Chapter 180

Zhang Qing smiled slightly.

He had only had this idea before, but now he tried it and it really succeeded.

Zhang Qing relied on his virtual body to shuttle quickly, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he has reached an incredible level.

Because the virtual body didn’t have any resistance, nothing could stop him.

Several years passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qing traversed an endless forest, and encountered natives or other powerful people on the way, but never found him. It passed safely.

In the end, he arrived at the largest city nearby, which seemed to be a country called Wushan Kingdom. This city was also called Wushan City. It was extremely prosperous and occupies more than a million miles in diameter.

“What a magnificent city wall.”

Zhang Qing looked up, and he immediately saw the dense chaotic Restrictions formation around the city walls, presenting a large array of Restrictions, exuding a dangerous and terrifying atmosphere.

Even the Lord of the Universe, who has mastered thousands of complete laws, may not be able to break through the Restrictions defense of this city wall in a short while.

At the same time, the material of this city wall is also special, it seems to be a power that can swallow the attack to the greatest extent, and put most of the power into nothingness.

The defense of this city wall alone surpassed Chaos Demon.

“It’s worthy of being the kingdom on the Singularity Continent. It really came right.”

Zhang Qing suppressed the excitement deep in his heart. To be honest, the Restrictions formation on these walls gave him a huge inspiration and benefited him a lot.

It is conceivable that after entering this Wushan City, he must be able to find a harvest that satisfies him.

After Zhang Qing entered Wushan City, he immediately discovered that there were countless creatures in this city, of different types. And powerful, but not everyone is Sage.

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t find any clues related to the law.

To be honest, what surprised him most was that in the Singularity Continent, all matters concerning the laws of the Great Dao were monopolized. It is not allowed to be spread out, the most stringent of which, once there is the slightest leak, it will be chased and killed by all major forces.

Therefore, if you want to get news about the fragments of the Dao Law, or the way to improve the law, you can only join the power of a certain kingdom, or join the power of a certain sect, so that you can learn the method to improve the Dao Law.

Ordinary beings have no idea what Realm is above the Lord of the Universe, and how powerful it is.

Actually monopolized?

Although Zhang Qing had expected it a long time ago, he had never expected the situation to be so serious. Every force has rules for the whereabouts of fragments and perfecting methods.

But they all regard it as the greatest secret, and it is absolutely not allowed to be leaked, otherwise they will definitely be pursued and killed with all their strength.

Basically, there are huge barriers between every force, and outsiders are not allowed to snoop.

If you want to know the law of perfecting the Dao Law, you must join a certain power, and you must sign a contract, and you can never betray this power, otherwise you will definitely suffer the backlash of the Dao Law and an instant Death.

In this way, this force can remain strong forever, without worrying about the leakage of own secrets, and there is no need to worry about problems in the own sect.

“It’s troublesome now.”

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes, revealing a hint of embarrassment. He never expected that it would be so difficult to obtain a clue in the Singularity Continent, even the cultivation method would not be available.

To be honest, if Shi joins a certain force, he doesn’t really care.

But the problem is that once you enter the opponent’s sphere of influence, things will become very troublesome!

Besides, it is very troublesome to sign a law contract.

It seems that I can only search in the secret realm by myself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing didn’t hesitate anymore, and walked out of the city.

At this time, an old woman with elegant temperament came to him.

Young man, I don’t know if you have come to this city for the first time.

Zhang Qing said slowly when he saw an extraordinary person.

“It’s really my first time here. I don’t know how the old woman is called?”

“How to call it? A name is just a code name. I have forgotten this kind of thing a long time ago. If you have to say a name, you should call me nameless. I see you are hurrying, but I will look for a way to perfect the law of the road. ”

A gleam of light flashed in the old woman’s eyes.

Zhang Qing didn’t move too much, but shook his head and said, “I just came to pay a visit to this city. I don’t have any other thoughts.”

After speaking, she ignored the old woman, turned and walked outside the city.

He didn’t believe the old woman who suddenly came forward to talk to him, maybe he could see that he was the rookie who walked out of the universe for the first time, and wanted to snatch his Magic Treasures.

After he walked out of the city, he flew in any direction.

Now he can only find the secret realm on his own to obtain the path of the law of the avenue.

After a few months.

“Come out, you have been with me for months.”

Zhang Qing looked coldly in one direction.

“Jiejie, since you found me a long time ago, why didn’t you point it out earlier.”

Where Zhang Qing looked towards, a figure slowly appeared, it was the old woman in Wushan City.

The old woman could also break through the shackles of the law, and could easily break through the void, hiding her own figure.

Is it also a detached Sage who has mastered several complete laws?

Zhang Qing’s eyes shrank, and he immediately noticed the extraordinary strength of the incoming person.

“Following me for a few months, I don’t know what is going on.”

“Since you found out, then I’m not going around.”

The old woman looked at Zhang Qing greedily.

As long as you hand over the Secret Treasure of the Universe on your body, I will leave.

Sure enough, she abandoned Magic Treasures, but how did she know the Youyu Secret Treasure of me?

“It seems that you don’t want to hand it over.”

The old woman exploded with an inexplicable aura, and a soft light struck Zhang Qing.

The law of life!

Zhang Qing looked at the soft light in surprise.

Then a new lotus platform was evoked, which also burst out with a ray of vitality.


The two light clusters collided, and the aftermath suddenly spread out.

The vitality of all the creatures around is fading fast.

For a long time, it turned into ashes and merged into the chaos.

Can you fight the law of life with me? Sure enough, it is the creature that holds the Youyu universe secret treasure.

The old woman became more and more interested in Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing kept pointing out with a cold face.

The supreme supernatural powers cut one by one in space.

Suddenly, the space around the old woman fluctuates.

In the next second, the entire space was cut into countless pieces.

The old woman’s body was instantly cut into molecular size, and even the soul was wiped out, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

You talk too much.

Zhang Qing looked at the dissipated old woman and said lightly.

“Hahaha, what a supernatural power, if you tell me, you can die faster.”

I saw the body of the old woman who was divided into the size of the child, and it began to gradually solidify.

In the end, the whole body was restored. The soul was also restored intact as before.

Seeing the scene before him, Zhang Qing also became interested in this old woman.

Because of his technique, it didn’t just divide the space.

There are countless chaotic gods and great laws in it. Enough to obliterate any detached Sage with low strength.

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