Chapter 232: Extraordinarily Rare

And at the moment he stretched out his hand, he also found that his skin was as thin as a newborn baby.

I won’t be reborn again, right.

Zhang Qing couldn’t help but complain, because he didn’t know how many times he had been reborn before. This time reborn again, his body has become stronger and more suitable for the great opportunity.

In the future, the own road will definitely be smoother than before.

When thinking of this, Zhang Qing couldn’t help but jump up. This situation couldn’t be better.

The body that had been beaten by the colored thunder hammer was indeed very tough. When Zhang Qing was stunned, a red and black thunder also successfully smashed his body.

This devastating blow was only a white mark in the place where Zhang Qing was hit, but the mark spread like a spider web.

As for Zhang Qing, he didn’t feel any pain at all, at most it was like being hammered by a child.

“This feeling is really cool, isn’t your cloud quite arrogant? You have the ability to continue criticizing me, I would like to see how capable you are.”

When Zhang Qing finished saying this, the black thundercloud that day seemed to know what he should do next, and started to attack Zhang Qing frantically.

At this moment, Zhang Qing also raised his head, hands on his hips, standing under this thundercloud, and letting the red and black lightning strike him, he was also fundamental, not even blinking his eyes.

In the end, Zhang Qing was lying directly under the thundercloud with his back facing the sky. The red and black lightning struck Zhang Qing. Zhang Qing just felt like he was massaging himself.

Yes, yes, yes, it’s here, it’s here, put a little more effort.

Zhang Qing lay there enjoying a massage by the black thundercloud in the sky, and from time to time he said a provocative sentence or two very irritably.

The black thunderclouds seemed to have received the greatest insult of this life, and they gathered together like the colorful divine clouds before. With the moment when the black thunderclouds gathered together, Zhang Qing also knew that he had said something wrong.

But now that he has such an unsullied body, he is not afraid of such lightning at all. Even if this guy uses all his strength to put on own, I am afraid that he will not be hurt at all.

Of course, this is also what Zhang Qing thinks in his own heart. The reality is often cruel. When the thunderclouds are gathered together, the black thunderclouds are also exuding a black, some reddish thunder and lightning.

At the moment when this kind of thunder and lightning appeared, Zhang Qing also realized that he had indeed said the wrong thing before.

“God, can you not make this kind of joke with me, can you see if this thing is affordable?”

But the words were not finished yet, a black thunder and lightning slightly mixed with some red also directly smashed down.

Zhang Qing also turned his own body over in an instant and leaned out to the side. The divine thunder exploded directly where Zhang Qing lay just now, and the tiny electric currents after the explosion came from Zhang Qing’s cheeks. Across.

In the place that was struck by the black thunder and lightning, golden blood appeared in an instant.

After feeling a moist feeling on own’s cheeks, Zhang Qing also wiped it lightly, and found that he was bleeding, and then he became more cautious.

Did you speak too hard before?

Zhang Qing couldn’t help but complain.

Heavenly Dao has Samsara, who has God spared? Dage, I know I was wrong, I will never dare to be so arrogant again.

Zhang Qing was originally a person who was afraid of trouble. Such a big trouble caused Own’s head, and it was caused by himself. He can only carry it hard, or eliminate the trouble.

Elimination is impossible. This kind of thing cannot be eliminated by an individual. How can it be eliminated?

So now there is only one answer in Zhang Qing’s heart, and that is to use his own body to carry it hard.

“Use own body to carry the black thunder and lightning here, I’m afraid it’s not a problem with my brain.

Zhang Qing has already tasted the power of this black thunder and lightning, so at the first moment in his heart, it was also a weak spit.

It can be said that there is no choice between the two answers now, so what should be done?

Zhang Qing is not a fool at all. If two answers cannot be chosen, there will definitely be one more answer. After all, no matter what he does, he will leave a way for himself.

Since you are so good, then Xiaoye won’t play with you anymore. If you continue to play with you, I’m afraid Xiaoye will die here.

At this moment, Zhang Qing also suddenly had such an idea in his heart. After all, this time he also wanted to capture Qilin Rui Beast.

Maybe the black thundercloud above my head could be a helper for own.

Just do what he said, Zhang Qing also strode forward without thinking. The speed of the whole person also increased extremely quickly, and soon he ran out of Zhang Wei that thundercloud could catch up.

Before, he had seen an ancient book over there about the escape method of the black god thunder, that is, running, as long as you run fast, no one can catch up with you.

Soon, Zhang Qing also quickly got rid of the black thundercloud by relying on own speed, but he was caught in a jungle at the moment, surrounded by bushes, and he couldn’t find which way he should be. Go.

Although Zhang Qing knew that he had gotten rid of the black thundercloud, but the book said that although you can get rid of this thundercloud, but this divine thunder once hurts a person, then even if you are Run to the end of the world, he will catch up, unless you exhaust all his energy.

Although Zhang Qing feels a little helpless in his heart, but this time the task is to catch Qilin Runshou. Since I can know that there are Qilin Rui Beasts in this forest, then all of this is easy for me.

After all, Zhang Qing is still quite clear about his current strength. If he really wants to hold on to Qilin Rui Beast, he might not be enough to squeeze his teeth.

On the contrary, this black thundercloud, if it can keep up with own words, let alone this Qilin auspicious beast, no matter what kind of monster it is, it can surrender one by one.

Feeling that he had already held a very good weapon in his hand, Zhang Qing became more confident in this arrest.

Although this mission seems difficult, there are many chances that the middle part will grow. Besides Qilin Rui Beast, although he already has a five-clawed golden dragon under his hand, he is still precious. , More or less cherished creatures, you still need to find yourself.

As the sons of those ancestors, these Qilin, Dragon Wind and the like are exceptionally rare.

If you can get one, you will get one, and if you get it, you will earn it.

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