Chapter 287

At the moment when he couldn’t figure out what this place was, he saw a shining text in front of him.

“I didn’t expect you to come here with me. If you can come here, it can prove that your strength is not bad at all, so the next prompt for you will also be changed.”

“In fact, from the original three to the current one, please be able to support it.”

At the moment when Zhang Qing saw the light of this recorded color disappear from his front, he was also directly stunned.

Unexpectedly, this brave still likes to tease people so much, so if he just gave an instruction, how can he get through here?

And the main reason is that although I have already come here, it does not show that this is the third level. Maybe this is just a transition of the third level.

Zhang Qing looked at it, and there were all holes in front of him, but there were a lot of words on the holes.

The most important thing is that you can’t understand one of these words at all.

Mirrors are also constantly appearing in front of own, and it seems that every time these mirrors appear, they are refreshing the words outside the openings!

When Zhang Qing encountered this situation for the first time, she was slightly confused in her heart. What the hell was this brave man doing?

But at this moment, his situation no longer allowed him to stand here and continue watching, so he also strode forward directly.

At the moment he just walked forward, the mirror rushed towards him.

But when the mirror came in front of him, he was not afraid of it, and this mirror passed directly through his body.

“Sure enough, I didn’t expect it.”

After Zhang Qing saw the mirror pass through in front of him, he also quickly came to the first hole.

But the moment he arrived in front of the first cave entrance, he also found that there was only a very simple word in front of the cave.

After Zhang Qing read the word again, 673 really didn’t know what this brave man was doing.

In the end, he came to the second entrance again, and when he came to the entrance again, he also found this entrance, which also had a very simple word on it.

Zhang Qing felt a little speechless when he saw this scene. What is the situation? Why is there a word on each hole, and this word is still very simple, even if I let myself guess, I can’t guess it. Ah.

However, as he continued to walk to the side, he also found that there was another very simple word on this hole.


After observing the words on the surrounding holes one after another, he finally understood what this guy wanted to do.

Because he found that he could see a very simple word above the holes he had looked for, and recorded these words.

At this moment, Zhang Qing, after roughly filtering these recorded words in his mind, he was able to arrange all these words together and arrange them into one sentence.

“Want to find the hole, the beauty you want.”

After Zhang Qing saw this sentence that came out of his mind, the green veins on his forehead also hugged directly.

It seems that this grease still has a childish mind, and it is more difficult to find such a hole!

Zhang Qing didn’t think much about the evil taste of this brave man. After all, these guys generally like to do such things.

Then he did a search again, and found that no matter how he searched, he still couldn’t find the existence that could get out of the hole, and then he also pondered these words again.

After pondering for a while, he also felt a little strange, because he observed for so long, he also found a hole, which was different from other holes.

Because there is at least one word on the other openings, but there is nothing on the openings.

It’s just that this hole was sealed by something, and I wanted to push that thing away, but it took a lot of effort to open it.

For a while, Zhang Qing also set his own gaze again on the hole that hadn’t written anything and had been blocked.

“Could it be said that this hole is the only hole left by this brave who can leave here?”

When Zhang Qing thought of this, he quickly came to the entrance of the cave, and the moment he came to the entrance of the cave.

He also observed the hole again, but he didn’t find anything wrong.

When Zhang Qing came to the Immortal Cave at this moment, he observed the bet again, the huge rock at the entrance of the cave.

But I also found that this huge rock seemed to be blocked from inside. No matter whether I pushed or pulled it, I couldn’t shake this huge rock at all.

Zhang Qing also stretched out his own fist with sufficient strength at this moment, and slammed down towards the huge stone in front of him.

But after he planted down on the huge rock, the entire Immortal Cave trembled a few times because of this, but the rock was still intact.

At this moment, when he saw this huge stone, he couldn’t help but think of the previous stone that blocked his way. Is this stone the same training material as the previous rock?

However, the rock in front of me looks really ordinary in his eyes. After all, he has a lot of experience, but for these ten, he didn’t say anything-there is nothing wrong. .

This stone looks exactly the same as the surrounding stones, and the texture to the touch is also the same.

Zhang Qing felt a bit difficult for a while, after all, with such a stone blocking Own’s path, it was still a bit difficult for him.

Then he put his own eyes on the previous holes, and he suddenly discovered that these holes were all passable, but the main reason was still there.

That was the moment he entered those holes, he also found that the words above had changed from the original pale color to red.

And these reds are also shocking colors, maybe this is also the reminder of the brave to own.

Faced with the words that had already started to become red, it was also slightly afraid in its heart, so it did not choose to enter it from this place in the first time.

After recalling these words in own’s mind again, it also found that after these words were arranged into a sentence, there was one important punctuation mark missing.

And this punctuation mark is also a period, but the problem is that there is nothing above the last blocked door.

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