Chapter 102

Until this moment, everyone suddenly reacted. The scene before co-authoring was indeed pretended!

What a good honey that can’t talk about, after all, it’s two green tea Sage who are torn each other!

“The woman is terrible, Sage is terrible, the woman who became Sage is terrible.”

Shi Dianluo and Mandu Ghost King wiped the sweat from their heads in the drama!

“Enlighten Hou Tu Sage, Wa Huang Sage.”

Seeing that the scene was wrong, the ghost king spoke cautiously.

In the next second, Tu and Wa Huang put the teacup in his hands on the table at the same time, then put on a smiled expression and looked at him at the same time, and asked in unison, “What’s the matter? Even though I am a mother. !”

Di Jiang Haoxuan did not directly laugh and pee.

Even when he fought to the death with Emperor Juntai, he had never felt the fear of one in ten thousand now!

“Well, when I see Houtu Sage is over, I will… leave first, and the two Sages will tear it slowly, why not! Speak slowly!”

Originally, after hearing Houtu’s will, he said that it was a rare occurrence that Nuwa bowed his head for the first time. Let them come and watch the excitement!

Just look at this scene, if you let them continue to stay. I’m afraid it’s a bit bad!

Sage tears up, the ghost knows what will happen next.

I also know what these two Sages will shake when they tear. If you don’t pay attention, you know some amazing secrets. Or seeing something that shouldn’t be seen. I’m afraid that it’s not good, and it’s easy to get into trouble with the upper body. What’s more, now I watch Nuwa lower his head.

So many years of hatred between the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan. It can be regarded as a slight compensation.

If you continue to stay, it is to watch Sage’s jokes again. If this is what a Sage hates. It is because of this that Sage will calculate it in the future. This is not worth the gain!

The interest has already been repaid.

What is the solution to the grievances of the Lich Monster Race? It depends on the emperor Wa and Hou Tu. The result of the discussion between these two Sages is that Sage is already hungry and thirsty for the big sword in the hands of Houtu! Seeing Dijiang and others retreat.

Emperor Wa, expressionless, did not say a word. After all, this witch clan is not in her control.

Although Di Jiang politely asked him to resign, but he couldn’t overstep it! Besides, everything depends on Houtu’s own performance.

“Never mind! The things in the Netherworld are also busy, and you really can’t get away, so let’s retreat first!” Houtu smiled faintly, and raised his hand to let everyone retreat!

“It just so happens that the official also has some personal matters to talk to the Emperor Wa!”

“The ministers retire!”

Where did the witches dare to delay. Said busy and respectfully.

“Golden Spirit, Netherworld Palace is also the dojo of Hou Tu Sage, and Six Paths of Reincarnation is the root of the prehistoric. It is a rare opportunity, so why don’t you go around!” Seeing a group of witches leave, the Wa Huang clan was also indifferent. ‘S opening gave an order. Jin Ling heard this, just about to retreat.

Unexpectedly, this Hou Tu smiled, and said again:

“Don’t! My Netherworld Palace is here, there is nothing to look at! If Jin Ling wants to see, there is a chance to see it!” Houtu raised his hand with a smile, and pulled Jin Ling down beside him. Said quite happily.

“It’s Jin Ling. It is said that I have a lot of incense for teaching on behalf of me. This is the first time I saw it in this palace, but it is for me to take a good look!” The Jin Ling body is the Golden Winged Wind Phoenix, but it is. The former Elder of the Phoenix clan.

It is said that it is the third generation teacher Sage, the current patriarch of the Fenghuang clan, the elder of Kong Xuan! Houtu’s words are half true. Although there are half of the reasons.

It is because of the incense of Kong Xuan and Jin Ling. Houtu left this golden spirit.

But there are also a large part of the reason. Still Hou Tu doesn’t want to be alone with Nuwa!

Sometimes, when people talk less, it is easy to say things too straightforwardly. The final result is that if something is said, it is forgotten.

Besides, why this Nuwa also took the initiative to come to apologize. If there is no one around watching this, what kind of apologize is it! He told all the witches to retreat, already giving enough Nuwa Face.

Now that even the last person who witnessed has been driven away, the lack of energy in this move also has her deep meaning.

But where did Jin Ling know this, and where did he see this scene. Suddenly he was confused.

The teacher’s order on one side and Hou Tu on the other side.

Time doesn’t know whether he should stay or leave.

“Well, if that’s the case, Jin Ling, you stay. It’s a good thing to accompany the teacher to chat with this Houtian Sage!” Jin Ling didn’t know the inside story.

But the Emperor Wa didn’t know the purpose of this Hou Tu. Seeing Jin Ling’s dilemma and ignorant expression!

The Emperor Wa had to curse secretly in his heart. Then he squeezed out a smiling face and said faintly.

After hearing this, Jin Ling respectfully bowed to the two of them!

“That’s right!”

After hearing the words, Houtu smiled and flipped his palm slightly.

One is filled with three golden stars, on a tray with Kowloon surrounding Medicine Pill. Appeared in her hands.

“Speaking of speaking, it’s the first time I have seen Jin Ling. There are three Medicine Pills here. Although you are already a late stage of the big Luo Jinxian, you can still use it! I will give you a meeting gift!”

What Houtu said was light.

But after seeing the Medicine Pill that Houtu took out, Jin Ling’s eyes straightened suddenly. For a while, I don’t know if I should pick up this tray or not!

Not only her, but even the Emperor Wa after seeing the Medicine Pill that Houtu took out. There was also a flash of surprise in his eyes, and it was not just because of the precious Medicine Pill in front of him.

But after seeing this Medicine Pill, I remembered a bad memory!

“Senior Nephew Houtu is so generous! Senior Brother Taishang’s Nine Cycles Gold Core was used as a meeting gift.”

Nine Cycles Gold Core!

Even if it is the grand old man who refined this Medicine Pill. I cherish this baby very much too!

Even when he saw the “Man of Destiny” Shen Huan, he gritted his teeth before taking out one! Give it to Yuanshi Tianzun as a great favor!

But in the eyes of the cultists, this Nine Cycles Gold Core is not a great thing. Houtu even took out three in one breath. Give this golden spirit a meeting gift!

With this majestic handwriting, even the old gentleman Taishang saw this scene. I’m afraid I have to make distressed eyelids jump!

But this generation of teachers is so bold, Nine Cycles Gold Core gives it away as soon as you give it, and it doesn’t take it seriously. Nuwa knows why.

After all, at the beginning, this was too good to take the Nine Cycles Gold Core as a bet to lose to Qi Feng. She is also present with Nuwa!

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