Chapter 184

Phew, it’s time to find the next secret realm.

Zhang Qing stood up and let out a sigh of relief.

“After you finish your practice, you can accompany me to play.”

Jin Shi on the side ran over and said.

Zhang Qing touched Jinshi’s angular head and said.

“I still have important things to do. I can’t play with you.”

After speaking, the figure disappeared slowly!

Zhang Qing did not go to the place Tianhuo said, but went to the place where the wish pointer wanted you.

Because there must be fragments of law in the place pointed to by the wish pointer, but there may not be fragments of law in the location mentioned in the intelligence.

Time flies.

According to the guidelines, Zhang Qing went all the way without any delay.

Suddenly, Zhang Qing noticed a few familiar breaths in the forest ahead.

Dang Even concealed his figure and stepped forward to check.

When he came closer, he discovered that this was the first time he came to Singularity Continent and was the residence of the Qianlu tribe he had encountered.

But at this moment this indigenous tribe encountered a catastrophe. The entire resident area was full of flames, with numerous deaths and injuries. Thousands of Lu tribesmen were utterly miserable. The earth was shaken apart, and there was horror everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

And the people who slaughtered this group of Qianlu tribe were a group of 15 terrible beings wearing green armor, exuding a brutal murderous aura, and holding bloodthirsty spears.

They are like killing machines with no thoughts, and they are also like wolves entering a flock. A stab slaughtered a large group of Qianlu people.

Even if they suffered casualties, none of them flinched and feared death. In other words, they don’t even know Death, what the emotion of fear is.

“Mingwu, why did your Underworld invade my Qianlu tribe? We don’t have any intersection at all. Why do we want to slaughter my Qianlu tribe?”

At this time, the patriarch of the Qianlu clan gritted his teeth and stared at the strong man in dark green clothes with double horns on his head and red eyes, just like Devil.

He is so extreme now that he can’t wait to smash these guys into pieces.

It is precisely because of the emergence of these guys that the Qianlu tribe has suffered annihilation. As a large tribe, many members of the tribe have suffered heavy casualties and suffered unprecedented losses.

And this Mingwu is also the general of the famous Kingdom Mingguo nearby, holding hundreds of millions of soldiers in his hand, and his own strength is also the master of hundreds of complete Dao laws.

As soon as it shot, it shattered the resistance of many elders and patriarchs of the Qianlu clan, and instantly beheaded many elders, demonstrating its intrepid strength.

Zhang Qing knows this person. He has entered the Underworld and learned some information. And at this time, he didn’t want to help the Qianlu Clan, because they also wanted to kill Zhang Qing.

Moreover, the strength of this Mingwu was too tyrannical, and Zhang Qing did not have the confidence to suppress this person.

As for why Zhang Qing didn’t leave, it was because he wanted to see if he could get a bargain. After all, the Qianlu clan had robbed so many detached Sage.


Hearing this, Mingwu said lightly: “It’s really stupid, what’s the reason on the Singularity Continent, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the strong are respected, you can blame the Qianlu clan for being too weak.”

“you…… ”

The patriarch of the Qianlu clan gritted his teeth and was extremely angry.

“But don’t worry, the surrounding tribes will also go with you. Neither you nor them can escape. You will all have to die.”

Mingwu said lightly, a pair of eyes showing a murderous look.

You also have to do things with the surrounding tribes, not just for our Qianlu tribe?

The patriarch of the Qianlu clan was taken aback and seemed to have thought of something!

“Wait, your Nether Kingdom Lord is the famous Nether Blood God, who often devours living creatures, Blood Essence and souls, and constantly strengthens his own strength, every time he wakes up, he has to devour hundreds of millions of blood.

And now that you actually want to slaughter all the surrounding tribes continuously, you must want to sacrifice our blood to the Blood God, but this time you ignored the rules and acted like this. Could it be that the cultivation of the Nether Blood God has reached a critical point, and that’s why you acted like this. ”

He stared at the mist.

To be honest, the Kingdom of Hades is a very powerful kingdom, with 49 generals under its umbrella, and each general has at least one hundred complete laws.

Some even have thousands.

And this mist is only one of them, and now several other tribes have been attacked, obviously this time the generals of the Nether Kingdom have touched most of them.

You know too much.

Mingwuyanqing showed a fierce color, and bursts of killing intent filled his body. He immediately wanted to kill the 373 patriarch of the Qianlu clan, such a smart person, that he couldn’t give him a chance to breathe.

After all, Ming Kingdom also has enemies. If it is known to other kingdoms, it may cause a lot of trouble, and it may be under siege from many countries.

Mingwu, if you slaughter my Qianlu clan, you will not end well. Even if I die, I will hold you together.

Suddenly, the patriarch of your Qianlu clan shouted angrily, and an aura of destruction erupted from him immediately, as if a terrifying wave of destruction erupted.

“Want to explode and die with us? It’s up to you?”

Mingwu showed a terrifying gaze and said slowly.

Immediately he grabbed it with a big hand, and the space around the Qianlu clan chief was slowly compressed, and finally turned into a fist-sized ball.


The body of the patriarch of the Qianlu clan exploded, and the soul, body, flesh and blood, etc. were all turned into terrorist bombs.

But even with such terrifying power, it still didn’t break through the ball’s package.

Humph, little tricks of carving insects.

“Huh, I dare to do such a small move in front of our general.

A lieutenant next to him came over.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Qing looked at him blankly, and no one noticed him.

“I didn’t expect that the patriarch of the Qianlu clan was so bloody that he dared to blew himself up and wanted to die with us. You must know that if he blew himself up, he would be destroyed.”

“But General, although we have wiped out most of the elite of the Qianlu clan, there are still some fish that have slipped through the net. The young patriarch of the Qianlu clan can never be resurrected. Next time, I will not let this happen again. Thing happened.”

He clenched his fists and remembered the lesson this time.

His daughter Qian Luying, and some of her entourage, an old housekeeper took the opportunity to escape.

A lieutenant said in a deep voice, “Moreover, they ran away with most of the treasures of the Qianlu clan, and even the treasures of the Qianlu clan were in their hands.”

“What? There is such a thing, immediately hunt down, these treasures must fall into the hands of our Underworld. Although these indigenous tribes are not very powerful, they are born on this singularity continent and have a lot of luck. He said There may be some powerful treasures left behind, maybe even secret treasures.” Mingwu shouted loudly.

“Don’t worry, General, I have sent many people to hunt them down, and we have marked their breath, even if we run to the ends of the world, it is impossible to escape our pursuit.” The lieutenant clenched his fists.

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