Chapter 199

Jiehuo Beast King, seeing Zhang Qing actually smashed his own attack with one punch.

There was an angry cry, and the whole body was surrounded by blue flames.

A giant beast with flames on its head slowly took shape. It seemed to be as tall as the sky and the earth, and all creatures in a radius of mile were ignited and burned into ashes by the heat radiated from its body.

Step by step towards the kingdom of God, I want to crush the whole kingdom of God.

“Huh, stop.”

After speaking, a silver clock appeared in Zhang Qing’s left hand. It is surrounded by the laws of the great road.

It is another word universe secret treasure, eternal clock.

At the next moment, a silver light flashed. The advancing Jiehuo Beast King stopped immediately.

Zhang Qing urged the hands of the eternal clock to rotate counterclockwise!

Suddenly, the Jiehuo Beast King who was swept by the silver light, under everyone’s gaze, its original body that covered the sky and sun shrank.

Get smaller and smaller, keep shrinking.

In the end, the Jiehuo Beast King turned into a cub, no longer the power of just now, even the power of the watch disappeared.

“Damn low-level creature, damn ant, what the hell did you do to me? Why did all the power in me and my abilities have been lost? What was born.

It seems that this time the Fire Jieking Beast King has returned to the time when he was just born. It’s big eyes are filled with bewilderment, and don’t know what to do.

Jiehuo Beast King immediately yelled. Panicked and jumped up in the air.

To be honest, this kind of weird thing was the first time it had encountered it, and he had lost all his abilities at this moment, as if he had just been born.

This is simply unbelievable and unbelievable.

If you don’t die personally, you will definitely not believe such ridiculous things.

“Come in obediently.”

Zhang Qing didn’t plan to talk nonsense with Jiehuo Beast King, because the effect of this time reversal can only last for one minute for a strong man like Jiehuo Beast King.

After this time, Jiehuo Beast King will restore Dao’s original state.


In the next second, Wish Liding appeared and directly sucked the Jiehuo Beast King in.

Obviously Zhang Qing wanted to suppress the fire-robbing beast king forever in the vow, relying on the vow of immeasurable sentient beings, even the lord of the higher word universe could not escape.

At this moment, the Jiehuo Beast King appeared in the inner space of Yuanli Ding, his body being suppressed by a large mountain composed of Yuanli.

This great mountain is filled with the power of faith of endless creatures, it seems that endless beings are praying, constantly suppressing the body of the fire-robbing beast king that contains the endless source of energy.

This also caused the Jiehuo Beast King to be crushed under the mountain, almost immobile.

“Damn ants, let me out, let me out immediately. I know that your weird ability is limited, and it must be time limited. Don’t let me restore my real body, otherwise I will take these damn places All burned to ashes.”

Even if it was suppressed, Jiehuo Beast King was still alive!

As a beast of origin that has been alive for an unknown amount of time, even though it was stunned just now, it has now slowed down.

In this way, the ability of heaven-defying must be limited, and it can feel the power in itself gradually recovering. That’s why he threatened.

Are you still so lively? It seems that this alone is not enough, and it has to be taught a little lesson.

Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows.

Thinking of this, he took out the Three Chaos Treasures that he hadn’t used for a long time.

At this moment, one minute has come, and the power that originally sealed the Fire Jieking Beast King has disappeared. At this moment, the power of the Jiehuo Beast King returned in an instant.

“Haha, stupid creature, the power in me has returned, just wait to die, you all have to die. See how I tear this space.”

The Jiehuo Beast King roared, and a terrifying to the extreme power erupted from its body. The entire mountain was buzzing, and it seemed that a series of terrible cracks had formed.

But before it finished speaking, the bastard’s Three Treasures merged into this mountain.

Suddenly, Jiehuo Beast King felt a burst of irresistible power coming from the mountain, as if he was about to crush it to death at this moment.

This kind of pain is simply unprecedented.

“Damn, damn bastard, what the hell did you do?”

Jiehuo Beast King finally showed a look of horror in his eyes, it felt unprecedented pain, and at this moment its strength was not able to exert any strength.

As expected to be the king of Siyuan Giant Beasts, he could actually resist.

Zhang Qing watched this scene in surprise, because the ordinary master of the universe would have no power to fight back if he were suppressed here.

As for the master of the elementary universe, he was crushed long ago and died.

But this Jiehuo Beast King is not the same, its physical strength is not much stronger than the ordinary master of the higher universe.

With just such an intensity, it is impossible to kill the Fire Jieking Beast King, but it can only suppress it.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as it can be suppressed so that the other party can’t escape from the Wish Liding, it is completely enough.

Shameless low-level creatures, stop, stop immediately, what a hero to suppress me with Magic Treasures.

Zhang Qing didn’t pay attention, but the weight of the mountain was heavier again.

“Little devil, even if the two of us are in a tie, you are also a capable guy, and you have the strength to be recognized by this king. This time you let me go, and I will definitely not trouble you in the future.”

Zhang Qing was unmoved, and the weight of the mountain was still increasing.

“You damn low-level creature, I’m going to kill you.” Jiehuo Beast King roared.

Click, click, click. The weight of the mountain is getting heavier and heavier, and the body of the Beastmaster makes a creepy sound.

“Spare me, spare me, never dare anymore, I never dare anymore.”

At this moment, Jiehuo Beast King was already extremely weak, and his inner fear was extreme. Although it could not die, it could not bear the pain caused by such a little weight increase.

With a bang, the weight of the mountain has increased. Even a slight dent appeared on the bottom of Yuanli Ding!

At this moment, Jiehuo Beast King had given up resisting, no longer roaring, and no longer begging for mercy. It seemed that all thoughts were gray, and I didn’t even want to say anything.

“Well, it’s almost there now.”

Seeing this situation, Zhang Qing was very satisfied.

At this moment, Zhang Qing grabbed it with a big hand, and instantly grabbed Yuanliding over and made Dingbi transparent.

Suddenly, such a scene appeared in everyone’s eyes.

A majestic mountain condensed by the power of infinite belief stands in it.

At the same time, on the top of this big mountain, there are three Chaos Treasures floating on it.

The Jiehuo Beast King was suppressed under this mountain, almost unable to move.

“The Jiehuo Beast King, invaded our kingdom of God, the sins must not be let go, suppressed under this mountain for countless years, until repentance.”

Zhang Qing said.

In the meantime, this wish rose by billions of times, and then fell on the outer ground of the kingdom of God. It seems to have formed a natural mountain. May Liding also disappear slowly. Only one big mountain stood in place.

These actions were all seen by the creatures of the kingdom of God, shocking them inexplicably, and then boiling.

Beastmaster was suppressed under the mountain, already unable to move? The masters of the universe would hear such words, and couldn’t believe Own Ears.

Although they already knew that the power of this country lord was powerful, the strength displayed now was still beyond their imagination, which was really incredible.

You know, that is the fire-robbing beast king, a disaster that rages on the Singularity Continent.

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