Chapter 101

In my heart, the resentment of letting the Ten Temples come out of this Hou Tu, watching my own jokes is also a little easier! Until the emperor Wa followed the Ten Temple Yama to the Netherworld Palace, before the Pingxin Palace where Houtu lived.

“I’m going! I took back my previous goodwill for Houtu! What the hell is this!” Looking at Ping Xinguan’s door, standing in a row respectfully.

All the witches and great witch-level underworld judges, the masters, and the bookkeepers only felt that the owner was crazy, and the heart of eating people almost had all the surviving witches of the witch clan at the time of the Lich War. It’s all here! Houtu this is revenge! Chi Guoguo’s revenge! This is to make it clear that the whole witch clan can watch the own joke!

“The ghost king of the capital of the prefecture, meet the emperor Sage, the empress has no boundaries!”

Standing at the head of these great witches, the boss of the witch tribe, the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, the head of the twelve ancestor witches! Now he is the ghost king of the capital of the underground mansion, he who rules the ghosts of the world and commands the ghosts of the world. At the moment, he was wearing an emperor robe, wearing a sword of emperor on his waist, and holding Bai Yugui in his hand.

Smiling and saluting to the emperor Wa.

As he saluted, the great witches behind him did not dare to watch. It was also a respectful salute to the emperor Wa. The rules of etiquette cannot fault a little bit!

But in the depths of his eyes, that schadenfreude smiled to the extreme. No matter how blind this Wa Huang clan’s eyes were, he could still see it.

“You can’t be angry, you can’t be angry, I’m here to talk about cooperation with Houtu today, and I definitely can’t mess around on the land of Houtu!”

“Get up!”

The Wa Huang clan resisted the murderous heart, squeezed out a smile, and made a gesture of exemption! Then he asked blankly, “What are you guys?” Hearing the emperor Wa speaking.

Di Jiang smiled immediately and said respectfully.

It’s so good for Sage to learn that today is our annual meeting with Hou Tu Sage, but I don’t know how Sage will come today. Please forgive me, Sage!

Di Jiang’s words were respectful, but he was full of laughter in his heart. Even the great witches behind him can’t help but laugh!

What do you say to meet Sage, what do you say I don’t know the Emperor Wa will come! Ever since Xuanming Ancestral Witch had known it from Houtu Ancestral Witch.

This Nuwa is about to come to the underworld, put down his body to form an alliance with Houtu, and the Dajiao, even after taking the initiative to represent the demon clan and the witch clan to reconcile! The witch races have long been, hoping for the stars and the moon to look forward to this day. Waiting to watch this good show of Nuwa

No, the Witch family has received the news since the Wa Huangtian left. Come and wait outside Pingxin Palace for the first time! It is true that watching the excitement does not dislike things!

For a moment.

The Wa Huang clan even had the urge to turn his head directly.

No matter what vows he made, and no matter whether this Hou Tu will turn his face. He turned his head and left the Netherworld Palace directly.

Then led the army of Wa Huangtian’s millions, and f*ck f*ck directly with the Nether Mansion. This is too bullying!

I gritted my teeth with great difficulty and made up my mind. Come to this Netherworld Palace, pull your face down and take the initiative to form an alliance with Hou Tu.

In the end, this Houtu was so uninteresting, and organized the whole Wu Clan~ to watch her Nuwa’s joke. Is she Nuwa not wanting face skin? !

Fortunately, the Wa Huang clan still has the last reason, after all, he didn’t say much! Just faceless-nodded emotionally!

“Forgive! Forgive your sins. I don’t know that Shishu came from a long way, and the earth has lost a long way to welcome him. Please also ask Shishu to forgive the sins!” Nuwa was about to be stretched, and he was about to go violently. This Hou Tu also finally closed after seeing it.

With a spring breeze on his face, he smiled and greeted him from Pingxinguan. Seeing the back soil came out, Nuwa felt a little better at last. Putting on a smiley face, he said faintly, “Where did Houtu Master Nephew say! This official is also on a whim today and came to the Nether Netherworld! Take the liberty to come! Please don’t blame Master Nephew!”

Pooh! A contrived woman!

The two female Sages seem to be harmonious on the surface, but in this heart, they are in agreement.

Each spit on each other fiercely, and secretly vomited in unison!

It’s not wanting face, the ten great ancestor witches have already followed your decree to go outside the Netherworld to meet the old lady, but they still have the face to say that I don’t know what I am coming, and there is a loss of distance.

Talking nonsense with your eyes open, even if it is a polite remark, it is a little more realistic! Wa Huangshi smiled like a flower, but there was a burst of anger in his heart. Face to suffer alive!

Obviously you can’t support it by yourself. Look for the alliance and find my head. He came to me with great fanfare to form an alliance with me, and he was still holding the elder’s frame. What a temporary motive!

Nezha Xiafan already knows how to make soy sauce, okay! This is called a whim? Houtu also smiled slightly on his face, but there was a wave of contempt in his stomach.

Ten Temple Yama, the ghost king of Fengdu, a group of witches.

Even Qi Feng and Heavenly Dao, who were secretly paying attention to this place, saw this scene before them. I also sighed unanimously! Is it a Sage-level goddess tearing?

Tomorrow Thunder will hook the Earth Fire, wishing to directly choke the other party to death! Actually, it can be so graceful. Sure enough, it is not comparable to an ordinary coquettish existence! If you don’t know this, I saw this scene suddenly. Where would I think about it.

The two in front of them were also deadly enemies before. This is clearly two extremely good honeys chatting! The masters make moves, and it really seems that every move is plain. In fact, it is a hidden murder!

Seeing these two Sages you come and I have a polite conversation with each other. It’s such a short distance from Pingxinguan to the palace. According to Sage’s footsteps, the only thing that can be walked in a flash is the time for two Sages to take a cup of tea! During this period, the two of them talked with smiles.

Congwa Huangtian is in chaos, loneliness and desertedness, and talked about Netherworld Palace in a sea of ​​blood. Although it is lively, the environment is not very good.

Later, I kept talking about whether Sage still needs to maintain his skin, the range of conversation was out of touch, and his tone of voice was harmonious. It is simply breathtaking!

Even Shidianluo and Fengdu Ghost King listened.

It is also a dazed face and a small question mark!

That is, the runner Wang Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch, who is also a woman, can understand a little bit more! I finally arrived at the Great Hall of Ping Xinguan.

Everyone took their seats in order of priority, and naturally the boy stepped forward to offer tea! At the same time that Houtu and the Emperor Wa picked up the teacup. Huh!

I don’t know if it is the illusion of everyone. The smiles of the two men converged at the same time.

It seemed that the smirk on his face was really exhausting. Qi Qi moved his muscles and bones Damn! It really is pretending!

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