Chapter 164

Zhu Bajie was very happy after hearing this.

He hates Sun Wukong, he hates penetrates the bone, and he longs for the skin of the pillow and the blood of the soul.

The two collected the charms, and two golden lights returned to the old temple.

Pretending that nothing happened, Lotus Position meditated.

The second day.

This Zhu Bajie called Sun Wukong and Ao Lie early.

Both of them were a little surprised.

What’s wrong with the pig bajie, which is usually lazy?

Why are you diligent today?

Did the sun come out from the west?

The two also went on the road with Jin Chanzi.

At this time, as soon as Sun Wukong’s front foot stepped out of the threshold, there was a demon wind.

Roll up the yellow sand on the ground and straighten the Sun Wukong front door.

Sun Wukong let out a painful cry and fell to the ground.

At this time, Zhu Bajie sneered.

Ao Lie knew that there was fraud.

Zhu Bajie glared very hard.

At this time, the monster Huang Feng appeared, holding a steel fork in his hand, causing Sun Wukong to die!

Fang Lie hurriedly took the sword to resist, and took Sun Wukong with his left hand to his arms.

Dao Baiguang went straight to Heaven Court.

At this time, Huang Feng blamed Xiao Bailong and didn’t chase him.

After reading the spell, the wind and sand stopped, and Zhu Bajie and Jin Chanzi left this Huangfengling quickly.

Put down Zhu Bajie and Jin Chanzi.

Just talking about Xiao Bailong letting go.

He went straight to the Ling Xiao Palace, not daring to delay half a minute.

At this time, Sun Wukong closed his eyes tightly and said nothing.

Ao Lie shouted directly outside the Nantian Gate,

“Come on, Goku is in trouble.”

At this time, the Jade Emperor was furious.

Who is making noise outside my Nantian Gate!

“Report the Jade Emperor, it was Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of Xihai, who also brought…”

“Who else to take?”

“With the unconscious Sun Wukong.”


The Jade Emperor was shocked and hurriedly asked Ao Lie to take Sun Wukong into the Ling Xiao Hall.

The immortals were very surprised when they saw Wukong.

“Who hurt Wukong?”

In return to the Jade Emperor, it was the Yellow Wind Monster in Huangfengling.

The Jade Emperor knew what Buddhism caused the ghost as soon as he heard it. But there is no way, save Sun Wukong first!

Call the God of Medicine.

The god of medicine furrowed his eyebrows after seeing it.

“Aiqing, how is Wukong’s injury?”

“Returning to the Jade Emperor, there is no worry about life, but this yellow sand has demon power. If you want to cure it, you need this Jade Lake holy water!”

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor didn’t feel embarrassed, and found Haotian God.

Haotian communicated to Yaochi together.

After a while, Yaochi sent someone to bring this holy water from Yaochi.

Put Sun Wukong on your eyes and let Sun Wukong regain your eyesight for a while.

Fang Lie was relieved.

“Jade Emperor, the monster wind of this yellow wind monster is very strong, I am afraid it will be difficult for the two of me to deal with.

The Jade Emperor thought for a moment.

“Lei Zhenzi, take a trip with them.”

“Chen Zunzhi!” These three three golden light straight to the yellow wind tunnel.

“You rat spirit, come out to my grandson.”

Huang Feng blame heard someone shouting outside the cave.

Then he left Immortal Cave.

At first glance, Sun Wukong and Ao Lie, as well as a freak with these two wings, appeared in front of own, and instantly became calm.

You two dare to come back without thinking about it!

Said this phrasing, a demon wind started again.

At this time, Sun Wukong took a step back.

Lei Zhenzi stepped forward and waved his wings.

Blew away the demon wind in front of him.

Immediately after the wings waved again, a sky thunder struck the yellow wind monster.

It was too late, and then Sun Wukong shouted loudly.

“Lei Zhenzi, do it slowly.”

At this time, Lei Zhenzi’s wings gathered, and the sky thunder dissipated. Sun Wukong faced the yellow wind monster and asked earnestly: “I ask you the yellow wind monster, what are you?”

