Chapter 235: Exhausted

The guy behind him has been chasing after him, and the thundercloud behind him didn’t mean to stop at all.

If you stop at this moment, you don’t need to say whether you can escape the thundercloud. You may not even be able to do the guy behind, so even if you are exhausted, you have to escape.

“Hahaha, you guys have no strength, right.”

Although Zhang Qing was panting heavily at this moment, he could still feel that his own Magic power had basically bottomed out, and only a few remained.

“You guy is so embarrassed to say me, you don’t look at the way you own now.”

Qilin at the moment is also a little exhausted. If you let him continue to run, you don’t need to think about it.

“Don’t say such big things. With my current ability, I can still catch you as a fellow.”

After Zhang Qing said this to Qilin, the beast in front of him, he stopped using Magic power for the first time.

Then he slammed his feet, and a huge boulder under his feet rushed towards Qilin, the beast in front of him.

In fact, it wasn’t that Zhang Qing wanted to rush over, but because he found that the source of the latter group was getting faster and faster. Before, he obviously couldn’t catch up with him. Now chasing himself is just like playing.

It’s just that when his thunder and lightning were not conceived, he ran out of Zhang Wei, which he could attack, so that piece of thunder cloud would always follow Own.

Although his own Magic power is almost consumed, Zhang Qing still has physical power at the moment.

“Just you guy still wants to compare physical strength with me, you don’t look at who I am.”

Seeing Zhang Qing’s feet on the ground, Qilin Rui Beast rushing towards him also said something like this with a little disdain.

But he still didn’t know how terrifying the human being in front of him was.

Can you be better than you, you have to try to know.

Qilin Rui Beast seemed to have been the biggest challenge of his life.

“Come on, let’s see how I abuse you, an arrogant fellow. If you can run past me, I will be your mount.”

“A word is settled!”

Although Zhang Qing is not particularly sure whether the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him can speak and count, but he can’t help it if he doesn’t run, the thundercloud behind him has been chasing him.

Soon, the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him also used its own four hooves to violently step on the boulders under his feet, and shuttle back and forth between the boulders.

Zhang Qing was also like Qilin Rui Beast, with a huge stone following Qilin Rui Beast.

After two more days and two nights, Qilin Rui Beast in front only felt that all his hooves were cramping, and he really couldn’t run.

But looking back at the moment he turned his head, he also found a figure rushing towards him.

Then he had a chance to hit his huge body, Qilin Rui Beast seemed to have resigned, and closed his own eyes Qing Qing.

However, Qilin Rui Beast waited for a long time, but he didn’t feel the severe pain when an object hits him?

Then he opened his eyes with some curiosity, but the moment he opened his eyes, he also found a group of black objects floating towards his head.

The moment he saw this group of black solids, he really felt even more uncomfortable than when he was arrested.

Because at this moment, the thundercloud above his head is smashing down a black and red thunder and lightning, rushing towards his forehead impartially.

If unsurprisingly, the moment this second lightning strikes, Qilin will definitely wipe out the beast Qilin below.

Gan! You kid can’t die to daddy!

At this moment, Rui Beast Qilin’s consciousness was almost blurred. The damage caused by the divine thunder before him was immeasurable. But at this moment, there are still floating clouds in my ears.

“Isn’t this the human voice of the Damn it before?”

The figure of Zhang Qing was also thought of for the first time in my heart, but the black and red lightning was also enlarged in his own pupil.

Unexpectedly, Qilin, my dignified beast, was struck to death by this strange thunder.

I don’t know if there is an ancestor under Jiuquan. If I meet an ancestor, I will definitely be scolded to death, eh, that’s not right! I’m already dead, it’s useless for him to scold me.

When facing the last period of life, everyone’s heart is very peaceful.


Suddenly a loud noise rang into the ears of the leader of Rui Beast Qilin, and when Rui Beast Qilin heard this sound again, he also closed his own eyes.

When she opened his eyes again, he also had a look. He found that he hadn’t been hurt in any way, but the impact of the previous divine thunder on him was too great, so he couldn’t help but said in doubt.

“I have come to The Netherworld. I didn’t expect The Netherworld to be exactly the same as the real world.”

Ming borrowed a hammer, I didn’t expect you guys who are called Rui Beasts, do you still believe in what The Netherworld said in your heart?

When Qilin Rui Beast heard this sound, he didn’t accidentally open his mouth and said to Zhang Qing, who had been split with a disheveled hair in front of him.

“Although it’s a shame to die, it’s not too lonely to have you with me on Yellow Springs Road.”

“I said, can you guys think about such positive things? You guy is not dead yet. If you don’t believe me, look at your head.”

Zhang Qing really didn’t have the strength to beat the guy in front of him again, because when he was struck by the lightning before, he fell to the ground in the first time, and all the laws and physical strength in his body had been used up. .

Qilin Rui Beast looked up at the sky when he heard Zhang Qing’s words, but found that the source of the group was still above the two of them, but the group of thunderclouds did not release the lightning again.

Um? According to what you said, are the two of us still alive?

Qilin Rui Beast’s voice also passed into Zhang Qing’s ears again. At this moment, Zhang Qing was struck in a trance by the lightning of the previous god, and at this moment, she closed her own eyes and began to calm her nerves.

Zhang Qing, who did not open his eyes, also shouted angrily.

“I haven’t seen a guy like you who wants to die. If you want to die, stay away from me, don’t be in front of me, lest the thunder and lightning hurt me. Look at what you guys say, it seems that we are both This is really not dead, but why does this thunder and lightning stop hitting us two?”

Qilin Rui Beast kept staring at the lightning above, and for a while, he was a little confused. If the speed were to be used just now, the lightning might have caused the two to no longer be in this world.

“He stopped for a while, are you still upset? Do you want to leave this beautiful world that way? I tell you, if you die, I might die too. So today I will listen to daddy, you absolutely Can’t die!”

Although Qilin Rui Beast didn’t understand why Zhang Qing said that he couldn’t die, he was also very eager to survive and not die like this today.

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