Chapter 234

A figure was walking back and forth among the bushes, shuttled as if looking for something, but he did not feel the presence of a man in the cave on a hill in the distance.

In the end, Zhang Qing really couldn’t find anything, and now it was really expensive, and the thundercloud behind him was about to catch up.

At the moment Zhang Qing flew towards the sky, Qilin, who had turned into a human form, stared at Zhang Qing.

The two were stunned when they saw each other, but soon they looked at each other with hostile eyes.

After seeing the humanoid Qilin, tears couldn’t help but shed from the corners of his mouth, and then after looking back at the thundercloud, he rushed towards the humanoid Qilin beast in front of him.

Although this Qilin Rui Beast had turned into a human form, when he saw a human rushing towards him for no reason, his heart was very angry.

Because the human image just now clearly regarded himself as eating together, otherwise, how could there be saliva left on the corners of his mouth?

“Hey! Where did you come from? Why did you appear in front of me Qilin!”

Qilin Rui Beast flew into the sky after transforming into a human form, and continued to speak to Zhang Qing in front of him.

At this moment, Zhang Qing was madly salivating, looking at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, as if it were a dish on the dining table, he had no intention of talking nonsense with Qilin Rui Beast, after all, Qilin Rui Beast was in his eyes. It’s already dead.

Qilin Rui Beast felt even more angry the moment he felt that what he had said had not received a response, and picked up the trident in his hand and rushed towards Zhang Qing in front of him.

After all, a Cultivation Base like this is not high, and even delusional to eat oneself, the most damn it is that he dared not say a word and rushed towards himself. Qilin Rui Beast thinks this kind of behavior is a kind of disrespect to own.

After all, if it were other normal human beings, they would respectfully call themselves a beast for life when they received own. How could anyone like the guy in front of him secrete and swallow madly when he saw himself?

However, he also saw the group of divine thunders that followed Zhang Qing. He had been in this place before, and of course he knew the power of these divine thunders.

Suddenly, a more ominous feeling appeared on him, because the black thundercloud was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

If I continue to move forward, I believe I will collide with this group of thunderclouds soon. Although I don’t know much about this thundercloud, I know that the damage of this kind of thundercloud is a few of them he has seen. The most harmful one among the thunderclouds.

I had nothing to do before, and I wanted to experience the attacks of these divine thunders outside. The other thunderclouds did little harm to me.

So I am inexplicably a little fluttering!

So I had nothing to do at leisure, and ran in front of this black thundercloud. After being smashed by the black thundercloud, I felt physically and mentally damaged, and the pain I had never experienced before came to my heart.

Then he also ran wildly with Sa Yazi, and soon left the surroundings that the black cloud could reach.

But he was relatively unlucky, and finally managed to occupy such a beautiful environment, but there was such a black thundercloud in the sky.

In fact, he is very depressed, after all, there is such a black thundercloud, if he is outside, he would not dare to go out and play in his spare time.

Because this black thundercloud is okay, it doesn’t send out any lightning.

But once a living creature appeared in front of own, he would chase it leisurely. The speed was not particularly fast, and it was the first time I saw it at such a fast speed.

Seeing that group of thunderclouds, which were smaller than the previous group of black sources, rushed towards him, Qilin Rui Beast also had a tingling scalp at the moment.

After all, one can gain one’s wisdom by eating a ditch, and this truth is of course very clear to Qilin Rui Beast.

After being struck by the god of thunder in his childhood, I still don’t want to experience the feeling of electric shock a second time.

Thinking of the horror of the black thunder and lightning, Qilin Rui Beast immediately put away the three-pointed two-edged gun in his hand.

He turned his head and ran to the rear, and Zhang Qing was a little unaware after seeing the scene at this moment. So why did this Qilin beast run faster than himself when he saw the black source?

“This is really a puzzling question! Could it be possible that this Qilin Rui Beast was electric by that piece of thundercloud in this secret realm?”

An idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Qing’s mind, because he knew that if beasts like this basically hadn’t suffered a loss, they would never reveal the situation they are now.

“You guy is still a beast, I didn’t expect (bfai) to be afraid of this little thundercloud. Don’t run as you guy! Come and fight!”

The Qilin Rui Beast heard Zhang Qing’s roar all the way, his face was full of contempt, but his feet did not stop because of Zhang Qing’s words, but he greeted the guy behind him in his heart.

You fellow think for yourself, but don’t take me. Do you think I don’t know how high the damage of that thundercloud is?

But after thinking about it, the Cultivation Base is obviously not as high as his own, so why can he chase himself for so long.

For a while, he became more and more angry, and directly turned his head and said loudly to Zhang Qing behind him.

“You guy, Youben, stood under that thundercloud beforehand and waited for me for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, I will fight you again.”

After Zhang Qing heard what Qilin Ruimon said, he knew that this kid had been electrocuted by this thundercloud.

No wonder I wanted to stand with myself when I saw own. When I saw this thundercloud, I ran faster than myself.

“If you have the ability, the two of us will have a good fight under the thundercloud behind. Don’t run away, you guys. I won’t bother this source. What are you scared of, beasts?”

“I don’t believe that you guy is not afraid of the source of the following article. If you have the ability, let the thundercloud strike you a divine thunder first, and I will believe what you said.”

The barrier-free communication between the two also made Zhang Qing a big head behind him. This kid is really clever, and he doesn’t even get caught up.

The two stood in a stalemate at the same speed for about eight days, and the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him was a little weak at this moment.

After all, as a Qilin Rui Beast, this place is really blessed. It has a strong body and boundless energy, but I didn’t expect to be directly consumed by the kid behind. There is nothing left.

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