Chapter 187

Qian Luying was extremely shocked. She turned to look at Elder Qian Luren next to her, her eyes full of inquiries.

Hearing Qian Luying’s question, Elder Qian Luren couldn’t help but swallowed her mouth water. Divine Sense said in a voice transmission: “We seem to have escaped from the pursuit of the underworld, and all the soldiers of the underworld just now died. It was gone.”

His whole body was trembling slightly, and his eyes showed an extremely shocking expression.

The other tribesmen didn’t see clearly, but he could see clearly, Zhang Qing instantly killed all the soldiers of the Ming Kingdom, and even Ming Wu was strangled into powder. But this is enough to prove the power of this mysterious person.

And then, they came to this place without realizing it. How can this not make him feel shocked.

Obviously he didn’t know about Mingwu’s later resurrection!

“Impossible, dead? Dead in an instant?”

A young disciple of the Qianlu clan couldn’t believe this. He felt that it was just a moment of effort. Why did he appear here, and the soldiers of the Underworld were all dead.

“How is it possible, that Mingwu has mastered hundreds of Dao laws, and the super power that surpasses Elder, how can we kill and escape so easily?”

Qian Luying was also stunned, looking at Elder Qian Luren in disbelief.

“Yes, it is said that all the soldiers and generals of the Nether Kingdom have practiced Nether Divine Art. Even if a drop of blood is left behind, they can be reborn in an instant, with excellent recovery power.”

“Yes, the previous group of Underworld soldiers fought with our Qianlu fighters. Even if their bodies were divided into several sections, they were still alive and possessed strong vitality. We won’t be caught in Illusion Art.”

All the young disciples of the Qianlu tribe, Divine Sense, have heard many introductions. They can’t believe Own Ears.

“To shut up!”

Elder Qian Luren yelled: “You are really good people anyway, don’t you perceive it? There is not even the breath of the soldiers of the underworld around you.

Whether they died or not, we escaped.

But Elder, if they die, then

Qian Luren’s pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly looked at Zhang Qing, his eyes became extremely awed.

That’s right, it is not what we can imagine to be able to kill all the soldiers of the Underworld in an instant, and teleport here.

With that said, Elder’s throat was a little dry.

Don’t think he’s an Elder from the Qianlu clan, but in his long years, he’s more powerful than he’s ever seen before.

Although there are countless strong people in the Singularity Continent, you can’t see a few in their small place.

This group of Qianlu people mistakenly thought that Zhang Qing was at the level of the Lord of the Universe. It is no wonder that these indigenous creatures have never seen the Lord of the Universe, and certainly don’t know about the Universe.

How strong is the Lord?

Stupid, I was so stupid just now.

Just now, he even had the idea of ​​relinquishing accounts and not handing over the secret treasures. Now it seems that this is a deadly act. If this mysterious person wants to snatch their secret treasures, he just wants to walk as easily as possible.

At this time, Zhang Qing also recovered from the blur.

This destruction of lotus platform is really powerful!

He also didn’t expect that this ruined lotus platform would be able to kill the soldiers of the Underworld in an instant. Even the Magic Treasures on them were shaken to dust.

It seems that if you want to snatch some treasures in the future, you have to carefully control the power of destroying the lotus platform, otherwise it will be shaken to powder, and you will get nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing turned around, looked at these people from the Qianlu clan, and said lightly.

“I have sent you to a safe place, and it’s time for you to fulfill your promise.”

Qian Luying’s heart tightened when she heard the words. She knew that if she didn’t keep her promise, she would definitely die miserably.

The surrounding Elder and others remained silent. In fact, they couldn’t do anything, because at this moment they were caught by this mysterious person who might be the Lord of the Universe.

If the other party does it, they will all die. Not only will they have no secret treasures, but they won’t even be able to save their lives.

So she waved her hand slowly, and took out a treasure from her body, covered with dense sealing spells, it seemed that these spells covered all the breath of this secret treasure.

Is this the secret treasure of the Qianlu clan’s universe?

Zhang Qing looked over, and although the surface was sealed with magic spells, he could perceive the profound aura that this Magic Treasures exudes, and the secrets were engraved in it.

“This is the Universe Eternal Clock that my ancestors of the Qianlu clan found somewhere in the secret realm. He possesses incredible powers.”

In fact, the Qianlu clan couldn’t control this Universe secret treasure at all. Even if the Elder in the clan urged it with all his strength, it would only emit a hint of power.

Originally, I saw the Universe Secret Treasure Eternal Clock, but under the urging of the many Elders of the Qianlu clan, it was able to withstand the attacks of the Underworld a little bit.

But Mingguo attacked too suddenly, killing several Elder in an instant.

As a result, the Qianlu clan did not have enough manpower to urge this Universe artifact, and the Qianlu clan lost the last killer.


Zhang Qing grabbed it with a big hand and instantly took this secret treasure in his hand.

I saw that this secret treasure looked like a dial, silver throughout, with countless time laws engraved on it.

Sure enough.

Zhang Qingyanqing showed a gleam of light, he could feel the power of this Cosmos Secret Treasure, which happened to complement his supernatural powers. Once refining was successful, he would surely be able to ascension own combat power.

It’s a pity that this Universe secret treasure fell to the Qianlu clan. Phoenix fell into the chicken coop. If it fell into the hands of the Lord of the Universe, it would have had an incredible effect.

But now is not the time to refine this Universe secret treasure, thinking of this, put the eternal clock in the own chaotic space.

Seeing Zhang Qing put away the eternal clock of the Zizhou Secret Treasure, the eyes of the people of the Qianlu clan showed a trace of perseverance. And a trace of worry about the future.

The Qian Lu clan was annihilated, and now there are dozens of people lingering, Qian Luying suddenly felt confused, not knowing how to go in the future.

When Zhang Qing saw these thousands of people from the Qianlu tribe, they all had a bitter face, and his eyes were filled with confusion and anxiety.

Anyway, he also wants to establish his own power in the Singularity Continent, so he said.

If you don’t know where to go, I can transfer you to a secret realm. The source beast beast king in the secret realm has a little connection with me and will surely protect your clan’s safety.

“Qianlu and his party are immersed in the grief of extermination. Hearing Zhang Qing’s words, they were all taken aback.”

Qian Luying reacted the fastest and said excitedly.

“My lord can really give us a safe place?”

“Not to give, but to let you live temporarily. I also just want to develop my own forces. If you are willing, you can follow me.”

Qian Luying was overjoyed and said quickly.

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