Chapter 248-The End of the Strong Crossbow

This kind of good things that other people are willing to help them in vain, I don’t want to meet some of them, these guys will come to the door, and they will not be accepted.

When those few people saw Zhang Qing did not reject them, they quickly stood in Zhang Qing’s team.

When Hao Yin saw that these people had already run into Zhang Qing’s team, he gritted his teeth for a while, wishing to smash all these guys into pieces. But the black-robed man behind him didn’t say a word, so she didn’t dare to act rashly.

After all, he still knew how strong Zhang Qing was, if this black-robed man suddenly violated the treaty between them. If you don’t help own, isn’t it just giving it to yourself for nothing?

So she was also for her own consideration, and did not continue to pick each other in the first time, but quickly turned her eyes on the rest of the individual people.

After all, the yellow-robed old man had already said that this is a battlefield for killing, and there are no rules.

It’s okay if you are torturing and killing one person in a group, but if you are killed, then it is of no use.

Therefore, any insidious and cunning measurement on this piece of tracing platform will be used, but this is just the beginning, and it is very normal to be intrigued later.

Hao Yin has already implemented this principle in everyone’s heart from the beginning, and with the passage of time, it has also begun to slowly ferment.

Basically, everyone in the surroundings regarded each other as their own mortal enemy, but Zhang Qing on the other side just took the sword in his hand and lay on the cloud segment where he was lying before.

That Rui Beast Qilin had already seen how strong Zhang Qing was, so at this moment, he too was lying lazily on the cloud segment.

The people around didn’t want to make enemies with the man lying on the cloud segment, and the man in black robes. From the beginning to the end, one of the two guys only shot once and beat the crowd, while the other guy’s However, there was a trembling aura in his body.

So of course these people know that the two guys that are the most difficult to mess with are these two guys, and they don’t know what hole cards these two guys have.

At this moment, they can only focus their own eyes on those slightly weaker guys as much as possible.

Looking at the falling people around, Zhang Qing didn’t have any waves in his heart, but Qilin Rui Beast on the side looked at the battlefield with interest.

And with the passage of time, these people around have also reached the end of the battle.

Seeing that the people around had reached the end of the crossbow, the Qilin Rui Beast, who was already or in the appearance of an ordinary little beast, wanted to try it out, but the little girl took the two heads in his hand and harvested all of these people.

The few more experienced people on the field now gathered around Zhang Qing.

It’s not that they haven’t thought about gathering around the guy in the black robe, but the problem is that the little girl is there. If a guy in a black robe is not paying attention, he will be killed by his own family.

So they didn’t dare to take this risk. After all, each of them basically knew the character of the little Niang Pi, and now they could only remember their own hopes on the person lying on the cloud segment behind them.

But unfortunately, this guy lying on the cloud section didn’t mean to help them, but he didn’t want to make a move either.

In addition to the two cumbersome guys present, there was also a person who looked very ordinary and had a smile on his face at all times, holding a Zen stick. Standing by the side with the six ring scars on his head, watching.

These veteran guys didn’t want to take action when they saw the monk, after all, they also had some common sense.

It is not that they have encountered people like this monk before, but they have all suffered greatly from the hands of these people.

So they have a defensive heart for people who are plain, squinted, and always smiling.

Of course Hao Yin knew that the little monk in front of him might not be easy to provoke, but she still wanted to try.

But just when this thought appeared in her heart, the little monk suddenly turned his gaze on Hao Yin.

The moment the little monk put his gaze on him, Hao Yinru fell into the ice cave, only to feel a shock and cold all over his body.

After that, he quickly dispelled his previous thoughts, and once again set own eyes on the people in front of Zhang Qing.

When these guys found out that this little Niang Pi put her gaze on people like himself, they were also unhappy for a while.

After all, in addition to these three people who seem to be very ugly, there is also such a sinister and vicious little girl.

Although they were also on the right team, their backer didn’t seem to want to make a move, and in the end they were really helpless.

Can only choose to leave the team of Zhang Qing, a few people also get together and stand aside.

Unexpectedly, Hao Yin came to these guys instantly, killing them, leaving only the last survivor.

However, this survivor also felt that something was wrong just now, slightly sideways and was not directly beheaded.

However, there was a shocking scratch on his abdomen. At this moment, he was full of horror looking at the girl in front of him who was walking towards him with a smile on his face.

This little girl’s smile was like the devil in the 19th floor of The Underworld in his eyes.

This person was so scared that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and then he wanted to call out the yellow robe old man to remove himself from the battlefield.

This little Niangpi was also a cruel master, and this person had already killed this person before he could speak.

After all the guys who were not particularly strong were killed by Hao Yin in front of him, she also quickly returned to the black robe man.

“Donor, the donor has already knelt down and begged for mercy, why did the donor kill the donor in this way?”

The little monk facing Pingping also said to Hao Yin who was standing behind the black robe man.

Hao Yin did not turn his head at the first moment, but let out a silver bell-like laugh, and then said.

On this battlefield, the strong have their own reasons for the strong, and these weak are not worthy of surviving.

But when she finished saying this sentence, she also regretted it immediately.

Because at this moment, she found that the squinted monk had appeared in front of own with a smile on his face.

“According to the donor’s meaning, is the poor monk…”

This young monk with a smile on his face has already raised his handicapped eyes, and he will appear on Hao Yin’s head when he sees The next moment.

At this moment, Hao Yin only felt that he was very close to Death!

With a crisp sound, Hao Yin also opened Own’s eyes in a panic, but a figure in a black robe stood in front of Own.

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