Chapter 194

Under the control of Zhang Qing, the eternal clock began to shake.

There was a sound of turning of the hands.

Immediately, the eternal clock began to vibrate, and bursts of energy waved from it, containing unimaginable power.

The Lord of Vermillion Bird who wanted to explode immediately stopped, and the Lord of Universe around him also stood motionless.

The power of this eternal clock actually set the lord of the four universes in place, and stopped their thinking.

Then Zhang Qing sealed the Lord of Vermillion Bird, because he could no longer continue to activate his own Magic power.

The next second, the eternal clock made another sound of turning hands.

The time in the entire space seemed to return to normal, continuing to flow.

At this time, the Lord of Vermillion Bird was shocked to find that he was unable to operate magical powers. He couldn’t even die.

“what did you do to me?”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird shouted at Zhang Qing with a look of fear.

The Lord of the Three Universes next to him looked at the Lord of Vermillion Bird with a strange expression. Obviously don’t know what happened.

“I didn’t do anything, just let you calm down. As the master of the universe, it’s not good to explode casually.”

Zhang Qing smiled and looked at the Lord of Vermillion Bird: “What, are you willing to follow me now?”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird showed a deep despair in his eyes, and then he sighed.

I, Vermillion Bird, will follow the Lord of the Country faithfully from now on.

He has already accepted today’s reality, and even thought about it, he couldn’t even die in front of this person, and he was still struggling. Since he can’t resist, it’s better to obey him, and the strength of this person is so strong, it is not necessarily a bad thing to follow him.

The masters of the remaining three universes were shocked to see that the master of Vermillion Bird had such a big contrast before and after.

“Hey! What are you talking about, I admire you because of me. I didn’t expect you to lose your dignity as the lord of the universe.”

The Lord of White Tiger shouted to the Lord of Vermillion Bird.

“I advise you to figure out the current situation. Do you think I will do this if I have a way?”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird looks desperately at the Lord of the Three Universes

Seeing such a scene, the anger of White Tiger and others gradually calmed down.

They are not fools either, knowing that the attitude of the Lord of Vermillion Bird has changed so quickly, there must be his reasons.

It is actually possible to make such a change happen to a master of the universe.

It is conceivable how powerful the power of this kingdom of God is. In order to make a Universe Lord who would rather blew himself up than become a vassal, willingly follow.

Thinking of this, while the Lord of the three universes was shocked, he was also thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

Is it to fight to the death, or follow the Lord of the Kingdom of God like the Lord of Vermillion Bird.

If you follow me, of course you will get more benefits, such as fragmentation.

As he said, Zhang Qing flipped his wrist, and several fragments of Dao Law appeared in his hand.

This is a fragment of the law created by Zhang Qing’s Closed Door Training for many years according to the law of Dao.

But for the master of the Universe in the bottleneck, it is like sending charcoal in the snow, which is extremely precious.

Upon seeing this scene, the Lord of the Three Universes immediately shook their bodies. They didn’t have any doubts about the authenticity of this fragment, because the law aura surrounding it was so strong that it was about to show its essence.

The next moment, the lord of Black Tortoise and others looked at each other, half kneeling and said to this Qing: “I am waiting to follow the lord.”

Zhang Qing nodded, and threw the fragments of the law in his hands to the masters of the four universes.

Obviously these fragments of laws are laws that they have not mastered.

“Thank you adults for the gift. We used to have eyes and no knowledge of Mount Tai, but we dared to get involved in the kingdom of God. It is indeed a sin worthy of death. Now we all believe in adults, so that they can be driven by adults.”

At the same time, from the Lord of the Four Universes, a large amount of power of faith poured out, all instilled in Zhang Qing’s aspiration.

Immediately, the strength of the original beliefs of Wish Kading seemed to have skyrocketed more than four times in vain at this moment. The energy of these beliefs was simply so huge and unfathomable.


I saw that the power of Wing Liding skyrocketed in vain, and the golden light of faith deep inside expanded rapidly, and there were countless more faith runes, engraved on the top of Wing Liding.

It really succeeded.

Zhang Qing squeezed his fists, very excited.

After this success, the benefits he gained are really great.

The first is the power owned by the Lords of the Four Great Universes. They manage the four Great Kingdoms, all of which belong to own, which is equivalent to being attached to the kingdom of God.

Because even their country owners believe in Zhang Qing, the lives of those kingdoms also believe in Zhang Qing.

The second is the fighting power of the Lord of the Four Great Characters, and they can also give Zhang Qing a huge boost.

Originally, the power of the kingdom of God was weak, only he himself was the master of the universe, and the golden stone that had not yet grown up. If there is any accident, the entire kingdom of God will fall apart.

But if the Lord of these four universes joins, the kingdom of God will be solid in an instant, even without his guardianship, it will not affect the kingdom of God much.

With the passage of time, Zhang Qing gradually controlled everything around him under the power of the kingdom of God.

Several more Universe Lords have joined the kingdom of God.

His strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has more and more complete Dao laws.


At this moment, Zhang Qing’s heart moved, as if he had sensed something, it was a message from Jin Shi.

“What’s wrong? Jin Shi.”

Zhang Qing said Divine Sense.

“The boss is not good, there are creatures coming. And the strength is very strong.”

Jin Shi’s voice came over.

“Enemy? What enemy? Haven’t all the forces around here unified?”

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes. It didn’t take long for him to Closed Door Training. Then there was an enemy attacking the Kingdom of God. Could it be that he is the Lord of the Universe?

Of course, he strengthened the great defense formation of the kingdom of God, and the general master of the universe is simply impossible to breakthrough formation. Even the master of the higher universe cannot easily break this formation.

As for the title of the Lord of the Universe like the Devourer, he felt that for now, the Kingdom of God could not be his target for the time being.

It’s a beast wave!

Just as Zhang Qing thought about it, Jin Shi’s voice came.

Beast tide?

Hearing this, Zhang Qing suddenly became serious, because the animal tide in the Singularity Continent can be said to be a natural disaster, and it will happen once in a while, causing huge damage.

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of God, there has never been an animal tide.

However, I met today. The time that should come will always come. This is also an unavoidable thing.

“Well, you guys resist for a while, I’m here.”

Zhang Qing said solemnly.

“No problem, boss.”

Jin Shi nodded.

After finishing the sound transmission, Zhang Qing immediately flew towards the kingdom of God, advancing at full speed, hoping that before he returned, the kingdom of God would not cause too much trouble.

Because he has to look for fragments of the law, he is now in a secret realm, because the secret realm is so special that he cannot teleport directly back to the kingdom of God.

At this time, the eight masters of the universe and the golden stone in the kingdom of God appeared in the discussion hall.

In addition, the officials of the Kingdom of God also arrived one after another, waiting in full battle.

“How? What’s the current situation? What kind of source beast intends to attack my kingdom of God?”

The Lord of Vermillion Bird asked.

“Report to the lord of Vermillion Bird that it is the fire-robbing source beast, and the number is simply innumerable, and the leader of this group of fire-source beasts is the fire-robbing beast king.” An official’s expression was very solemn.

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