Chapter 198

“Unless the titled Lord of the Universe takes the shot himself, no one can compete with the Fire Tribulation Beast King.”

The title of the Lord of the Universe? I was joking, how could the Lord of the Universe come in such a remote place as ours.

It was too late, and the Fire Jieking Beast King was furious, and we all had to die.

Everyone was desperate when they saw this scene. They could feel the horror of the fire-robbing beast king’s blow, and one shot was to destroy everything!

To be honest, they had only learned about the horror strength of the Jiehuoyuan Beast from the legend before. It was a legendary story. After all, the time was too long, so long that no one had ever seen the Jiehuoyuan beast except the Lord of the Universe.

But at this moment, the legend turned into a fact, and they truly felt the horror of the fire-robbing beast king.

Just now, if the undead protection of the country barrier resists this strike of the fire-robbing beast king, I am afraid that under this strike, most of the lives of the kingdom of God will be destroyed. This is a real natural disaster and cannot be resisted!

Jin Shi is also the Beastmaster of the Fire Tribulation, with a solemn expression. Although it is also a Beastmaster, the time to grow up is still too short. Compared with the old Beastmaster of the other party, it is still a far cry.

If you give it enough time, you may not be afraid of the Fire Jieking Beast King, but now it is not the opponent of the Fire Jieking Beast King at all, it loves just a cub.

“Stupid ants, dare to do such a life-and-death thing, enslaving my King of Origin Giant Beasts. This time this king will exterminate you all, no one can survive. Feel the endless anger of my fire-robbing beast king.”

Jiehuo Beast King shouted angrily.

Moreover, the next blow, オ is the power of the true Beastmaster, it will instantly treat the kingdom of God as a flat ground and wipe out all the lives here.

Only with the lives of this group of ants can the shame of the enslavement of the Origin Behemoth be washed away. No race or any creature can insult the Origin Behemoth in this way.


In an instant, Jiehuo Beast King roared, it was suspended in the air, and a terrifying fireball was condensed in its mouth, as if it could burn everything.

This is extinguishing the world’s calamity!

Once upon a time, such a fireball destroyed a country where the Lord of the Universe and the Lord was seated in an instant, and this strike also cast the reputation of the Jiehuo Beast King!


The face of the Lord of Vermillion Bird and others changed drastically. They could perceive the terrifying power of the Fire Beast King in this day. If this strike is blasted down, except for the Lord of the Universe who can survive by chance, other lives will definitely be wiped out.


In an instant, Jiehuo Beast King shot.

From its mouth, a blue fireball was immediately ejected, directly bombarding the center of the kingdom of God.

“Damn it!”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird and the others have their hairs erected, and they can feel that the blue fireball is like a blue sun, containing unimaginable flame power.

It’s as if the blue sun contains the energy of tens of thousands of suns, and it is also filled with densely packed avenues and a strong source of energy.

When this blue sun falls, all life will be vaporized in an instant. No one can survive.

It’s over, it’s over now.

Everyone was extremely desperate, because at this moment the blue sun just fell down. No one can stop it, even the master of the higher universe.

Slightly close to this blue sun, it will be instantly melted, and even close to it is impossible to get close, this is where the horror of extinguishing the world is where the fire is, this is an absolute natural disaster.

They can only watch and wait for the moment when disaster strikes.

But they shouldn’t feel any pain in Tao, because when the blue sun falls, all lives will melt, even their souls will turn to ashes.

It is estimated that he couldn’t even reflect the reaction, and he died in an instant.

At this moment, a black and white lotus platform appeared, blocking the falling blue sun.

In an instant, this lotus platform burst out with a burst of light, just like a black hole, devouring endless energy.

In the next second, the entire blue sun was absorbed by this lotus stand.


Seeing this scene, the Lord of Black Tortoise and the others were dumbfounded. They had no idea that something like this would happen. A lotus platform suddenly appeared and absorbed the blue sun.

You know, this is an attack that the master of the higher universe can’t completely block. It contains the power to destroy the world.

If it really falls, I don’t know how many lives will be destroyed in an instant. But now it was absorbed by a lotus platform in an instant. One can imagine the shock of everyone.

Who is it, who dared to stop this king, brave enough, and immediately get out of this king to die.

At this moment, Jiehuo Beast King was furious, obviously he was bound to win the blow just now.

In its eyesight, such an approach is to humiliate it and let it lose its face!

From its body was filled with terrifying flames, it seemed that the entire sky was burned into one piece, forming an endless sea of ​​fire.

“Jiehuo Beast King, you come to invade my territory at will, have you asked me?”

At this moment, a figure walked out of the void, and it was Zhang Qing, standing in the midair, looking at Jiehuo Beast King faintly. There is no wind in the clothes, and there is a terrible breath and coercion around them.

And this kind of aura collided with the coercion and the coercion of the Jiehuo Beast King, tit-for-tat, not weak at all.

He arrived in time just now and used Tai Chi Yin & Yang lotus to take the full blow of Jiehuo Beast King.

I have to say that the Daji Yin & Yang lotus at this moment is already extremely powerful. After his complete control of the law, this Taiji Yin & Yang lotus is even more powerful, even if the Fire Beast King cannot hurt the Taiji Yin & Yang lotus. Cents.

“The Lord is the Lord, and the Lord is back.”

Everyone was ecstatic when they saw Zhang Qing’s appearance. They had no idea that Zhang Qing would arrive in time at such a dangerous moment and save them.

Seeing Zhang Qing came back, they seemed to have a backbone, the worries in their hearts disappeared without a trace, and they would never fear the fire robber king again.

“You are the Lord of the Kingdom of God?”

Hearing the words of those around him, Jiehuo Beast King’s pupils shrank slightly, staring at Zhang Qing firmly.

“I just came here, I was trying to find you, but I didn’t expect you to be so stupid that you came here by yourself.”

“You dare to enslave the King of Origin Giant Beast, you are looking for death.”

It roared, seemed to form a terrifying rhythm, and bombarded Zhang Qing.

But Zhang Qing stood in place and easily blocked the attack of Jiehuo Beast King.

“Jie Huo Beast King, I still want to enslave you, what can you do with me?”

Zhang Qing looked at Jiehuo Beast King faintly.


Jiehuo Beast King was furious, he was simply out of anger. It had lived for so long and had been seen by any kind of people, but it was the first time he had seen someone as arrogant as Zhang Qing.

Obviously, he was just an ant who was just like a high-level Universe, and he dared to be disrespectful to a beast king like it.

If this kid is not broken into pieces, the kingdom of God will be destroyed. It just pretends to be the fire-robbing beast king.

“you wanna die!”

The Jiehuo Beast King roared and opened his mouth to spit out several fireballs and blasted towards Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing smiled slightly, and a ring appeared on his finger.

Universe ring!

In the next second, Zhang Qing punched the fireball from the bombardment.

This punch seemed to condense all the surrounding source energy, and all the energy rushed to Zhang Qing’s right hand.

With a bang, the two sides collided together, and the fireball was instantly scattered by a punch. The punches were like a Qi Sea, and all the surrounding fireballs were scattered.

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