Chapter 195


Heard this. The complexion of the masters of many universes changed drastically, but they knew what kind of existence the fire source beast was.

And the fire-causing source beasts it led are called fire-causing disasters on the Singularity Continent, wherever they go, the fire spreads and burns in all directions, all areas will be burned, and there will be no bones.

Every time the Jiehuoyuan Beastmaster appeared, it would cause countless deaths and injuries. I don’t know how many kingdoms and lives have been destroyed by hunger or disaster.

what happened? Isn’t this Jiehuo Beast King sleeping all the time? How could you suddenly wake up?

The Lord of Vermillion Bird frowned. He had worried about the future of Vermillion Bird country, and he had secretly checked the secret realm world where the Fire Jieking Beast King was located, and the other party was still sleeping.

If there were no other accidents, according to the sleeping habits of the Beastmasters, every time they fell asleep would spend an extremely long time, but obviously this time the time was advanced.

“I’m afraid it was the large number of lives in our kingdom of God that made the Fire Jiefang Beast King awaken.”

Jin Shi solemnly said.

For these Origin Behemoths, all the life on the Singularity Continent is food, and if other lives are swallowed, the power of the Origin Behemoth will increase rapidly.

The reason why the beast kings fell asleep after preying for a period of time was actually a strategy.

It’s like cutting leeks. Every time you harvest them, you need to wait for a while.

The same reason.

The same is true for the beast kings. After each predation, they will wait for a period of time to allow other lives to continue to multiply, and they will not dry up and die.

Because of this, the Jiehuoyuan beast perceives the power of the kingdom of God and is full of vigorous vitality, so it wakes up the beast king ahead of time and starts this predation.

“So that’s the case. If this is the case, then there is no way. This is a calamity that will definitely be encountered, but where did the Lord of the country go?”

The lord of Black Tortoise asked.

“The Lord of the Kingdom happened to leave the Kingdom of God and entered a secret realm before, but he has already received the news and is rushing back.”

Jin Shi said.

If this is the case, then we must resist the attack of this group of fire-robbing beasts until the Lord of the country returns.

Let’s start, start our nation’s protection of the kingdom of God, and can’t let any of the original behemoths enter the kingdom of God.

This time, the source of fire beasts are attacking everywhere. We spread out to block these source of fire beasts, lest they destroy the formation and enter.

The Lord of the Universe spoke.

They immediately dispersed to various places in the kingdom of God, guarding important checkpoints, but because the area of ​​the kingdom of God is too large now, they can only guard some important places.

As for other places, they can only be handed over to other soldiers of the Kingdom of God to guard them.

In an instant, the entire army of the Kingdom of God began to mobilize, and a teleportation array appeared, transporting soldiers to the important cities of the Kingdom of God.

Fortunately, there is a teleportation array, and the efficiency of mobilizing troops has increased a lot. If the efficiency is the same as before, I am afraid it will not be too late.

Such a move also instantly alarmed countless residents of the kingdom of God, countless travelers who entered the kingdom of God, and guests from other countries, and so on.

In short, the residents of the entire Kingdom of God know that there will be an attack by the beast wave, and a big formation is about to come.

“What’s going on? What happened? It seems that the soldiers of the entire Kingdom of God have begun to act. Is it about to break out of war?”

The residents of the Kingdom of Young God saw the movement of the teleportation formation, and they were all controlled at this moment, and ordinary people could not use the teleportation formation for the time being.

“There was a wave of beasts, and it was led by the famous Jiehuo Beast King.”

A well-informed person spoke.

“What? Jiehuo Beast King? It’s the horrible Jiehuo disaster! Damn, didn’t the Beast King still fall asleep? How could he wake up so quickly.”

The expressions of the practitioners changed drastically. They had been accustomed to the tide of beasts, large and small, since they had lived in the Singularity Continent for such a long time.

But even so, this beast tide like a natural disaster still makes them frightened!

The Origin Beast led by the Jiehuo Beast King is even more terrifying. Once dispatched, even the kingdom where the Lord of the Universe is located may be destroyed.

Even the lord of the higher word universe might fall, let alone them.

“It’s not clear. In short, the Fire Tribulation Beast King has indeed awakened. Now the endless Behemoths of Origin are rushing towards the kingdom of God, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon.”

A practitioner said in a deep voice.

“Damn it, then what are we waiting for? Run away. Don’t you stay here and wait for death.”

The face of those who did not accept the cultivation changed drastically, and they immediately wanted to escape.

“Stupid, if we could escape, we would have escaped.”

A practitioner nearby said with a sneer.

Under such a disaster, running outside is simply looking for death, and only by staying in this kingdom of God can you survive.

“That’s right, it’s really a group of guys who haven’t seen the world before. Now the outside world of God has long been surrounded by Siyuan giant beasts. No matter where you go, it’s a dead end.”

“It’s true. If we go out rashly, we will only install the source of robbery beasts outside, so it’s better not to act rashly.” Everyone was talking.

“But if you don’t run away, can this kingdom of God be able to stop the attack of the Origin Giant Beast?”

A practitioner asked worriedly.

“Now, it can only depend on the strength of the kingdom of God. If the strength is strong enough, it may be able to stop this beast tide.” Another practitioner said.

“How could it be able to stop it? That is the fire-robbing beast king, an existence that can kill even the Lord of the higher universe, and it has never failed. And how long has the kingdom of God been established?”

Many people don’t want to believe that God has such strength!

“What if you don’t believe it, now we have been surrounded a long time ago, and we can’t escape, we can only believe in the strength of the kingdom of God.”

The group repair practitioner said helplessly.

And at this time, outside the kingdom of God, countless source beasts of Jiehuo ran from all directions, just looking at it with the naked eye, so the number of source beasts is boundless, madness surging from a distance, like a flood.

What is even more terrifying is that the fire source beasts exudes waves of terrible calamity fire, showing a blue color, wherever such calamity fire goes, they are all burned to ashes.

Even if it is detached Sage, it will be instantly ignited when exposed to such a fire, and it cannot be extinguished.

In fact, this is the terrible aspect of the source beasts. The fire that burns on their bodies is too terrible and will cause huge fires, and countless lives will be destroyed in such fires.

At the same time, this kind of roaring fire would hardly be extinguished, and even the stones could not withstand the burning of the roaring fire, and it seemed that it would turn all the materials into ashes.

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