Chapter 134

To be honest, the anger in his heart is not weaker than Yuan Shi. Many cultivators of Buddhism died, almost to the point where the oil was exhausted, and it was impossible for him not to be angry. Otherwise, Muslims will not prepare to apologize for formation, the Bodhi formation.

You know, this is not the Bodhi array that Ananda forcibly summoned at the beginning.

There is not only blessing and Purdue power. The power of killing is not weak.

Didn’t see it was just an unfinished situation, already tens of thousands of miles deep?

Among them, Bodhi’s ability to change is even richer. Bodhi repairs the mind of Buddha, and Bodhi formation corresponds to the mind.

The roots of the trees in the array are intertwined, which can be described as intricate.

There is golden light everywhere, and the holy prestige is infinite. There was dense smoke below, and the gangsters thought.

What is the heart-wrenching one!

The Bodhi Array is one of the best phantom arrays in this world.

If the Dao heart is uncertain, as long as you go deep into it, you will be unable to extricate yourself and lose your way.

If a person is stricken by karma, just being illuminated by the golden light, it will burn the heart like a fire, and will not want to live. If you are a person with a shallow blessing, just step in and the ghosts and charms will strike immediately, endless, until the smoke disappears. Each person has his own way of living.

In this formation, each has its own way of death.

With Qingping sword in hand, Tongtian smiled to see the two of Jiying and Zhunti.

If the sword repairers in the world are judged, the six ears who turn to repair swords are estimated to be in the top ten.

But to talk about the first person, it must be through the sky.

With a sword, people can travel in the wild. This is the confidence of Tongtian. Without hesitation, he glanced at the state of Chaos Clock, and it was still very good.

He walked in bursts without looking back.

However, to be honest, Liu Er and others are not in a good condition.

The Eight Treasure Merit Pond has only recovered its injuries and magic power, but its strength is still being cut off.

At least 40%. It cannot be said to be insignificant. Coupled with the sharp pain that comes from using Magic power, even the six ears are determined, but the pain can’t get worse.

Pain does not want to live, it should be so.

No, it’s not so good! Liu Er thought like this.

After all, he has heaven and earth, and the Huang Linglong pagoda can resist. But Qiong Shi and Bi Xiao are the exceptions of Liantai and Wufangqi.

Neither Hunyuan Jindou nor Jinjiao Scissors can resist. Go on like this, not to mention the pain they have suffered.

This Xiantian five consecutive and five square flags must also be broken!

“Nuwa, you are alone in the southern part of the flame flag, you have twenty-four Dinghaizhu in your body, and it will not dry up easily compared to Magic power.”

Shi Ji, you pull out and replace Bi Xiao’s position.

You will be in charge of the Oriental Qinglian Baoseqi and the ten second rank good fortune Qinglian.

“Bishi, you and Qiong Xiao will stay in the center together. The two will replace each other. Don’t bear it alone!”

Although Bi Xiao and the two were reluctant to deal with this arrangement, it was their condition that caused others to suffer.

But now it can only be so.

However, just in this short period of time, when it can even be said that the time is adjusted, abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Magic Treasures belongs to the alternation, after all, there is a moment of no ownership.

If this situation is normal, it’s okay, but you must know that Liu Er and them are the Four Saints!

Even if it changes rapidly, it is extremely clear in their eyes.

“Caught it!”

Yuan Shi even disregarded the guardian power of the Chaos Clock and took advantage of the Zhuxian Sword Array. The Three Jewels Ruyi Scepter, who had just been sacrificed by the palm of the hand, killed him.

This sword can be described as cutting through the sky.

Not to mention that Liu Er and others didn’t react, even the surrounding air and the earth. Even the rules, luck, and even everything on the wild land did not react.

The power of Sage, it should be so.

Suddenly, the Xiantian five lotus and five square flags formed an array, as if being hit by someone.

Qinglian shattered and the banner was sad.

The world mourns for it, and all the creatures mourn. After all, Chaos Qinglian is the mother of all things.

But still helpless, powerless.

For this strike, Yuan Shi also stubbornly resisted the offensive of a Chaos Clock, and suffered a lot of damage.

But innocuous, his goal has been achieved! To be honest, this is really not to blame for Liu Er’s decision-making mistakes.

If it weren’t like this, the five big formations would eventually be broken. Maybe in the next second.

At that time, Wuliantai. Wufangqi returned to the hands of a few people, although it was not a major problem.

But in a short period of time, it is definitely impossible to call out a big formation. And Liu Er and others, this time is also completely exposed in front of a few people.

They were all seriously injured, but none of them bowed their heads, and none of them suffered from panting.

“Oh? Is it still like this when I die?” When Yuan Shi said this, he was extremely frantic.

However, he does not delay, one more second, one more change!

After speaking, he immediately rushed towards the six.

Taishang, Xuandu, and Guangcheng are all like this.

Even if you die, it will not be what you want.

There was a violent sound in the six ears, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Xiantian low-grade Lingbao appeared.

Shoot towards the four people. Thought it was in vain? If it is an offensive, it must be in vain.

Sage can ignore the power of Xiantian’s low-grade Lingbao.

However, Liu Er wants more than that!

This billions of punishable immortal swords came out. Some are fierce, they are killing!

But more is absolutely absolutely. Liu Er knew that the billions of immortal punish swords were still useless even if they were pierced.

But, all sword repairs. Isn’t that the one who sacrificed his life?

What he wanted was to let this billion-thousand-thousand-thousand immortal sword explode.

Blew up.

Although it was given to him by Zhang Qing, it does not lose their power to become the last absolute sound.

Although it was him after the self-destruction, Qiong Xiao and others were definitely a fate of death and death.

However, as long as the Four Saints can be seriously injured, these are all worthwhile.

Since the founding of Honghuang, no one has been able to cause four Sages to be seriously injured by virtue of his quasi-saint status.

If it is out, it can only be from my substitute teacher. Liu Er had already made the determination to die at this time.

How about death?

It is worth it to be able to win many serious injuries to the enemy.

How could Yuanshi and others fail to guess Liu Er’s calculation?

However, it is too late! Can only desperately kill him before it is launched, while offering their respective defensive spirit treasures.

Tai Chi Figure, Ruler, Three Jewels Ruyi Scepter.

But just when a few people are about to pierce the six ears, the six ears are starting to explode.

Four swords fell from the sky.

Not only did the four Yuanshi retired, but also fixed Liu Er no matter the original spirit or body.

Nothing can be done.

You guys, dare to move me to teach Head Teacher.

Dare to kill my acting teacher brother?

Dare to punish me for teaching disciples?

I am afraid that I have forgotten the power of teaching on my behalf.

After talking here, it seems that the Holy Spirit has come out.

The colorful light originates from the sky and shoots directly onto the entire land. Then it didn’t stop, and then Yin & Yang two qi overflowed.

It is a hundred times stronger than Daddy’s Tai Chi Tu.

Straight down into the battlefield. Yuan Shi and the others, who had been repelled by the four swords that descended from the sky, retreated dozens of miles because of it.

But the six ears in the center didn’t even feel the slightest. It is enough to show the mastery of Yin & Yang’s power.

In this predicament, the only ones with such strength are the Yin & Yang demon gods when the chaos first opened.

And because of its incarnation Yin & Yang ancestors.

Only one person is the master teacher, one by one, Kong Xuan!

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