the Qilin Rui Beast’s head!

Qilin Rui Beast was also a little innocently clutching his head after being sturdy and sturdy, and then said weakly.

“Master, you didn’t bully people like this, plus you caused the situation this time. It’s not my business at all.”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast looked a bit innocent. After all, he did not do anything, so he was beaten.

Whoever it is, everyone will feel very wronged, let alone a Qilin auspicious beast who has not been involved in the world?

At this moment, Zhang Qing didn’t want to comfort the guy in front of him, but wanted to know what these crystals were.

Why do these guys attack themselves instead of attacking the Qilin beast in front of him?

Finally, after a series of observations, Zhang Qing discovered that although these business entities were not interested in Qilin Rui Beast, they were also not interested in themselves when they were not displaying energy.

Zhang Qing only knew when he felt all of this. It turned out that these financial questions were only interested in energy questions, and were not interested in own body at all.

After knowing all this, I also let out a sigh of relief. If these crystals are really interested in me, isn’t it the end of myself together?

At the moment when Zhang Qing was relieved, he quickly came to Qilin Ruimon’s side, directly placed Qilin Ruimon on his own shoulder, and then spoke!

“Didn’t you guy know that there is a clue about the exit? If you follow the path of the voice in your mind, you might be able to find it.”

Qilin Rui Beast was slightly taken aback after hearing what Zhang Qing said and then asked.

“No, Master, do you really believe the voice in my mind? Although this guy did save me some trouble, I’m really not sure if this guy is good for us.”

Qilin Rui Beast also said to the owner of own at this moment, and also Zhang Qingtian empress, although she can’t believe it in her heart, she can bite the bullet and try it first.

“Oh, don’t worry about so much. To be honest, although I can’t believe it, but now we don’t have anyone who can believe it, so we can only try to see it first.”

After Zhang Qing said these words, Qilin Rui Beast also felt big for a while, but it couldn’t help it.

I didn’t mobilize my own energy along the way. Although Qilin Rui Beast’s energy wasn’t particularly large, it still stored some more or less.

Zhang Qing is different. The energy in his body is very sufficient, but it is also because of the crystals before, so he can’t use energy now.

“How do I go next?”

Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast, there are three roads in front of them at this moment, they don’t know which way to go, so they said to Qilin Rui Beast beside them at this moment.

After Qilin Rui Beast heard what Zhang Qing said, he recalled the way that the previous voice told Own in his own mind.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he also found that the voice had already disappeared from his mind, so it seemed a bit distressed for a while.

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