Chapter 183

“As expected to be the King of Origin Giant Beasts, he can actually resonate with the great laws of this space, thus breaking through restrictions.”

Zhang Qingyanqing showed admiration, then showed up and said loudly.

I am here this time to return this Beastmaster to you, not with other unruly intentions.

With that, he took out the Beastmaster cub from the storage bag and put it back on the ground.

An Elder who appeared to be a Shiyuan beast immediately guarded the cub behind him, and looked at Zhang Qing with guard.

“It’s you?!”

It recognized Zhang Qing because he had withstood the attack of a hundred thousand stone source beasts. And repelled them.

At this time, the other Shiyuan beasts also recognized the people.

She was shocked immediately. All unfolded their strongest defenses, ready to fight to the death.

“Calm down! Calm down! I am not here to attack you, I am only here to return the Beastmaster.”

In doing so, it was not that Zhang Qing was afraid of this group of Origin Behemoths, but that he had more plans.

If he can reach a friendly relationship with the entire Shiyuan Beast clan, when the Beastmaster grows up, he will definitely be a big help to own, and he found that the power of the law here is strong, and there must be a fragment of the law here.

The most important thing is to slaughter a race that has no grievances and no grudges against him. Zhang Qing has not yet reached the point of madness.

After hearing Zhang Qing’s words, all the source beasts still did not let go of their guards, and they all stared at Zhang Qing attentively.

“Thank you for your escort. Now that the king has returned to the secret realm, he won’t be bothering him clearly.”

Said a Shiyuan beast covered in purple crystals. He made it clear that he wanted to drive Zhang Qing out of the secret realm.

But Zhang Qing seemed to not understand its meaning at all, and said with a smile.

I think your secret realm is surrounded by dense road laws, so can you give me some insights here. It’s also a thank you to the Beastmaster that I sent back to you.

He didn’t say anything about the fragments of the law, so as not to offend the group of stone source beasts.

The face of Shiyuan Beast covered in purple crystal was slightly dark, and he just wanted to say no, only to hear a loud noise coming from outside.

“Huh? There are accomplices?!”

Its complexion became extremely ugly, because it sensed a lot of aura outside the secret realm, and killed it towards the secret realm. It is estimated that they are all accomplices of this person in front of them.

Zhang Qing also sensed that enemies were attacked and killed from all directions, and it seemed that he was a native of this place.

It is estimated that these natives sensed the abnormal movement here, and quickly attacked and killed them.

In fact, there are countless similar aborigines everywhere in the Singularity Continent. They are like nomads and have no fixed homes.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of indigenous warriors gathered around here.

“In order to prove that I am not malicious to you, let me deal with the group of natives outside.”

There was a glimmer of light in Zhang Qing’s eyes, just to use the natives to prove that he did not have any malice towards them.

Ignoring the Shiyuan Beasts, their silhouettes flashed and disappeared.

The next second will appear outside the secret realm.

He immediately shot, casting a supreme magic technique one by one spatial shock.

Boom boom.

Suddenly, with Zhang Qing’s body as the center, a series of terrible void fluctuations occurred, and these terrible fluctuations affected thousands of miles.

The next moment, these indigenous warriors couldn’t even make a sound, and they were shocked to faint instantly. Regardless of their strength, all of them fell to the ground unconscious.

Shiyuan Beast walking out of the secret realm was shocked and inexplicably shocked to see this scene.

Zhang Qing came to them and said with a smile.

You should believe me now. I just want to understand the law of the road. And I am not a person who likes to kill.

“We are also for the sake of the ethnic group, and please don’t worry about it. From now on, you will come and go freely with this secret realm. I will not stop it.”

The purple-red stone source beast walked beside Zhang Qing and said slowly.

As for why the attitude towards Zhang Qing is so different, it’s all because Zhang Qing’s methods were too shocking to the world just now, and he can completely crush them with his strength.

On the Singularity Continent, the strong are respected. Who wouldn’t want to make alliances with an extremely powerful person, or even become friends? This is the guarantee for the survival of one’s own race in the future.

So Zhang Qing became a member of the secret realm of this stone. Since it entered this secret realm, it has almost never gone out, and it has been in the power of Insight law every day.

At the same time, he was looking for a hiding place for the fragments of the law.

He also indirectly asked Elder of Shiyuan Beast, and they all said that they had never heard of any law fragments.

So he can only continue to see the power of the Law of Insight from the space so slowly.

Time flies, and thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Zhang Qing received news from Skyfire and knew the location of a secret realm.

At this time, Zhang Qing was cultivating on a disc made of source stone.

Suddenly a golden crystal appeared behind the stone block behind him. As the golden crystal moved, the owner of the crystal slowly revealed his figure. This was the cub of the Beast King back then.

After thousands of years, its body hasn’t grown much. Instead, the color of the crystal on its body has gradually changed to golden yellow. And between these crystals, there is a faint circulation of the law of the great road.

The beast king slowly walked behind Zhang Qing, and then jumped onto Zhang Qing’s head. When he was about to hit Zhang Qing’s head, an invisible wave of fluctuations spread from Zhang Qing’s body and resisted the fall. Beastmaster.

Zhang Qing grabbed the Beastmaster from above as soon as he stretched out his hand, holding it up and saying.

“Jin Shi, how many times have I told you, don’t disturb me while I am practicing, why are you here again.”

Let me go, let me go, I am the king of beasts, the king of Siyuan giant beasts, how can you grab my horn. ”

It was also at this time that Zhang Qing discovered that the power of the law on the Jinshijiao was very pure and peculiar. He had never seen it in this secret realm.

Then he put the golden stone in his hand on the ground. Looked up carefully.

After a while, Zhang Qing’s eyes lit up. He knew why he hadn’t found the fragments of the law for so many years, because the fragments of the law of stone had already been integrated into the horns of the golden stone, or that the beast king was conceived by the fragments of the law.

“Jin Shi, you will release the energy of your whole body.”

Zhang Qing looked at it with some excitement.

“Why, what if I hurt you.”

Jin Shi said ignorantly.

“How could you hurt me? I even taught your magical powers.”

Jin Shi nodded!

The next moment, the horns of Jinshi’s body were shining brightly, and a wave full of horror spread out, and the whole cave trembled.

The stone source beasts in the secret realm also seemed to sense something, they all roared, and they covered the entire secret realm with the fluctuations emitted by the gold stone.

Zhang Qing watched the countless laws flying around in the space in front of him, dancing like a living thing.

This is it!

He immediately sat on the ground, himself also exuding bursts of avenue rules, and began to insight into the mystery of this.

After a while, Jinshi stopped and continued to emit fluctuations, and the entire secret realm stabilized again.

Seeing that Zhang Qing was still sitting on the spot, it didn’t bother him anymore.

I don’t know how long has passed, with a roar!

Zhang Qing opened his eyes, and the momentum of his whole body has risen a lot. At this moment, he has mastered the four complete laws of the Great Dao.

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