Chapter 244: The Method of Transformation

The nausea of ​​Qilin Ruimon who was vomiting on the grass at this moment did not disappear at this moment, and there was no way to reply Zhang Qing for a while.

“You are such a big guy, you should know some transformation methods.”

Zhang Qing also looked at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him and said, and even though the Qilin Rui Beast could not speak at this moment, he also nodded.

“Well, you will change a shape later, your current shape is too ostentatious.”

Zhang Qing is also slowly falling into the grass at this moment. At this moment, he only feels that the grass on the grass under his feet is soft. It doesn’t have the feeling of standing on the rock before.

While feeling a little bit in his heart, he was still slightly happy. After all, there was already such a Qilin beast at this time, plus his five-clawed golden dragon apprentice, this is really a great deed!

After resting for a while, this Qilin Rui Beast quickly recovered its original appearance, and still couldn’t see the unsightly appearance of this guy before.

But at this moment, although he was still a little uncomfortable, he quickly transformed into a very small beast.

If other people saw him, they wouldn’t associate this guy with Qilin Rui Beast, after all, the unknown creature he now transformed into was too ugly.

Looking at the shameless little creature in front of him, even Zhang Qing would not associate this little creature as the Qilin Rui Beast.

But at this moment there is one more thing, that is, even though this Qilin Rui Beast has turned into a ugly little creature, at this moment the Qilin Rui Beast’s aura has not changed in the slightest.

“You guy, can you lead the breath of your body, do you still want to be caught by those old men again?”

Lin Rui beast has some power at this moment. After all, it can transform into the appearance of other creatures at will, but it can’t conceal its own breath in this respect.

After all, he hasn’t received other Qilin’s guidance. He was caught by those old men when he was young. He didn’t have any choice in this secret realm.

Master, it’s not that I don’t want to hide my temperament. Of course, I can’t do anything about it. Maybe it’s also the reason why no one else taught me. So now I can only maintain the current appearance belt, but I can’t hide my breath.

After hiding his face again, Zhang Qing also came directly to the Qilin Rui Beast, pressing his hands on the head of the little beast that had been transformed into an obscure little beast.

After Qilin Rui Beast felt Zhang Qing’s palm press on his head, he also felt a warm breath appearing on his head.

After Zhang Qing felt that he had changed the temperament of this Qilin Rui Beast, he nodded with satisfaction.

As Zhang Qing’s hand has left the top of Own’s head, the warm feeling has also disappeared. At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast is still somewhat unfinished.

But when he woke up, he did find that his temperament had already changed, and he looked at Zhang Qing in shock.

“Master, if you teach me this method that can change my temperament, after I learn it well, I won’t have to bother my master in the future.”

At this moment, Zhang Qing had already made up his mind, and now he showed such skills in front of Qilin Rui Beast, he just wanted to attract this guy’s attention.

After all, this kind of thing still needs to be taught to this guy. It is inevitable that the next time he changes back to Qilin Rui Beast, his temperament will soon be changed and become his original temperament.

Only when he has mastered this method can he perfectly conceal the aura of a beast in his body.

At the same time, he also discovered that when Qilin Ruimon had just rushed out of that adversity, auspiciousness appeared directly in the sky.

This guy may also be because of the breath on his body, which led to some changes in the heavens.

And you must know that this guy has two big enemies, and if the two big enemies discover his position, even the old Qilin can’t stop the two families at all.

“Well, now I will give you the word-type fat glue if I listen to you, but you must remember. This method will become Qilin Rui Beast knowledge after you, and you must also control the temperament in your body. ”

Qilin Rui Beast is not stupid at all. Of course he can know what Zhang Qing meant when he said this to him, so he readily agreed.

Seeing that the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him had agreed to himself, Zhang Qing also stretched out his hand again to press on the head of the little beast in front of him, and this Qilin Rui Beast, which had already turned into a small beast, felt this warmth. After feeling it, he also showed an expression of enjoyment.

But it didn’t take long before Zhang Qing successfully introduced this set of transformation methods into Qilin Rui Beast’s mind.

For the first time, I felt something more in my mind, and after that, the Qilin Rui Beast was also attentive to Zhang Qingxian in front of him.

“The master is worthy of being the master, so powerful, it seems that I really did not disappoint my father, to find such a master, even if it becomes his mount.”

Of course Zhang Qing knew that the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him was complimenting him, but there was nothing to say. After all, if the old Qilin knew his identity, he would definitely accept his son as his mount.

Just when the two of them were about to leave this area, Zhang Qing suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure appearing in this space. Zhang Qing could know what happened while feeling the pressure.

“Let’s go quickly, those old men should have discovered that you have broken the seal.”

Qilin Rui Beast widened his own eyes after hearing what Zhang Qing said in front of him. He didn’t want to be caught by those old men into that space.

“Master, what are we waiting for? Don’t leave here soon. By the way, didn’t you say that you could beat those old men? Why are you running away now? Don’t just hit him? Report their revenge for banning me.”

At this moment, Zhang Qing also has more than enough energy, and if those old men were placed in the past, he would indeed be able to defeat these old men without any pressure.

But at this moment, he also knows own Realm, and now he hasn’t recovered to the previous state, so now he still has a thirty-six plan.

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