Chapter 188

“Thank you, my lord, for your reinvention, I will follow you faithfully.”

After that, the tribe who was still in a daze quickly thanked the lord.

“Thank you, my lord, for your reinvention.”

The people who reacted quickly said.

“They all know what it means to follow Zhang Qing. The benefits of this are naturally countless.”

To be honest, after they escaped from the Qianlu tribe, although they also wanted revenge, they also knew that it was almost impossible.

After all, the opponent is Hades, and the opponent is backed by the Lord of the Universe. No matter how powerful they are, it may be difficult to fight the Lord of the Universe.

It can be said that their hope of revenge is extremely slim.

But it’s different now. If they follow this mysterious person, sooner or later they will become like the kingdom of the underworld, and become a kingdom occupying one side. When their power is not to be underestimated, and there are mysterious people backing them, then their hope of revenge will be greatly increased. .

Moreover, listening to the words of the mysterious person, there was a beast king from the original giant beast following him, which shocked the thousands of people in the Qianlu clan even more.

Zhang Qing saw that the people of the Qianlu tribe agreed to follow him, and then took out a golden crystal.

“You take this thing to see the Beastmaster in the secret realm, and it will give you a place to shelter when it sees this thing.

But adults, we don’t make room to move. I’m afraid there will be some dangers on the road. ”

Elder Qian Luren said embarrassedly.

“This is easy to handle.”

After speaking, Zhang Qing opened a space around him. He has already made a mark in the secret realm of the stone, and can transmit it at any time.

When the people of the Qianlu tribe saw this mysterious person, they broke through the space directly, linking the secret realm space. The awe for him grew deeper.

Then Qian Luying led the tribe into the space

“You can continue to the place where the secret realm is.” Zhang Qing’s figure flashed, and he continued to fly in the direction indicated by the wish pointer.

“I don’t know how many years have passed.”

Zhang Qing came to the place marked by the wish pointer.

This is a vast and boundless Black Sea, which exudes an inexplicable breath.

There are two huge stone monuments on the Black Sea, and densely engraved road rules are in the upper town.

“Is this the entrance to the secret realm?”

Zhang Qing stretched out his hand and pointed to one of the monuments.

Suddenly, the two monuments trembled, and the surrounding space began to become unstable.

In the next second, a huge spatial crack split from top to bottom.

There was a faint black light flashing inside, and it seemed that it must be the strength of the law in the secret realm. There is also a strong and incomparable source of energy gushing out, close to the breath, and the heart rises suddenly, which can be used for decades of practice.

“The origin energy in this secret realm is even stronger than the energy of the Singularity Continent, no wonder it can form fragments of the law.”

Zhang Qing faintly looked at the black crack, not knowing what danger was inside.

After he fixed the crack, he stepped into it.

After entering the Black Sea secret realm, Zhang Qing felt that every cell in his body seemed to burn.

Zhang Qing stared at the secret realm space, the space at this time seemed to be surrounded by a large array.

There are mountains and rivers in it, there is the sun, but there is no too cloudy.

It is an incomplete secret realm world.

The power of pure yang penetrates almost every apprentice, every leaf, every strand of air.

This is a world of pure yang, and in the heaven and the earth is the pure yang force, which is already rich, as if it can’t contain other energies.

Zhang Qing has been circulating in this incomplete secret realm for many days, but to his surprise, he walked almost the entire secret realm. There is no shadow of any fragments of the law, even the law of the great road, in this secret realm. Middle is also weak in perception.

What is going on here, even the law of the great road can’t survive here.

He muttered suspiciously.

Suddenly, Zhang Qing waved his big hand and the Destroy Lotus Platform appeared, and the power of the pure sun around him was dissipated by the Destroy Lotus Platform. Then he discovered that the secret realm space was abnormal because of the formation here.

It turns out that there is still a space here, which is well hidden because of the formation, and even Zhang Qing has not found the real way.

Zhang Qing released Divine Sense, covering all corners of the space.

Time and space are stagnant!

In an instant, the entire space stopped moving, and even the flowing pure Yang power was fixed in the air.

After a while, Zhang Qing’s eyes lit up.

He discovered that this formation is a Xiantian formation, and the biggest difference between Xiantian formation and Houtian formation is that Houtian formation has traces to follow. The Xiantian formation follows the laws of nature. If this law is not found, it will be difficult to crack the formation.

“This Xiantian formation is very hidden and needs to be carefully studied.”

Zhang Qing lowered his head and said thoughtfully.

Tai Chi Yin & Yang, penetrate the world.

Subsequently, the new lotus platform and the ruined lotus platform flew out of Zhang Qing and merged into Tai Chi Yin & Yang lotus. Yin & Yang’s two airs gathered around Zhang Qing’s body, condensed into the top of the lotus platform, slowly forming a mirror.

Zhang Qing waved his hand, the mirror flew towards the void, and two black and white rays of light flew out. Everywhere he passed, he illuminates the origin of the world and sees everything here.

It also slowly showed a trace of regular power, but after being irradiated by Yin & Yang’s two qi. It was just a faint flash, making it difficult to fix and confirm the true and accurate position of these formation marks.

Zhang Qing urged the mirror to fly away, but after a long time, he still did not find the trace of the Xiantian formation.

Is this Xiantian formation alive? !

According to Zhang Qing’s guess, this formation cannot be dead, otherwise the Yin & Yang projection will definitely be able to detect clues.

Moreover, the space barriers here are also extremely tough, and Zhang Qing’s space supernatural powers are actually unable to penetrate them.

With the passage of time, Zhang Qing discovered that there is no Karma, no definite number, no universe, everything is real and will not change due to artificial changes, so you can do whatever you want here.

The sun also slowly disappeared, and the power of pure yang in the entire world was transformed into the power of pure yin.

Zhang Qing always felt a hazy feeling over him.

So instead of looking around, he sits in the same place and waits for the moment when the formation reveals its flaws.

I don’t know how much time has passed, it may be a few days or a few years.

Tai Chi Yin & Yang, now.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Qing suddenly opened his eyes, and Tai Chi Yin & Yang Lotus appeared in front of him, shining a ray of light from it.

At the same time, both hands turned into huge palms and patted towards the irradiation spot.

With a bang, a faintly imprinted fragment appeared. This fragment was extremely powerful, but only slightly rippled.

And Zhang Qing was waiting for this moment’s opportunity to attack the supernatural powers of the space, shattering this space.

“Break it for me!

Zhang Qing flicked both hands, and the space debris burst instantly. Another space appears.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhang Qing stepped into this space.

Then this space disappeared.

Countless pure Yin Qi escaped into this area of ​​Gang オ, and filled the fragments in an instant.

At this moment, Zhang Qing appeared in the real formation, and deep in the formation there was a strong aura of law permeating it, but here was just the entrance of the formation, not really entering the core of the formation.

The Xiantian formation is really powerful, it’s a huge formation of stealth and ecstasy. Even I almost didn’t find this entrance. I have to learn this formation!

Zhang Qing looked at this formation and was quite amazed. This formation is really very powerful. He could steal the opportunity of heaven and earth, even his divine eyes could confuse words.

After admiring, he found that there was a deep gully.

Behind is the space barrier, almost transparent, you can see everything on the outside, but you can’t see the inside from the outside, you can’t even find the formation.

Suddenly, Zhang Qing felt that countless powerful pressures above his head were suppressing him, making it difficult for him to fly in this formation.

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