Chapter 181 Complete Disappearance

But the person in front of him is definitely not as strong as Zhang Qing, but he can resist this move, and restore his body, even his soul.

There must be good Magic Treasures. Or master other complete laws of the Great Dao.

Thought of this. Zhang Qing’s eyes flickered.

Time and space stagnated.

Suddenly, the old woman, who had not fully recovered, stopped all movements.

The old woman was terrified at this moment, and she felt a huge crisis.

Because of her body, she couldn’t move a bit. All qi in the body stopped completely, as if time had frozen.

“Do you know the way to perfect the law of the great road?”

Zhang Qing’s powerful Divine Sense entered the old woman’s Divine Sense and asked indifferently.

“I, I don’t know. I just happened to enter a secret realm and got the fragments of the law of life. And I don’t have the complete law of life.”

The old woman told Zhang Qing five to ten that she only knew things. She knew that she could not hide it, because Zhang Qing could search for souls, but did not do so at this time, proving that Zhang Qing still kept her useful.

Although she can regenerate. But she didn’t dare to bet that once Zhang Qing had the ability to completely eliminate her. It will be late by then.

“How do you know the Youyu Secret Treasure in me? I obviously sealed off its breath.”

This is what Zhang Qing cares most about.

“I got a supreme Magic Treasures from that secret realm. As long as you provide vitality and blood, you can direct the direction of what you want.”

Is there such a magical Magic Treasures?

In reality, Zhang Qing grabbed his hand, and an object similar to a compass flew out of the old woman and fell into his hand.

As soon as he touched his hand, there was a burst of information coming into his mind.

Wish pointers can guide you to get whatever you want. As long as you pay the corresponding energy and blood.

Zhang Qing’s eyes are bright, isn’t this what he needs most now? With him, you can go to secret realm everywhere and search for fragments of the law of the road.

Dang Even put Divine Sense into the wish pointer.

I want to find a secret realm with fragments of the law.

When he said his wish. I only felt that most of the blood from my body was drawn away, and then the pointer burst out with a dazzling red light. The pointer in it flew out, pointed in a direction, and injected the path into Zhang Qing’s mind.

Zhang Qing’s face was a little pale, after most of his vitality and blood had been taken away, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Afterwards, the old woman who had been set in the same place was brought into the ruined lotus platform.

He now needs to look at the secret realm that the old woman said, so he needs this old woman who is familiar with the environment.

It took another few months before Zhang Qing recovered the loss of vitality and blood.

This wish indicator is good, but most of the vitality and blood was evacuated in one fell swoop. Use it with caution in the future.

Zhang Qing got up and walked towards the secret realm pointed out by the old woman.

I don’t know how many years I have been flying.

In order not to miss the secret realm on the way, Zhang Qing reduced the maximum range and speed of Divine Sense diffusion channel as much as possible.

At this time, he came to a place in front of Restrictions, on which countless chaotic gods were engraved.

But at this time Restrictions are no longer complete.

“How did you break this Restrictions.” Zhang Qing doubted the old woman’s strength.

“This Restrictions was incomplete before I discovered it. I didn’t break it.”

The old woman also said puzzledly.

It turned out to have been explored a long time ago, and the chances of trying to come to it have been exhausted.

When Zhang Qing thought of this, he felt a pain in his heart. Still go in and take a look, in case chance is waiting for me.

After speaking, I entered the cave behind Restrictions.

Although the entrance of the cave is small, there is no world in the cave.

When Zhang Qing walked along the cave for a while, he suddenly enlightened and saw a huge sky.

There are colorful auspicious clouds floating above the sky, and there is a day on the cloud, but in the heavenly palace is the respect of insects and beasts.

And in this world, the most peculiar thing is a flower, this flower has roots and no leaves, it grows directly on the ground, covering half of the earth.

Countless corpses of insects piled up under it. There are also a few Sage bodies, on which the faint breath overflows, at least all of them are left by Sage-level creatures.

And in this strange flower, there is another group of insects thriving on it, which is quite strange.

“This cave is weird, so don’t act rashly.”

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qing began to doubt the old woman’s luck again.

“How did you get the fragments of the law?”

“When I came in, there was no such strange flower. And the fragments of the law were floating in the air.”

After listening to Zhang Qing, he was very convinced by the luck of the old woman.

Then he grabbed his breath and stood aside like an ordinary stone.

At this time, a black creature that looked like a beetle flew out from the edge of the petal, and was killed by an inexplicable attack and fell under the flower.

On the other side, an identical black beetle flew out from the edge.

Zhang Qing relies on God’s eyes to see it truthfully, this is not an illusion. This weird scene was all seen in his eyes.

He secretly turned the surrounding space into an arrow, and when the arrow hit the strange flower, the petals were instantly torn into pieces. It was as if a continent collapsed.

The black beetle on the petal was obliterated by this arrow, and all turned into fly ash.

This time Zhang Qing clearly saw the process of recovery, not a reversal of time and space, but an immortal aura.

This immortal aura is condensed and evolved from the fragments of the law of life.

First, the petals of the flower appeared tremblingly, and then there seemed to be a mysterious force that made the petals seem to be swaying in the wind, and finally took shape and recovered as before.

After the petals recovered, the black beetles began to slowly recover.

When Duoyou everything returned to its previous state, the black beetle living on the strange flower made a long cry, which could be heard throughout the cave.

Then Zhang Qing found that these black beetles quickly deployed their positions and slammed into the colorful auspicious clouds floating in the air.

The Heavenly Palace on the untalented auspicious cloud obviously had anticipated this kind of impact, and didn’t know how to quickly form a large formation, connected by the air machine, and actually blocked the black beetles.

Among the officials of the day was another beetle, similar in appearance, but in a different color.

The two batches of beetles immediately started a fight.

Strangely enough, the beetle that was able to resurrect before, died in the opponent’s hands, and disappeared completely.


A gleam of light appeared in Zhang Qing’s eyes. He certainly knew the value of this Beastmaster after so many years in this Singularity Continent.

Beastmasters are the kings of the source stone giants. Every beast king can become the master of the universe. They dominate hundreds of millions of source stone giants. Every time a wave of beasts appears because of the orders of the beast kings.

But the probability of giving birth to a Beastmaster is extremely low, not to mention encountering a newly born Beastmaster, this is simply an eternal adventure.

It is completely conceivable that if the news of this newly born Beastmaster spreads out, how much shock it will cause, maybe even the Lord of the Universe will pay attention to this Beastmaster.

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