Chapter 135

as predicted!

The colorful holy light gradually dimmed, and Kong Xuan’s figure still used the technique of transforming the rainbow to the Liu Ers.

In these times of confinement in Taixutian, Kong Xuanke did the two Insights of Yin & Yang.

After all, with his five-color light, Five Elements has become perfect, and it is easy to reverse Yin & Yang.

And what he did just now is enough to see the gap between him and the four Yuanshis!

“Big brother.”

Master! ”

Liu Er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to mention the gathering of the three saints, as long as Kong Xuan is present.

At the beginning of their trip, they must have returned without doing anything.

One for defense, can be invincible!

All the attacks of the same Realm have been digested and cannot be broken!

How about Rao’s tyrannical force of destruction? After all, it is still Sage Realm’s method.

As long as it hasn’t surpassed Kongxuan Realm, it has become Hunyuan Avenue Sage.

Don’t even think about breaking this peacock! The Four Saints at this time have no time to manage these.

Guided by the power of the four Five Elements rules, countless offensives are coming towards them.

Taishang is not incapable, but Xuantu’s situation is still not good. Immediately several other people gathered again and evolved the Zhuxian Sword Array to resist together.

After all, it is one of the best attack formations. Even if there is water to hold it, gold can break it, fire invades, and soil does not break.

But when the sword formations gathered, they were still invincible and could not be defeated steadily, but even if they entered and exited, they couldn’t reach the Four Saints and a half.

“It’s the Four Saints, it’s still not so easy to deal with.”

Kong Xuan looked like he was watching a play, and he simply lay down directly on the ground, playing with the peacock.

“Big brother.”

If not, let me move my muscles and bones?

Yellow Dragon fiddled with his huge dragon head, and looked over, quite speechless.

“It’s true that I can’t beat it if I want to. You can do it and lie down. Did you see my rolling eyes?

Waiting for you. ”

“When Yunxiao comes, let’s settle the ledger with them.”

Don’t forget what the master said!

The Yellow Dragon closed his mouth suddenly, but the dragon’s head twisted.

Looking at the four Yuanshi’s eyes, there was a strong killing intent!


In the end, it is Zhu Xian Sword Formation, which is extraordinary.

It didn’t take a moment to disintegrate Kong Xuan’s methods.

But looking back, the four people have exploded!

“We are in a life and death battle!”

What do you mean by lying down?

In the beginning, they can not wanting face, but it does not mean that they can disregard Sage’s dignity!

How can I tolerate being so despised by Kong Xuan?

Children are so rampant? !

“Today, it must be punishable!”

Leading a machete hundreds of feet. No, the three-foot-long Slaughter Sword, Yuan Shi went to Kong Xuan.

“I have a bad temper.”

The same is true for Taishang, but he is more sensible than Yuanshi.

I don’t need a sword formation, I’m afraid it’s not a fool?

In an instant, Sword Qi swayed out, and the phantom alone was more than a thousand feet away.

They have changed their strategy, that is, they want to talk about Kong Xuan bombing and killing.

The next moment, this giant sword is divided into two parts, two parts and four uselessly turned into countless sword shadows.

They lined up with each other, and they covered the day.

“That’s right.”

Kong Xuan is still calm.

He has his own support.

Presumably, it’s time to do it!

After Tongtian stepped into the Bodhi formation, he severed his contact with the outside world.

It’s not thorough, he still knows the situation of Chaos Clock, and he also knows the situation of Liu Er and others and the arrival of the Three Sages.

It’s just that there is no way to make a difference. However, he is not easy.

In the Bodhi array, except for the giant tree Bodhi that covers the sky. The roots crisscrossed beneath it, the smallest, are as large as tens of feet.

It’s not difficult to move, but it’s just too careful.

“Tongtian! Enter my Bodhi array alone, today, don’t want to leave!”

These two bald guys have so many words!

Holding the Qingping sword, Tongtian is not afraid. However, the surrounding scenery will change instantly in the next second.

The already misty environment immediately became a situation where he could not see his fingers.

The grievances rushed out, and hostility filled the world. After all, it is the brightest and the darkest!

Who could have imagined that in this Buddhism apologetic array, it was all demons and demons that were suppressed.

And it feels hostile, I’m afraid that killing is not a minority.

What a buddha. Although shocked, Tongtian has not yet reached the point of panic.

At this time, a giant claw that was darker than the black mist suddenly hit him.

Wherever it swept, even the ghosts, monsters, and evil creatures were killed mercilessly.

Good coming!

The inability of others to see things does not mean that the sky cannot be seen.

You know, he, who is always in the kendo, has already achieved the point where the sword is the center of the eye. Rao has a clear view of what the outside world is like.

First cut, cut off this giant claw offensive, and cut off the entire giant claw directly!

The second newest, shot laterally, Sword Ray.

Suddenly volleyed and cut off the huge beast behind this giant claw.

The third cut is like a sword cut but not a cut, like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves. After one slash, the thick fog of five fingers disappeared, and the next second was swallowed by countless Sword Rays.

After that, it turned into nothingness.

Bodhi illusion?

But so, it’s not over yet!

Tongtian has long been looking at the extreme evil and charm of the underground, but the golden crown of the Bodhi giant tree is uncomfortable.

Qingping sword, kill!

As the treasure of the heavens, Qingpingjian can be said to have been in harmony with him.

Coupled with the fact that Tongtian is a sword repairer, the power is even more extraordinary!

Although it has had an impact in this battle, does it count?

Not counting!

After this “kill” shout, Qing Pingjian showed an extraordinary edge.

Yuan Shi and others relied on the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array to evolve and destroy.

But he doesn’t need it!

In an instant, even though he was in the big formation, with the Qingping Sword’s sword move, it had already broken the shackles of the big formation.

Afterwards, the power of destruction exploded.

Gathering in the entire sword body, within ten feet of its surroundings, except for the sky, there is nothing else!

Completely shattered!

It’s just a simple slash that is overwhelming!

This is really how Sword Ray shattered in a flash, where the sword hit the mountain and the sea.

Acting on the Bodhi Tree, from top to bottom.

At this moment, everything was frozen, but in the next moment, the golden light of Bodhi Tree began to dim.

Within the breath, where is there any golden light?

The rest is gray and gloomy. Crown, trunk, roots.

Going down one by one, a cross section that divides it in half is revealed. The golden light is no longer, and even the ghostly dense fog in the roots of the tree, the illusion of all colors has disappeared.

This is just a slash of power, and it can cut through the world and slash this huge Bodhi.

However, there are still weird places. It is this Bodhi has been destroyed, but Tongtian has not been able to escape!

Tongtian, didn’t you expect it?

“Bodhi’s big array, how can it be as simple as you think!”

The sound of the lead was heard, and Tongtian frowned.

It seems that they are still underestimated.

In the roots of the tree that had just been cut off, countless souls, billowing black smoke hit again.

Can you come? Then come and kill as many!

Xiaoxiao means, Tongtian disdains to use it.

He can wander freely in this predicament with a single sword.

It will be afraid of these lonely ghosts!

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