Chapter 305 Huge Destructive Power

When Zhang Qing saw this, he was even more surprised in his heart, and couldn’t help but want to know what this thing was.

To be honest, although he has seen many descriptions of various magical things, it is still the first time he has seen such things.

At this moment, he was in this place where he could find his opponent, and to be honest, he had encountered many weird things, and he had never seen it.

And he also wrote down these things that he had never seen before.

And when he accumulated these things again, he also went through a careful study again, but he also discovered that some of these things have tremendous destructive power to the human body.

But some things have some very good benefits for people.

In short, if you don’t observe these things carefully, you will definitely not be able to find out what the effects of these things are.

Zhang Qing also squatted directly at the place where these crystals had fallen, and these crystals seemed to feel the energetic body approaching them, so in the first place, they seemed extraordinarily energetic.

The speed of the activity is also gradually getting faster, as if the change in one second will appear directly on Zhang Qing’s body.

Zhang Qing also escaped the attack of this thing after some evasion, but soon he was under greater pressure and rushed directly towards him.

It may also be because I am too close to this thing, and when I wait for some business around, it seems to have a certain connection with these things that are very close to me.

So when these crystals started to move, the surrounding crystals attached to other places gradually condensed.

Originally, Zhang Qing only thought that these things were only such a little bit, but with the passage of time, he discovered that there were quite a lot of these things.

After that, I could see the crystals rising up like yellow sand in the sky, and began to rush towards me.

When Su Jiu saw this scene, he also quickly accelerated own pace and wanted to leave here.

However, he found that the things behind him seemed to be equipped with tracking devices, following Own all the time.

But fortunately, own energy has been restored to a similar level, so it is also possible to get rid of these guys’ tracking by relying on their own rapid movement!

After these spars did not feel Zhang Qing’s trace, they began to pour down again like grains of sand.

It fell directly on the ground, and the moment it fell on the ground, it also made a crisp sound.

Zhang Qing could hear the sound of a needle landing far away. Although the sound of this landing was very small, the sound of this thing landing was so harsh. Su Jiu was also slowly taking a breath at this moment.

After Zhang Qing escaped from the encirclement of the elite body, he quickly ran in the direction where Qilin Rui Beast was.

After not knowing how long he ran, he finally met Qilin Rui Beast, Qilin Rui Beast was walking on the road as normal.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he also spoke directly to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him.

“You guys better be careful, I found these guys around seem to be very interested in the energy body.”

Qilin Rui Beast was also slightly taken aback when he heard what the owner of own said.

Because he really didn’t know what the owner of own was talking about, the main reason seemed to be because he had never encountered those crystals.

Zhang Qing is also a little curious, why doesn’t Qilin Rui Beast have such crystals?

However, since there is such a crystal on his side, it can be proved that there is definitely a crystal on Qi Lin Ruishou’s side, so he also mobilized a little energy to conduct some investigations.

I didn’t know, but I was shocked when he saw it, because he found that there were some crystals in the bones beside Qilin Rui Beast.

Even more frightening is Qilin Rui Beast. At this moment, there are several crystals on his body, but these crystals are still advancing at a very slow speed.

It was not like the crystals that I had encountered before, but after I approached, it suddenly violent, and a group of Wuyang birds pressed against him.

Time himself doesn’t know how to explain the present situation.

But now I should hurry up and call Qilin Rui Beast next to own, that’s the business.

“Hey, you guys don’t come back soon. I’ve been standing here waiting for you for a long time. If you don’t come back, I will leave here.”

After Qilin Rui Beast heard what his owner said, he turned his head quickly, and rushed towards his own master.

When he arrived in front of his master, オ then said to his master in a puzzled tone.

“Why does the master leave here well? I think the clues I investigated have a certain effect. Maybe we can find a way to leave soon.”

Zhang Qing was slightly taken aback when he heard what the Qilin Rui Beast said, and then asked again.

“I haven’t found any great things for so long. How come I have a certain clue when I get to you?”

“Oh, master, don’t you know that Qilin Rui Beast controls Rui Xiang, for some things, we can still find out in the first time.”

Zhang Qing slapped his forehead fiercely after hearing what the Qilin Rui Beast said in front of him, maybe it was because the time for the two of them to dissipate energy was too long, and he had forgotten that Qilin Rui Beast still had this way. A feature!

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier, that made me search there for a long time.”

After Qilin Rui Beast heard what his master said, he went all the way again, and then spoke.

“Master, you are so far away from me, even if I want to tell you, I have to run by your side at least to be able to teach me my own discovery and tell you.”

Empress Zhang Qingtian feels right.

Zhang Qing also spoke to the Qilin Rui Beast on his body at this moment!

If you have any clues, please hurry up. Now that I have come by your side, don’t you hurry up and tell me what you have discovered, do you want to stay here forever?

Qilin Rui Beast is very good, and he nodded Own’s head, and told the owner about Own’s findings!

“Sure enough, the situation is like this. When I came to the bottom of this gorge, I felt an inexplicable energy in my own body calling me.”

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