“I am the yellow rat mink under the seat of Buddha Tathagata!”

“Then you are a demon, right?”

The Yellow Rat was silent.

He couldn’t refute it, because he had no place in Sumeru Heaven.

I just listened to Tathagata Buddha’s teachings, the most inconspicuous creature.

“You and I are both demons, but the demons are the most despised now.”

The Yellow Squirrel looked at Wukong’s eyes and was shocked.

He had never seen such a firm look, and there was a trace of rebelliousness in his eyes!

And he also began to reflect, yes, he listened to the scriptures and taught the Fa, and on what basis humans can prove the Tao. And I was demoted from Lingshan for stealing a Buddha’s lamp oil.

The Buddha said that all beings are equal, but does not save the demons?

Is this Buddhism? It’s a bit narrow-minded!

Huang Fengguai looked at Sun Wukong and nodded.

A gust of yellow wind disappeared. Sun Wukong nodded in relief.

Watching a yellow wind go away.

“Great Sage, just let him go like this.”

“It’s okay, he will want to understand.”

Fang Lie and Sun Wukong thanked Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi turned to Heaven Court, and Sun Wukong and Ao Lie also disappeared with a golden light.

Liusha River.

Zhu Bajie looked at Jin Chanzi with a smirk.

“Teacher, we succeeded!”

After Jin Chanzi listened, he was silent and he didn’t know why. He was not at all happy, except for the biggest obstacle to promoting Dharma.

“Why can’t I be happy?”

He saw Zhu Bajie shook his head helplessly.

Zhu Bajie still has something to say at this time.

There was a voice.

“Fool, what did you succeed?” Zhu Bajie shook after hearing it.

This voice is so familiar to him! It looks like Sun Wukong!

Impossible Isn’t Sun Wukong blinded by the yellow wind monster?

“No…no success.” Zhu Bajie hesitated.

Sun Wukong didn’t bother to care about him either.

The four continued on. At this time, a river with rolling yellow sand appeared in front of the four people.

The river is flowing fast, and there is a boundary marker in front of it.

Eight Baili Liusha River. The four people came to this river and made trouble.

I don’t know what to do, this Liusha River can’t even float a feather.

Don’t know how to cross the river. And Jin Chanzi always felt familiar before the river.

At this time, Ao Lie’s figure changed. He appeared in his true form and became a little white dragon.

I plan to carry a few people with my master and apprentice to live the 800-mile Liusha River. But I didn’t expect to just hit the water.

He was hit back to the shore by a water arrow. At this time a head appeared under the water.

This head is full of red hair. Take a look at the four masters and apprentices on the shore!

I just think the Cultivation Base of these four people is good.

Then he shouted. Thought of my eight hundred miles of Liusha River, wishful thinking.

At this time, Sun Wukong stretched its golden cudgel! In the middle of the monster’s head.

The monster got a shot, disappeared, and returned to the water.

Zhu Bajie laughed.

“It turned out to be a tortoise with a shrunken head.” Sun Wukong scratched his head anxiously.

If this monster is not removed, how can a few of them live in the Liusha River.

He had an idea.

Take out the golden hoop and start to stir the water of Liusha River.

The rolling curtain just felt like the sky was spinning underneath.

There is no other way but to go up and fight Sun Wukong and others, ah, bold monkey head, don’t disturb my river!

Speaking of raising the convenient serial shovel, he flew ashore to fight Sun Wukong.

Jin Chanzi didn’t look at the monsters.

Seeing this monster, I remembered it at the time.

Isn’t this monster the river monster who ate his previous ninth life?

When he first met him, he not only didn’t appreciate it, but also ate himself.

When he looked at the necklace under the rolling curtain, he was even more angry.

Isn’t this the skull of his former ninth life?

Talking back to Sun Wukong!

He was ready to kill the river demon when he mentioned the stick.

At this time, Sun Wukong saw Jin Chanzi coming up.

He stepped aside and looked at Jin Chanzi’s methods.

At this time, Jin Chanzi’s buddha light appeared.

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