Chapter 165: Solemn Dharma!

Solemn Dharma!

A huge golden Buddha appeared behind Jin Chanzi.

At this time, Jin Chanzi’s skin was pale golden and very solemn.

It feels like Sacred is inviolable!

At this time, the Killing Intents of the thousands of ghosts all attacked the rolling curtain.

Some of the roller blinds shouldn’t be rushed at this time. He never expected that the monk Dharma in front of him was so profound.

Every Buddha mantra carries the purest Buddha power. He is really invincible.

He took the shovel and shook Jin Chanzi in front of the door, and was about to run.

How could Jin Chanzi allow him to escape at this time?

Jin Chanzi began to chant sutras in her mouth.

At this time Jin Chanzi shouted loudly. All the scriptures are turned into a sharp sword.

All of them are facing the rolling shutters. At this time, the rolling shutters know that they are inevitable today.

He shouted.

“You are merciful, I am the one who should be robbed by Heaven Court!”

At this time Jin Chanzi closed her hand. At this time, the roller blinds were all covered with bruises.

“I am the person sent by Heaven Court to respond, you can’t kill me.” Sun Wukong heard it was the person sent by Heaven Court to respond.

Hurriedly stepped forward to lift up the roller blind sitting on the ground.

Jin Chanzi received the photo. Can you convince me of my strength?


“Well, you will respect me as a teacher from now on. How about Wujing if I give you a Dharma name?”

Sha Wujing couldn’t help but couldn’t beat Jin Chanzi, so he had to respect him as a teacher.

All the people who should be robbed have arrived.

The road ahead is even more murderous

Sumeru day.

Tathagata is distressed. He knows that Heaven Court, Dragon Palace, and mentor are all in one heart.

So the person who should be robbed on his side seems a bit disadvantaged. He secretly transmitted Lishan mother, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

Now our westbound man is slightly weaker. See if you can find a chance to kill the Sun Wukong three

The three worshipped the Buddha’s decree and went down to earth.

The only way to come to the westbound for five people.

With a big wave of his hand, a government office appeared in front of them.

The old mother Li Shan transformed into an old woman.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva became three peerless beauties.

Walked to Li Shan’s old mother and shouted in unison. “mother!”

The four masters and apprentices were looking for shelter everywhere it was going to be late again. Just thinking of a Zhuangzi appearing in front of them.

It says Jia Mansion.

Jin Chanzi went to button the door, when a family-like person came.

“Several masters, what are they doing?”

“Donor, a few of my masters and apprentices passed by the treasure land, wanting to spend the night.”

“It’s easy to say, it’s easy to say, take me to report to my master.”

After a while, the steward led the five masters and apprentices into the Dao Jia Mansion.

The four masters and apprentices were sitting in the meeting room.

No, an old woman came from the back house.

“I have seen a few masters.” Thank the benefactor for taking in a few of us.

“Hey, my master was also kind when he was alive.”

Jin Chanzi remained silent after hearing this.

At this time, the old woman stared at Ao Lie.

Jin Chanzi was very puzzled.

“Ah, why are you staring at my apprentice, old benefactor?” The old man asked about something.

It turns out that this old woman has three daughters.

Life-long events have become difficult for the old woman. Today, I saw Ao Lie’s heroic appearance.

I really like it. I want to discuss a marriage with Jin Chanzi.

“I have an important responsibility, and my children’s personal relationships are always burdensome.”

Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Xiao Bailong.

This old mother Li Shan ate one.

There is no way at this time, I asked the other two people again. They all refused. Sun Wukong always finds something strange.

At this time, Zhu Bajie was interested.

“Old lady, what do you think of me!” At this time, Li Shan’s mother frowned.

What excitement you follow. At this time, Ao Lie and Sun Wukong felt that the matter was not simple.

The two secretly urged the spell.

Let Zhu Ba Jie’s spell not be activated for the time being. Zhu Bajie was even more energetic when he saw that the spell hadn’t been activated.

Jin Chanzi was on the side to discourage. Zhu Bajie kept asking if he didn’t listen to the persuasion.

Li Shan’s mother moved in her heart.

“Okay, you greedy pig bajie, if you don’t educate you today, you won’t be honest. Okay, then you come with me.”

At this time, the old mother Li Shan came to the back hall with Zhu Bajie.

“I have three girls named Zhenzhen, Lianlian, and Ai Ai. If one can be caught, it will be yours.”

At this time, Mrs. Li Shan called out three Bodhisattva.

The three Bodhisattva suddenly had questions when they saw Zhu Bajie!

How could it be him?

At this time, Li Shan’s mother secretly transmitted the voice.

“Teach him a lesson.”

Three Bodhisattva know!

“You are a strong man. There is no difficulty in catching one. You are blindfolded.”

“Good good.”

Zhu Bajie promised.

The three Bodhisattva and Li Shan drew a whip from someone who did not know.

It was a beating against Zhu Bajie.

Two hours later, Zhu Bajie was bruised all over his body.

“Mother-in-law, why are you hitting me?”

“Fool, let’s see who we are.”

The four of them appeared in real life.

Zhu Bajie just wakes up like a dream.

“I don’t know how old pigs are Bodhisattva, how offended!”

The old mother Li Shan sighed and looked at this unbelievable Zhu Bajie.

“You will lead the three Sun Wukong to the courtyard, and we are free to deal with them.” Zhu Bajie nodded.

Strode hurriedly to the yard and shouted.

“Brother Monkey, come on!”

At this time, Sun Wukong heard Zhu Bajie yelling and I don’t know what happened.

Sha Wujing and Ao Lie were worried that something happened to Wukong and went together.

They rushed to Zhu Bajie. At first glance, Zhu Bajie was bruised all over his body.

I do not know what happens.

At this time, a gust of demon wind disappeared from Zhu Bajie.

“It’s not good, it’s hit.”

Sun Wukong shouted.

At this time, a magic circle appeared around the three of them.

And they happen to be here. Sun Wukong felt that something was wrong. I saw four Bodhisattva standing on each corner.

It happens to be the four corners of the south, east, north, and west. At this time, the burst suddenly turned.

Only then did the three realize that they were already in the formation. The four Bodhisattva urged the magic circle at the same time, and the magic circle began to operate immediately.

The Four Saints Zhuxian Formation! open!

Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie were in front of them.

The three of them are calling the sky, the sky shouldn’t, and the earth, the earth is not working!

When the three of them were about to close their eyes and wait for death, the golden cudgel came out of Sun Wukong’s ears, and Sun Wukong took a look at the golden cudgel.

Laughing loudly at that time.

“Hahaha, God won’t kill me!”

At this time, several spells appeared in Sun Wukong’s hand.

Sun Wukong scored the golden hoop. At this time, a strange light appeared on Hou Jin Gu Bang.

That dazzling eyes and ears. It was actually the golden cudgel of Houtian Lingbao, which was turned into Xiantian Lingbao.

This Dinghaigod Zhentie exudes a simple light before!

This time he is different!

He became more and more dazzling. With the pressure to crush everything.

Sun Wukong waved the golden hoop and smashed it to the ground.

Suddenly, the array was broken. Even the surrounding air seemed to be smashed.

The four Bodhisattva saw something wrong.

After receiving their magical powers, they returned to Sumeru Heaven as soon as the golden light came. When practicing, the six-eared macaque gave Sun Wukong several spells.

Tell him that when he has a last resort, hitting a few talisman into the golden hoop will guarantee nothing. Sun Wukong thought of these amulets when Qian Yifa today.

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