Chapter 124 Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas

“This formation can be described as an all-out formation.”

“This formation can be led by ten people and one in the middle. It also coincides with the number of apprentices I am waiting for. The person led by the ten-party offensive is led by my teaching Ran Deng, followed by the other two generations of disciples. As I said earlier , Long-ear Dingguangxian is in the center, and with the power of the six soul flags, it restrains several super-powerful people from teaching on behalf of others.”

It is also just right. With the addition of burning lamps, there are exactly ten!

The lead nodded, but there is still something unknown!

This formation is called Ten Thousand Immortals and Ten Thousand Buddhas, so what is the use of the other disciples?

After all, this name is not good enough, as if it were only just now, it is not enough to convince the lead.

Ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas not only lie in the ten directions, but also in these ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas!

Ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas are universal numbers, but the more people there are, the better. ”

“In this array, but there are arrays in the array, the arrays are connected.”

“Tai Chi, Liang Yi, and Four Elephant formations are all available. The Mingwang formation, Huasheng formation, and Tianlei eight-tone formations of Buddhism are still available. The most important thing is that the ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas in the formation are connected by life and death.”

“With the aura of the profound door that I teach everyone, plus the aura of your Buddha and Taoism. It is enough to reach the state of interdependence between life and death and endless life. There is no super deadly magic power, and it will not. Death. Even if it is fatally wounded, it will not lose its combat effectiveness for an instant.”

Once the Yuanshi words were finished, the old god was in general.

Watching the response of quasi-raising and picking up.

All are shocked.

Just kidding, this is what Yuanshi spent many days thinking about.

In fact, the reason for being able to achieve “endlessness” is not because of the aura of saving and profoundness.

It’s Blood Qi by Devil Dao. It can be gathered and used again to ensure the safety of everyone.

However, it can only be said in this way.

“Okay, when the time comes, I have to bother you to tell me about this formation. Yuanshi Fellow Daoist, I ordered this and ordered my Buddhists to count them all. With this array of ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddhas, the teacher must be the one who loses. Aside!”

Yuan Shi nodded silently, and informed the formation of the same reason.

Everything is ready, just use the practice, you can decide the victory and defeat with the teacher!

It’s completely different from Yu Qingtian’s rigorous waiting and intense discussion!

Yujing Mountain where the substitute education is located. It can be said that there is no reaction at all.

It’s a bit too much to say that there is no response, but it’s still a bit. In other words, most of them are treated as if they were called back and had a party.

Don’t say it, I’m very happy.

“Hey, your kid was still so big when he started teaching, now, um~ it’s four feet long.”

Nezha looked at the man in front of him with a black line.

If it weren’t for the same substitute teacher, he would have stabbed it with a musket. I saw Yang Jianzheng looking at him innocently.

I have to say that Yang Jian didn’t have the previous sturdy image in front of his own people at all. Turn to the incarnation of stunned gods, the king of mouths.

This four feet is really too much!

Do you blame me for being tall?

“Nuwa, you are a lot better than the last time you met. Well, Cultivation Base has also improved.”

Bi Xiao spoke to Nuwa like a Big Sister.

As the smallest of the three reals, you can also find the feeling of making a big sis in Nuwa.

It’s just that Nuwa didn’t recognize it, and rolled his eyes.

Others don’t know, she still doesn’t know the personality of this uncle in her own family?

But he is more violent than himself, the one who speaks the same.

But what can she do?

The same scene happened in every corner of the generation education. Whether it’s the second or third generation of disciples, or just a doorman who just stays in a substitute education to serve.

There is no point of nervousness.

Most of them are pulling old friends who haven’t seen them for a long time, chatting, sipping tea, and discussing the truth.

Interpretation? Buddhism?

Come here, what do you care about him?

In fact, Liu Er called back all the disciples who were practicing outside.

There is not much meaning to want it to fight.

The more reason is that they are worried that they will be defeated by interpreters and Buddhists, and they will die for no reason.

He tells the truth.

To put in one’s eyes.

After all, the venue for this competition is Yujing Mountain!

The home court of his substitute teacher shouldn’t arrange them clearly?

But he thinks so, but others are not!

No, after hearing the news, Heaven Court, cut off the teachings, and Wa Huangtian sent people.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and the Golden Wind are right in front of him. Heaven Court Shiji and Nuwa are both great emperors, and they have mentioned them.

Even Xikun, who was ordered by Heavenly Dao to fail, said that he would send manpower to help on behalf of the teacher.

Can I use it as a substitute?

Need not!

“Liu Er Head Teacher, Chan Sect and Buddhism, although they are all badly injured, they are two major sects after all. It’s just that you are fighting on behalf of the teacher, which is somewhat different.”

“You don’t want your disciples to die too much.”

To be honest, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is also puzzled. What’s wrong with the six-eared macaque, it looks like it doesn’t get any oil or salt.

It seems that they have cut off their teachings and posted them upside down!

If it hadn’t been for Tongtian’s order, she would have left after knowing that Liuer had rejected Shiji’s proposal.

“Jin Ling Head Teacher, why bother with this. This time I am teaching on behalf of me, but I did a test first, so how can I find allies again? You see, the weather is good today, what do you think?”

Do not give Jin Ling too much reaction time.

Liu Erduan sat down and poured a cup of tea for Jin Ling and Jin Feng.

This tea is picked from the Babao Liuli tea tree. Although it is not the top ten Spiritual Roots of Xiantian, it is also extraordinary. It has the effect of nourishing the mind and returning to the Yuan Qi Condensation.

“Moreover, this tea is very beautiful like colored glaze. The two fellow daoist took advantage of the opportunity to rank first in such a good weather.”

As an exquisite monkey, Liu Er did live out Realm.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and Golden Wind also understood what he meant. The operation of avoiding the left and right in this way is also obvious enough.

The two of them stopped talking, and followed Liu Er to taste the tea.

On the other side, there is Jiang Ziya, the only busy person of the previous teacher who is able to calculate.

He hurried back from Chaoge, and was sent by Liuer to get acquainted with the many formations and their magical functions in Yujing Mountain.

After all, Liu Er is a Head Teacher and it is impossible to lead the team by himself.

And there are people to be targeted.

Jiang Ziya is now experiencing a lot of happy troubles!

He has excellent formation talent, but it was more related to Ascension’s strength before, which was somewhat ignored.

This time, I can come into contact with many formations of Yujing Mountain.

For him, it is still very happy. However, it slowly changed the taste.

At first it was curiosity, then it turned into consternation, and then it became excited. Then it became helpless, bitter net, and shocked Deva.

Oops, my mother!

This formation is also awesome! It made Jiang Ziya speak a few words of hometown.

Now he is really obsessed with formation and unable to extricate himself.

Not to mention the basic formations of the Four Elephants, the Sinking Immortal Formation and the Shijue Formation are not considered strong here. It can only be said to be so-so.

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