Chapter 281

“As for you, it is estimated that this city will disappear in a few years. I am afraid that there will only be messy and absurd buildings on this planet, and those fugitives who fled.”

One sentence and one sentence from Zhang Qing. Each sentence was clicked in the hearts of the soldiers around and the little girl next to him. You must know that the very tall city lord they had been praised before turned out to be such a villain, and they were also in their hearts. Wei Wei is a little afraid.

They are not thinking now, if this city is still in the hands of this old man, will it go to the day of destruction?

Even at this moment, the city is still standing here, but presumably that day should not be too far away.

“I want to glass you the title of city lord now, do you have any complaints?”

Zhang Qing also said to the thin old man in front of him again.

After hearing what Zhang Qing said, this thin old man felt extremely unwilling to give up, but he did not have any room for resistance.

“I am willing, and I have no complaints.”

After saying this, the old man also took off all the things that could symbolize the city lord.

Put the scepter, a crown, and a set of clothes.

After receiving these three things, Zhang Qing just shattered all these three things without even looking at them.

After seeing what Zhang Qing was doing, the people around were still stunned, not knowing what he was going to do.

From now on, the only city on this planet will no longer have these things, no more classes, and there will only be one city owner, that is you.

Zhang Qing’s last sentence seemed extremely gentle.

Zhang Qing looked at the little girl beside him tenderly, and the little girl looked at the immortal cultivator beside him in shock.

She really couldn’t understand why these immortal cultivators in front of them would elect themselves to be the lord of this city.

Zhang Qing would let this little girl become the lord of this city, of course, with his own ideas. After all, from what happened last night, he could see the little girl’s determination.

If a person is willing to give up so that the people in his city will no longer be harmed and his own person cannot be a reorganization of this city, then who can do it?

“Ah? I, I can’t be the lord of the city. My little girl denied it when she reacted. After all, the highest official position he has served in this Fujichi is just a small captain.”

Although she has made a lot of achievements, she still feels that she is not qualified for this position.

Zhang Qing didn’t want to think so and put his hand gently on the top of the little girl’s head. After gently rubbing it, the little girl’s hair became a little messy.

But at this moment, the little girl didn’t make any other movements, just lowered her head slightly. If you look carefully, you can see that the little girl has already blushed with her own face.

This little girl named Ling Dong didn’t realize from beginning to end what she thought about the immortal cultivator in front of her.

When I met this immortal cultivator before, Own was very defensive in his heart, but after traveling for a period of time with the two of them, he also found in his heart that this immortal cultivator was indeed what he said.

This immortal cultivator is a very kind person, who has no idea about their planet at all.

After feeling the mood of the cultivator, the little girl also let go of her guard.

But I didn’t expect that when leading this immortal cultivator to this city, the city lord would not be divided into three or seventy-two, and he wanted to eliminate the immortal cultivator.

Fortunately this time, if you encounter a grumpy immortal cultivator, facing such an attack, I am afraid that the city would have been destroyed long ago.

If you change to a normal Cultivation Base who is still weak and young, you may not be able to withstand the attack of the old city lord, but if you really encounter the kind of immortal cultivator who is very difficult to deal with and has a violent brand, this is really for them. The disaster of extinction.

It is reasonable that the old city owner can no longer be qualified for the post of city owner, but he can’t tell from this point that he can act as the city owner of this city!

Those in the surrounding guards also looked at the squad leader they had previously known with an expression of excitement.

And Ling Dong was also embarrassed to look directly at the soldiers he had led before, after all, he still lacked a little confidence in his heart.

Zhang Qing also smiled after seeing the little girl’s lack of self-confidence. Bend down again and talked with the little girl.

After Zhang Qing said this, she looked at the little girl tenderly.

At this moment, the little girl standing next to her is also full of endless self-confidence at this moment. For those who have just fallen into the emotional vortex, the satisfaction of everything is very low.

Therefore, when the little girl heard what Zhang Qing said, she nodded slightly, bit her thin lip and said.

“I, I will try.”

A guard around was also standing by the two of them, so they could also hear Ling Dong’s words.

This soldier was the first to cheer after hearing what Ling Dong said. Although the guards around did not hear Ling Dong’s soft voice, they could still imagine what happened at this moment.

Afterwards, the soldiers all over the place cheered and cheered, but the old people, children, and women in the city who didn’t know what happened were also blank.

They stayed in the city and didn’t hear what was happening outside at all. The only thing they heard was a loud and slightly vicissitudes of roar roaring out their city lord.

And when that roar came out, the old people and children around thought that they had already reached the end of their lives, and everyone was clustered together, silently wiping their tears.

Although some children didn’t know what was going on, of course they saw their own elders, and each of them shed tears. They were also very cleverly snuggling in front of the elders!

These elders also hugged these children tightly in their own arms after feeling the snuggle of the children, but their tears still fell down.

They also kept comforting their own family members, or their own relatives and friends, but when they were all desperate, they heard the cheers outside.

Unknown old people, women and children also quickly walked out of Own’s house and looked out of the city.

When they looked outside the city, they found that the soldiers had thrown away their weapons one by one and began to cheer. At this moment, a luminous sphere was floating in the deep pit that was dissolved by guns. superior.

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