Chapter 247

At the same time, the people around realized that their spells could no longer be released, and the shop also put their own eyes on standing there.

At the same time, those guys still took out their own weapons from their own backpack very neatly, but the moment they were pinched out of their hands, those weapons directly smashed into the ground like a meteorite in vain.

Everyone was a little panicked in the face of this scene now, the most convenient weapon they used before, but now they can’t control even a simple lifting.

After seeing these guys’ performance, Zhang Qing also disdainfully smiled. These guys really don’t know how to cultivate to the present level. If these guys had a bit of common sense, they would know that if they weren’t the weapons they had personally refined.

Then these weapons will not recognize you as the master after your bust plummets, unless the weapons are made by you and are in harmony with your own breath, and will not cause you any rejection.

Only such a weapon can be picked up to protect yourself as soon as you lose the Cultivation Base.

Of course, those who can’t hold weapons are not all the people in this square, but just some guys who look extremely luxurious and noble in appearance.

Without even thinking about it, these guys must be very rich at home, and they are weapons made by those famous generals.

Some simple-dressed guys, everyone has a weapon in their hands at the moment. Those who can’t hold weapons can only look at the people around them, and there is a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

Zhang Qing didn’t take out his own weapon at this moment, but tightly locked the guys in front of him. He wanted to see how many people were willing to be enemies with him.

But what was unexpected was the man in the black robe. He was just standing aside at this moment, and had no intention of making a move. On the contrary, Hao Yin had an eager expression on his face, wanting to participate in it, and kill Zhang Qing. .

However, the black-robed man behind him didn’t want to make a move, and Hao Yin had no other way. He could only stand obediently next to the black-robed man’s voice.

But at this moment, her eyes were full of fiery heat, and she looked at the large group of people in front of her who had already formed gangs.

I really want these guys to swarm up and directly hack Zhang Qing to death.

These guys were actually a little bit accidental. They didn’t know what the guy in front of him wanted to do. They just stood there from beginning to end, focusing his eyes on these people.

He didn’t even take out the weapon, and some of them seemed to have noticed something, and they directly ridiculed Zhang Qingdao in front of him.

Brother, don’t you even have a handy weapon? If you don’t mind, there is a piece of ordinary iron made by a blacksmith in my backpack. I don’t even know if this Xiongtai is willing to pick it up?

Zhang Qing didn’t throw anything at all about what this guy said. Everyone was very proud of the number ten. This guy suddenly took out a bright sword from his own space backpack.

When he took out this big sword, the people around were also stunned, because they found that the weapon they were holding in their hands could not be compared with the sword in the hands of the guy opposite. .

After Zhang Qing gently stroked the big sword in his hand, he set his eyes on these guys.

These guys saw the hideous smile on Zhang Qing’s face, so their smiles stopped abruptly.

It is inevitable that there are one or two of them, who can be regarded as having a bit of IQ.

“Brothers, don’t be afraid of this guy. I don’t believe that this guy can beat so many of us. .”

“Brothers copy the guys!”

Those people who followed were also led by these people and took out their own weapons and rushed towards Zhang Qing in front of them.

When Zhang Qing saw these guys rushing towards him, he opened his lips gently.

It seems that you guys are already fully enlightened, so I’m not polite to you.

When this sentence was finished, the guys on the opposite side were also slightly taken aback, but in the next second, they finally knew what Zhang Qing meant by this sentence.

I saw Zhang Qing jumped up, and soon came to the sky above them, and picked up the big sword in his hand to go down to make it easy to go back.

With a sword swung down here, a kind of aura that existed between heaven and earth also appeared directly around, and the black robe man also stared at Zhang Qing in the sky at this moment.

Zhang Qing, the guys below who wanted to obliterate himself, also had no bones under this sword.

When other people around saw this scene, they were also stunned.

“This is not a level of battle at all. Why do we have to face such a devil?”

Others also wished to beat themselves up at this moment. Why did Thousand come over to participate in this trial when I was idle. Now it seems that I didn’t die in this guy’s hands today, so I was lucky.

And some people even pray in their own heart that they will not be tied to death by the guy in front of them.

But while these guys were praying in their hearts, a black shadow directly listed and assassinated all these guys.

Of course Zhang Qing also saw the entire face of this dark shadow, and this dark shadow was Hao Yin beside the black robe man.

I saw a handful of heads appeared in this guy’s hand, and this Bishou lost some blood to buy after killing those people.

This little Niangpi directly picked up the blood on it and gently licked it, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

The other people who had not been assassinated were also sighing at this moment. This little girl followed behind the black man day after day, and didn’t do anything serious at all.

Unexpectedly, this guy would kill them one by one when everyone lost their minds.

Everyone is also a little angry at the moment, wanting to kill this little girl.

The people around him gritted their teeth towards Hao Yin in front of him, wishing to shred the skin of the little girl in front of him.

However, they neither have a Cultivation Base nor can they hold the weapons in their hands. Although there are some people who can pick up the weapons in their hands, but they also know what the ranks of their weapons are.

If compared with the weapon in Zhang Qing’s hand, the weapon in their hand can really be regarded as scum.

Therefore, many people are also susceptible to their previous attitude and want to form a gang with Zhang Qingla in front of them.

Seeing everyone approaching him, Zhang Qing did not refuse, after all, he was too lazy now.

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