Chapter 243

Lin Ruimon felt the greatest insult in his life at this moment, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

Moreover, after Zhang Qing said such a sentence, Qilin Rui Beast’s eyes were full of unwillingness.

Of course Zhang Qing had already noticed the unwillingness in his eyes, and then Zhang Qing also laughed.

“You guy is still young, and now I want to give you a reason that matches the current scene very well, that is, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky.”

Qilin Rui Beast, after hearing what Zhang Qing said, the whole beast was stunned.

There are people outside, and there is sky outside the sky. At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast is still standing there, muttering such a sentence constantly in his mouth. Zhang Qing really can’t stand it anymore, and then directly pulls Qilin Rui Beast’s arm to Qilin Rui Beast. Said.

“Why do you want to do with such an expression now, I can tell you, I will never pity a cowardly guy like you.”

“I’ll tell you the truth. I’m currently participating in a trial of being broken in love. Although there is a lot of rubbish, there are still one or two very strong people, and this second trial directly reduced me by more than half. strength.”

As for the previous question, I asked you if you have any kind of cheats. It is precisely because this second game has a rule, that is, if the contestants can collect enough cheats and gain insights, they will be able to restore their own Cultivation Base. .

Qilin Rui Beast heard Zhang Qing’s words after Qilin Rui Beast heard Zhang Qing’s words, suddenly there was light in his eyes, and then said to Zhang Qing in front of him.

So if you say it according to your meaning, you are originally a strong person, but because you entered this second cultivation site, did you become like this?

After hearing what the Qilin Rui Beast said, Zhang Qing also nodded slightly.

Qilin Rui Beast will not be as depressed as before after hearing what Zhang Qing said. After all, he knows the truth, he always feels that the party has been cheated by the guy in front of him.

“By the way, Master, I am right, Master, I remember that when you pulled me out of my Immortal Cave before, you said you wanted to take me out, right?”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast is just like Zhang Qing, who calls Zhang Qing his master.

“Humph! You guys flatter so fast.”

Zhang Qing was also disdainful of Qilin Rui Beast, who had a faceless face, snorted coldly, and then laughed.

But Qilin Rui Beast in front of him said to Zhang Qing with an extremely wicked expression.

This is not the master, so you can teach it well, if there is no master for you, how could I be like this?

Lin Ruimon’s words made Zhang Qing’s identity unable to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Can’t you guys learn a better character? Like your master, I’m very handsome.

The two talked like this, and soon they came to the seal barrier.

When Qilin Rui Beast came to this barrier, although he didn’t know whether the guy in front of him could break through this barrier, he was very excited.

Of course Zhang Qing knew what this guy thought. Zhang Qing lightly stroked the barrier with his hand, and a huge gap appeared in the barrier.

The barrier in front of him opened, and Qilin Rui Beast rushed out first, without time to say hello to Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing looked at Qilin Rui Beast running out, but he didn’t have any other thoughts in his heart. After all, this guy has been trapped for so long, and it doesn’t matter if he indulges for a while.

But what I didn’t expect was that after Qilin Rui Beast ran out, he swallowed those little animals outside.

With Zhang Qing’s eyesight, he soon discovered that this guy had already reached the stone arch bridge.

This guy and probably because of the 550 years of staying, they were extremely jealous when they saw these little animals.

And these little animals have never seen such ferocious creatures, not to mention that this is their king. At this moment, these little animals surrendered there one by one, as if they were admiring the king they had never met before.

However, they never thought that this king was not as kind as they had imagined. When they knelt down and surrendered to the king in front of him, they were swallowed by the king.

Covering his face gently with his hands, Zhang Qing really didn’t know how to complain about the Qilin Rui beast in front of him.

Although this guy has been trapped for so long and hasn’t eaten meat for a long time, this guy must not be allowed to be presumptuous in front of these creatures.

When he was instant, he came directly to the Qilin Rui Beast and grabbed the horns on the head of this guy.

“You guy, can you pay attention to your own image in the hearts of these creatures, look at what you have made this place.”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast had a little red eyes, but after hearing Zhang Qing’s words, he also looked around. I found that most of the surrounding trees had been destroyed by myself, and the little animals were only left at this moment. Some hairs scattered on the ground.

“Okay, let’s go quickly, otherwise we might be discovered by those old men here again.”

After saying this, Qilin Rui Beast was carried by Zhang Qing like a little chicken.

I saw Zhang Qing floating slightly in the air, and then a crack suddenly tore in the sky.

But this doesn’t look particularly beautiful, nor is it particularly satisfactory to Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing’s expression showed a hint of disappointment, but he couldn’t help it now, only to see the gap in this space widened.

Zhang Qing also carried Qilin Rui Beast like a little chicken in his hand and entered the crack in this space.

Although this is not the first time to enter this space crack, Qilin Rui Beast still feels a dizzy feeling.

To say that the first time he entered this space crack, he was suddenly held by those old men and entered the space crack. When he woke up, he was already imprisoned in this secret realm.

When the two reappeared in a place, the Qilin Rui Beast felt the dizziness lessened, but it did not disappear.

Zhang Qing also appeared in the sky at this moment, and directly threw Qilin Rui Beast to the ground.

After a loud noise, there was a burst of vomiting.

With this unsightly sound coming into his ears, Zhang Qing also frowned slightly.

“You guy can’t even stand this, so how embarrassed to call yourself the king of beasts.”

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