Chapter 125

The high-end ones are the Samsara Array, such as the Five Sides and Ten Territory Lore Array, and the Holy Spirit All-Exterminate Samsara Array.

Rao is in the predicament, and all the famous Zhuxian sword formations exist.

And there is more than one edition, there are three editions!

Even Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm can perform it.

Of course, it is just a simplified version of Zhuxian Sword Array!

But it is also extraordinary!

“Master, you deserve to be Master!!”

So, on this side came out and went all out.

Fang didn’t care, even eagerly.

Almost a month has passed.

It’s about to usher in the time of competition!

“Uncle Master, what do you think is the inking of this interpretation and Buddhism? It’s been a month, and it’s not coming. I’m almost suffocated by staying in the gate of the mountain!”

Nezhachu was holding a fire-pointed spear, and asked Yang Jian with the universe circle in his hand.

Somewhat unhappy.

Previously, he thought that there would be several battles with Shiji’s lower boundary. But I didn’t expect to be called here afterwards except for the previous one.

This may be seriously inconsistent with what he expected.

No hurries?

If not, will you and I have a try? Yang Jian raised his eyebrows and looked at Nezha.

Of course Nezha turned his head consciously.

What to fight? Are you looking for abuse?

Nezha was also wondering, Yang Jian, to be honest, didn’t take much longer than his own introduction.

But not only was his senior uncle, but he was also much stronger than himself.

You know he has four Magic Treasures, all of which are extraordinary. But it was because of Yang Jian’s strength that Wanfa was broken, and a black nose and face were swollen.

“I won’t fight!”

Muttering, Nezha is even more depressed.

This guy knows how to smash me every day, and has the ability to talk to Uncle Nuwa?

“Haha, you kid, this is…”

Halfway through, Yang Jian stopped, and after some induction, he looked at Nezha again.

There was a frenzy in both eyes at the same time! The people of Chanjiao and Buddhism have arrived at Yujing Mountain!

Hoping for the stars and the moon, these people can be regarded as coming.

But before the two of them left, a magnificent voice spread throughout Yujing Mountain.

“I teach middle-aged people, don’t go out at will. If you don’t do your job, you can do your own thing. Don’t take action without my order!”

The voice reverberated, and it was the six ears.

But don’t care how magnificent and domineering this voice is, it can be seen from Yang Jian and Nezha.

It was undoubtedly pouring himself a basin of cold water.



Let’s take my circle of heaven and earth.

It’s better to frustrate my little nephew.

“Brother Randeng, this seems to be wrong!”

Under the leadership of Ran Deng, people from the Buddhist and Buddhist schools have rushed to the outside of Yujing Mountain. However, there is no substitute teacher in sight.

Except for a mountain monument and the old man sweeping the floor. But this old man is also an Earth Immortals Cultivation Base.

Is the teacher joking? Faced with the question of Yuding real person, Ran Deng didn’t know how to answer.

However, somehow standing behind the bird crushing more than ten thousand people, how can Burning Lantern say that I don’t know? He didn’t answer directly, he first transmitted the message to Yuan Shi, and waited for his response.

Yuan Shi received the sound transmission of Randeng too.

As Sage, there is no need for him and Jiuying and others to participate in the war in the early stages. Otherwise, it is indeed a little lost.

But attention must be indispensable, and he also found out what was wrong with Yujing Mountain in the first place.

“This time, is it the tactics of the people in the substitute education?” But Yuan Shiyou immediately rejected this idea.

Maybe other sects will use this trick. However, it is completely unnecessary to teach on behalf of the figure and strength.

But why?

Undecided, Yuan Shi even used Divine Sense to sweep the old man who was only sweeping the Earth Immortals Cultivation Base several times.

“If it doesn’t, I’ll just let the disciples attack the mountain directly.” The guide didn’t think much about it, but felt that it was a substitute teacher that really humiliated the two teachers.

Immediately I couldn’t help it, and wanted to let all the immortals attack.

Maybe it was the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation and the Six Soul Banner that gave him courage.

Yuanshi immediately stopped hesitating!

“Burn the lamp, just go and attack.”

“Since there are people who are afraid of the head and tail, why don’t I wait in a hurry?” Although Yuan Shi still felt wrong, but he could only agree.

After all, attacking Yujingshan must have a large formation to resist it, which is not wise. But if it drags on, I am afraid that there will be other changes.

“Good!” Ran Deng heard this and immediately ordered Wanxian and Wanfo to advance.

At this moment, the old man sweeping the floor moved. It’s just Earth Immortals, but not afraid of the coercion of the people who burned the lamp, watching Wanxian point to the four-character stone stele referring to Tianxingdao.

This stone stele is the one just said to stand on the mountain pass. Apart from this, the old man has no other actions.

Say nothing, then walk away.

Burning a lantern to watch his actions really felt a bit weird.

“On behalf of the sky.”

He was stunned on the spot for a moment, as if thinking of something. But he stopped, but everyone in Wanxian didn’t stop.

Still use many methods to attack the gate.

One by one, they rushed across the stone monument and entered the Yujing Mountain Boundary.

This scene is spectacular.

Thousands of immortals flew across the sky, or rode tyrannical mounts; or sacrificed Magic Treasures, or filled with immortality.

It can be said that the whole army is attacking!

This scene was seen during the battle between Dragon Wind and Lich. Just when nearly half of the people went in, Tan Lan suddenly reacted.

Immediately, Fuxian, Manjusri, Cihang and Shen Pact were stopped in secret.

The old team can’t be left behind.

Because if you step into this stone monument, like this mountain gate, it will be completely changed. He explained that the more than ten thousand immortals of Buddhism and Buddhism are the ones abandoned by Heavenly Dao!

“Brother Randeng, why stopped me to wait?” Puxian asked loudly without knowing the reason.

Although he planned to apostasy and go to Buddhism. But now the two religions alliance, he can not transfer now.

And because people have a temper, he also wants to avenge Shiji!

“Hey, it’s like a lead, it’s swollen!”

“Do you know what this monument really means?” Burning the lantern was also out of anger. He saved your life, but is still unhappy?

“If I step through it with a weapon, it will be heaven-defying! Purpose!”

The stone tablet is engraved with the four words “Evangelism”, which can be described as the Heavenly Dao method.

“This is the result of being abandoned by Heavenly Dao, presumably, this is the calculation of the teacher!”

Burning the lantern was also a little angry.

After all, he is the commander of the Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, and it is definitely impossible to escape.

Otherwise, he has not yet been judged by the person who replaced the teacher. It is estimated that he would have to die in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.

“Then what should I do?” Shen Gongbao also discovered this and immediately asked.

Although he is not one of the leaders of the ten directions, it is about his own life after all.

The best way now is to wait. Waiting for the people of the generation to come and face off outside the stele.

But it was too late to find out. Nowadays, most people have entered Yujing Mountain.

“As the commander, I can only go up. However, I can put away my weapons and try not to shoot as much as possible during the whole process. As long as there is no life worry, let others kill. This can be regarded as a way to cover up. .”

But helpless, it had no choice but to do so.

Just when several people received Magic Treasures and returned to their respective directions.

In the Yujing Mountain, there was finally some movement.

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