Chapter 231

But after waiting for a long time, I didn’t find that this god thunder struck me and opened my own eyes with some doubts. I found that this thunder was not aimed at me, but was hurting.

There are some tall trees standing around not far from him, but at this moment, the lesson struck by that colored god’s thunder is also directly turned into withered bones.

Zhang Qing was also shuddering about this. He really couldn’t imagine that the two previous lightning strikes had caused some damage to himself. The weak and colorful god thunder struck Own’s words, and the consequences were really unimaginable.

But at this moment, he also discovered through the thundercloud that there was an auspicious image with a dragon and auspicious wind on the thundercloud.

When feeling all of this, Zhang Qing suddenly realized one thing. Before, he had seen a situation similar to this happen in an ancient book.

This ancient book also records in detail how beneficial this special thundercloud is to practitioners.

There are some pure black gods, and what the lightning strikes is a red and black god thunder. This kind of god thunder is devastating for practitioners.

Once a figure of the Daluo Jinxian level is contaminated with this special divine thunder, it will basically be touched and killed.

Although his current Cultivation Base has already surpassed Daluo Jinxian, he would basically choose to evacuate the dungeon controlled by the thundercloud in the first time when he encountered this special divine thunder.

This book also clearly records that there are some thunderclouds that are known to be beneficial to people. Basically, they do cause some harm to people at the beginning, but they also have certain benefits.

Among them, Zhang Qing also happened to have seen thunderclouds about this kind of dragon wind showing auspicious signs. According to the book, this kind of thundercloud is very difficult to encounter. A person of supernatural powers.

And this kind of thunderclouds are also undesirable. Once encountered, they will basically be seized by some experts. However, these thunderclouds will also appear in some secret realms. They are just strange and devastating gods. Ray is not without it.

Although this book does not write about how big this kind of thundercloud is for people’s graduation, it must be beneficial to people.

After thinking of what was written in the book that he had read in his mind, Zhang Qing also screamed crazy in his heart at this moment.

“Let the storm come harder, come and smash me! God!”

The heavens seemed to have heard the thoughts in Zhang Qing’s heart, and saw that the colorful sources from the heavens began to gather together, and then a hill the size of a hill was formed.

And at the moment they gathered together, a huge colorful god-man also slashed directly at Zhang Qing below.

Although Zhang Qing is very tired of this body, she has some worries in her heart at the moment. After all, the two previous divine thunders that were not too outstanding also caused some harm to herself, let alone the one in front of her. The god of color comes.

My heart couldn’t help but retreat a little, but this colorful divine thunder did not give Zhang Qing any chance to back down.

He slashed straight towards Zhang Qing below, and as he descended, the space around this divine thunder was already distorted. If you look closely, you will also find that there are some subtle cracks in the space.

Zhang Qing saw everything in his eyes. Until this time, the colorful divine thunder successfully smashed Zhang Qing’s body, and Zhang Qing still did not dare to say anything.

It’s not that he didn’t want to say it, but because the moment this colorful god thunder struck him, he felt that he was no longer himself.

Now he felt that he was already in a special space. In this space, a dragon and a phoenix surrounded each other, just like the auspicious weather of the dragon and the phoenix above the colored thunder.

When Zhang Qing woke up, he also found that the source of this day on top of his head had already disappeared without a trace.

During the period, he didn’t know what happened. He only knew that the colorful lightning struck. At that moment, he fell into a deep coma. When he woke up, he found the colorful lightning. The cloud has disappeared.

Silently raised Own’s head, but found that there were slight scratches on the top of Own’s head, and these scratches were in space.

“I didn’t expect the power of this colorful divine thunder to be so powerful, these spatial cracks caused by the air in Dalian were not repaired in the first time.”

“You know, now it’s a prehistoric period, the rules between heaven and earth are very strong, even those who are best at using space power and the same people as their own Cultivation Base to control space, they simply can’t reach this level. s damage.”

Some inexplicably feel sorry for myself in my heart, and I can’t help but sigh in my heart.

Although it feels a little distressed for its own body, it is also happy for its own body. After all, it is a miracle that he can still live to this day.

The damage of those thunders is so great that I still have a little bit of force in my heart. Thanks to the first god thunder, I fell into a coma, otherwise I don’t know how much pain I will suffer. Woolen cloth.

After gently moving his bird-black hair, some of them took two steps forward, only to find that a cloud of thunder cloud condensed in the sky again.

I’m going, right? Is my luck so good today? It turned out to be able to attract both groups at the same time. Leiyun, I’m so lucky here, God, hurry up and let Lei continue to attack me! The violent hack, how intense it is, how intense it is.

But when Zhang Qing had just finished complaining about this sentence in his heart, he immediately regretted it, because he discovered that the cloud in front of him was exactly the same as the extremely destructive cloud he had seen before.

No. Big Brother, did you come to the wrong place? Can you change your brothers and sisters to come and play with me? I don’t think it is particularly suitable for the two of us to play!

At the moment when he saw this group of thunderclouds appearing above him, Zhang Qing also immediately put on the expression of a thief Jinjin, and said to the group of black thunderclouds.

But the black thundercloud couldn’t understand what Zhang Qing said. Without a word, a red and black thunder and lightning struck down.

The moment Zhang Qing felt the black thunder and lightning came towards him, he also twisted his body, and quickly escaped this attack.

After avoiding this attack, Zhang Qing couldn’t help but stretched out his hands, and after a glance, he felt even more joyful in his heart.

Because he found that his current body is already more flexible than before. Based on his previous physical condition, such a devastating red and black lightning strikes him in minutes, but now he even owns. You can’t touch it at all.

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