Chapter 280

Then he put his own hand on the little girl’s head again.

After a burst of turquoise energy entered the little girl’s forehead, the little girl woke up in an instant, but the moment she woke up, she still had a frightened face.

After this moment, even though he had a frightened face, and when he saw that there was no one around Death, she only slightly relaxed.

But when she relaxed, she could still feel the presence of charcoal fire beside her body, and then turned her head to look.

Just when she turned her head and looked around, she found that the immortal cultivator was holding herself, and at this moment she was nestling in the arms of the immortal cultivator like a bird!

At this moment, she finally had free time to take a closer look at the face of the immortal cultivator, and saw a handsome cheek appeared in front of him, with sharp edges and corners, sword eyebrows and star eyes, astonishingly handsome.

Before she knew it, her cheeks were also slightly rosy, Zhang Qing at this moment also knew what was wrong with the little girl, and then gently placed the little girl beside the barrier.

When the little girl was put down by the immortal cultivator in front of her, she blushed a little bit. At this moment, she did not dare to look directly at the immortal cultivator in front of her.

But she remembered the formality again, and then with a ruddy face, she whispered to the immortal cultivator in front of her.

“Don’t… don’t kill them.”

This little girl also buried her head very low when she said this sentence, and the words were very slight, but she was clearly heard by Zhang Qing in front of her!

Zhang Qing then gently combed the slightly messy hair of the little girl in front of him again, and then said softly.

“Don’t worry! If I really want to take action against these people of yours, I believe these people of yours will not be able to survive now, and you have to know that it is the second day now.”

The air at this moment is a little quiet, and the surroundings are also very quiet. Even if a needle falls on the ground, a crisp sound can still be heard.

The little girl was also slightly surprised at this time. What happened? None of these guys in front of them dared to speak out. Even the city lord in this city didn’t even dare to say a word.

The little girl looked a little at a loss at this moment, but the soldiers around did not dare to make a sound at all. Even if the little girl looked at the nearest soldier with an expression of asking for help, the soldier was still tight. Shut your mouth tightly, afraid to speak.

The little girl didn’t know how far things had progressed for a while, so she was still a little anxious at the moment.

But when he was in a hurry, Zhang Qing next to him said directly, “The so-called layer master, I want you to be in the city. You guys let the soldiers come out to fight, you guys. The guy was lying in the city and didn’t dare to come out, shivering.”

When Zhang Qing finished speaking, the soldiers around and the little girl beside him also looked directly into the 18th pool of the city, but still did not find the trace of their city lord.

At this moment, everyone finally understood themselves. These people were born and died for him as a city lord, but this guy is a coward, and he dared not show his face in the city.

“You are a timid and fearful guy, you only deceive people every day. At this moment, I count three. If you don’t come out, then I can kill you in an instant.”

Zhang Qing saw that there was still no sound in the city, and then said angrily. What he hates most in his life is those who use other people as guns to make himself domineering.

Just before Zhang Qing had counted the number two, the old voice once again appeared in everyone’s ears.

And when this voice appeared in front of everyone again, a gray-haired old man also appeared in front of everyone.

It’s just that the old man’s attire at the moment is also slightly sloppy, but it can be seen from the clothes on the old man that this guy’s status is definitely not low.

And those filthy parts on his body should be that this guy accidentally fell a few times in order to hurry, オ caused this guy’s very expensive clothes to look a little sloppy.

“If I don’t have to guess, you guy should be the lord of this city.”

Zhang Qing said after seeing the short and gray-haired old man.

And this gray-haired old man also nodded quickly after hearing Zhang Qing’s words.

“Well, yes, I am the lord of this city, and I am also the person who was talking there just now.”

Where did the soldiers around and the little girl next to them have seen their city lord look like this slobber!

“Then I want to ask you a question, what do you want to ask, you guys want to hide in the city and let these soldiers come out to die?”

When Zhang Qing finished saying this sentence, the punishment was a little speechless. He couldn’t say a word at all for a while, and he looked very anxious. He was a crazy organizer, owning Language, but I can’t speak it at all.

After all, the facts are now in front of everyone, and he can’t argue with a hundred words. This timid charge should be on his head forever.

“Since you can’t answer, let me answer it for you.”

“You guy is a timid and fearful person. When there is an emergency, you will hide directly, and when there is no emergency, you will sit in a high position and do it.”

“And order these fighters to use their loyalty as the main source of control, so that these fighters will work for you, and they will all obey your orders and be willing to obey your orders.”

After Zhang Qing said this set of remarks, the old man in front of him did not dare to say a word of denial. After all, the opponent’s strength version was in Dali, and if he spoke now, it would not have any effect.

The most important thing for me now is that I don’t know what the opponent’s card spirit looks like. If I accidentally say something wrong, then it’s just dead!

Among the lies exposed by others and his own life, he still resolutely chose the latter.

After all, only if you are alive can you be the king and hegemony in this world, even if own is very courageous, but still able to sit in this position today is also due to his ghostly mind.

If he hadn’t had those flowers, he wouldn’t be able to be the city lord now.

However, as soon as his previous evil deeds were exposed by the stranger in front of him, he also had no right to speak at all.

Na ま and that little boy looked at the daily and very majestic domain master, and in the face of absolute strength, they did not even have the courage to say a word!

But even the old man still didn’t dare to speak, but those around him had already lost all confidence and loyalty to this guy.

“Just you guy, you don’t deserve to be the lord of a city at all. You don’t even count as the least ant, you can only be regarded as a parasite in this city.”

“It can only continuously erode the few resources in this city, so that you can sit in the highest position and do the best.”

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