Chapter 286 Thunder Pool

Zhang Qing told the truth, at this moment, it was like a stunned green who directly changed and stepped into this thunder pond.

But at the moment he just stepped into this thunder pond, he felt his own body suddenly descend at an extremely fast speed.

I don’t know how long he had passed before he finally reached the bottom of this thunder pond.

As he moved towards the bottom of the thunder pond, he could indeed feel the huge pain coming from his body.

The main reason is that own Life has been experiencing these thunder ponds, and as he goes down to the lower thunder pond, the energy is stronger!

“Who the hell is this brave man, don’t let me go out to see this guy, if you see this guy, you must wait for his old man.”

Zhang Qing endured the pain of his own recovery, while constantly recalling this sentence in his own mind, because the pain caused by the thunder pool in front of him was really too great.

Regarding the actions of this brave man, although own can understand why this guy did this in his heart, it is still inevitable that he has a little bit of malice towards this guy in his heart.

Because the thunder pond in front of him, if he were a normal person, would have already lost his soul. If it weren’t for own soul to be more powerful than others, I don’t know how many times it is stronger, I am afraid I would have died by now.

The moment Zhang Qingqiang endured the pain of the soul and came to the bottom of this thunder pond, he also found that the thunder pond in front of him had changed to a certain extent.

If the top thunder pond exudes light blue light, then the thunder pond below is exuding dark red light.

And at the moment when he was in contact with the dark red light, he also felt a sensation of skin and flesh on the surface of own body.

Zhang Qing not only experienced the test of the soul, but also the test of his body. This dark red thunder pool could not be compared with the thunder and lightning that he encountered at Qilin Rui Beast before.

Zhang Qing encountered the black thundercloud with the energy of destroying the sky and the earth before at Qilin Ruimon. To be honest, he might have angered that thundercloud, so the thundercloud caused so much damage to him.

But in the dark red mine pool in front of him, he didn’t provoke the opponent at all, so it is conceivable that the opponent will cause no harm to himself.

But what I didn’t expect was that when I entered this thunder pond, I once again felt the feeling of being struck by the dark red lightning.

However, with the passage of time, Own’s body may have adapted to this inhuman torture, so at this moment, he also felt that Own’s actions had some signs of recovery.

But even though there is a trace of recovery from own action, I still feel a sense of numbness all over my body. Even if I can perform some simple movements, I still feel weak.

Zhang Qing also gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward, but when he reached the end of the thunder pond, he was also a little angry.

Because at this moment, there are three roads in front of him, and these three roads should all lead to different directions.

The most damn it is that there is a layer of thunder and lightning at the openings of these three roads!

And there was a layer of Leidian’s color of Leidian Town attached to the three holes, which was more dazzling than the dark red Lei Pond where he was now.

Basically, you can feel it from far away. How powerful are the three lightning bolts attached to the three holes?

If you try to pass through this lightning, you might be hurt by this lightning.

Finally, he also dragged his body that felt a little numb to the three entrances, but when he came here, he encountered a problem.

Now that I am going to enter that hole, I can’t enter another hole and then regret coming out. Wouldn’t it cause a second injury?

It seems that I can only fight for my luck now!

After some speculations, he still couldn’t know which hole he should enter in the next step, so he used the oldest method to identify which hole he should enter.

After decisively choosing the right, he didn’t even think about it, and then began to step forward.

When he just touched the thunder and lightning attached to the hole, he also gritted his own teeth.

However, the pain in the impression did not pass into Own’s brain. At this moment, he was also slightly curious, so he opened Own’s eyes.

Just when he opened his eyes and waited for an instant, he also realized that the thunder and lightning in front of him had already spread to his body, but why didn’t he feel any pain!

“This brave man is really enough, isn’t this just for people?”

At this moment, he also didn’t feel the slightest pain. On the contrary, when the thunder and lightning entered his body again, he could also feel a sense of numbness.

And the simplicity is a tingling sensation, which makes him feel very comfortable.

When Zhang Qing felt this comfortable feeling flooding his body, he successfully let go of his own guard in his heart, and took a step directly in front of him.

When he entered the cave as a whole, he also found that it was pitch black in front of own, and he couldn’t see anything at all.

At this moment, he also wanted to find something to illuminate, but after some searching, he found that there was nothing in his own backpack that could illuminate a little. Some helpless, he could only walk in the dark.

After walking for a while, he also found that the road in front of him was getting more and more nervous.

But at this moment, he has no other way, he can only bite his scalp and continue to move forward.

I don’t know how long he walked, but he discovered that there was a bright presence in front of him.

But even this light is still very dim, but it is still acceptable to him, after all, he has seen a dim place for such a long time.

After finally being able to see a point that can shine, then you can prove that you have come to the end.

At this moment, Zhang Qing also gave up on the Shimin who was holding on to the side, but rushed directly towards the place with a light spot.

After a quarter of an hour, he finally came to the shot of the cave, and when he came to the end of the cave, he was slightly taken aback.

Because there was still a bright presence in front of her, and it was so bright that she couldn’t open her own eyes at all, after recovering for a while, he finally saw the scene in front of him.

In front of him, there were also many mirrors appearing at the moment they saw them, and he really didn’t understand what it was here.

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